30 Things That Are Never The Same After Going Vegan

By Sophie 1 year ago

1. Bacon

image source: reddit.com
Bacon. The thing that puts some people off veganism and vegetarianism. Some people just can't live without it and the alternative is just not the same. It has been likened to the insole of a shoe and we can see why - it just doesn't have the same deliciousness of the real thing!

2. Toilet Habits

image source: reddit.com
Apologies for the gross mental image, but the toilet habits of vegans are rather different than those of meat eaters. With many vegan options being quite gassy, some people complain about what is left behind. On the flipside, some people's guts prefer a vegan diet so their bathroom visits may change for the better!

3. Candy

image source: reddit.com
There are many non-vegan foods that may surprise you, candy being one of them. Most candy contains gelatin which is made from crushed up bits of animal waste; the parts that haven't been used for meat. Also watch out for candies which contain red food coloring as this is made up of crushed beetles. Yikes!

4. Your Breath

image source: reddit.com
This is actually a positive change you may experience when going vegan, as a diet without animal products is said to make your breath smell better. Meat that gets stuck in your teeth is an absolute breeding ground for horrible bacteria, which will lead to stinky breath!

5. Chocolate

image source: reddit.com
It can be quite hard to find nice vegan chocolate, as much of it can taste quite bitter. Unfortunately there is nothing like the real thing so you must be highly dedicated if you choose to change your diet. There are options on the market so let us know if you manage to find a good one...

6. Your Gut

image source: reddit.com
Another benefit to choosing a vegan diet is the effect it has on your gut. Meat can be quite difficult to break down and so your gut may suffer, however a plant based diet can help to keep your gut happy. The prebiotics contained in vegetables supports the gut's bacteria and leads to a better functioning digestive system.

6. The Grocery Shop

image source: reddit.com
Depending on what kind of vegan you decide to be, the weekly grocery shop can either be much cheaper, or much more expensive. You may even find yourself shopping more often as you're likely to buy more fresh fruit and vegetables, so it's best to try and get creative with meal prep in order to keep the price down.

7. Sweetener

image source: reddit.com
Many people like to sweeten things with honey, as it is much healthier and tastier than refined sugar, however that'll need to stop once going vegan! You have to take the term 'animal product' very literally here, as honey is the product made by bees and therefore isn't vegan.

8. Conversations

image source: reddit.com
As the world is geared towards meat eaters, when one vegan meets another there is almost always an instant connection. You will hear them getting excited as they share recipes or food outlets that sell yummy vegan food, and they may even ostracize the carnivores!

9. Halloween

image source: reddit.com
Halloween is a celebration that is covered in candy. Trick or treat, Halloween parties and games; they are all centered around the sweet stuff! Halloween is much different for a vegan as they can't always get involved with everything, unless they throw a Halloween bash themselves.

10. Ice Cream

image source: reddit.com
Everyone loves an ice cream down at the beach, however when turning vegan your options are suddenly miniscule. Not many ice cream parlors have many vegan options, if they have any at all, so it's really a choice between missing out or getting what you're given!

11. Friends

image source: reddit.com
There are many reasons for going vegan, and for some it may be a case of morals. When your morals don't align with another person's then you may decide you don't want to be friends with them any more; either that or they decide they don't want to be friends with a vegan!

12. Anything With Milk!

image source: reddit.com
There are so many things that contain milk that will have to change when going vegan; coffee, hot chocolates, milkshakes, just to name a few. There are many milk alternatives on the market but they taste much different to cow's milk, so unfortunately you may cease to enjoy your regular latte in the morning.

13. Cheese

image source: reddit.com
Another food you'd have to go without that is enough to put people off a vegan diet, is cheese. It's used in so many delicious meals and is great on its own, it's a wonder how anyone can live without it. Again there are cheese alternatives, and there are ways of making cheese out of products like nuts, but they're just not it.

14. Barbecues

image source: reddit.com
Just picture it; a hot summer day, in the yard with your dad at the grill cooking up some tasty, tasty meat products, the smell just oozing through your nostrils as you sit there munching on...a salad. You can't grill anything because the barbecue is covered in meat juices so you have to make do with the food you prepared yourself. Sounds quite sad, doesn't it?

15. Fast Food

image source: reddit.com
You'd probably get laughed out of most fast food joints if you asked for the vegan menu. Even if there are vegan options for you to choose from, it's all cooked in the same fat anyway so you would end up with some cross-contamination. It's best to avoid these places, much to a vegan's dismay.

16. Sandwiches

image source: abillion.com
Sandwiches can be brilliantly versatile, however unless you're making your own or going to a specialist vegan sandwich shop, then you're not in much luck. People often automatically butter the bread so other people's offerings aren't safe, and the options in most shops are usually mediocre. Homemade is the way to go if you want a delicious vegan sandwich.

17. Thanksgiving

image source: reddit.com
A vegan is 'that guy' at a Thanksgiving dinner, as the host will have to cook them a whole different meal to everyone else. As they're serving up a massive turkey in the middle of the table, the vegan guest will probably be hiding in the toilet, away from the carcass.

18. Cake

image source: reddit.com
Unless your at a vegan's party, then the cake is probably not suitable for your plant-based palette. It again means that options become limited as you have to miss out on the main event AGAIN. Like sandwiches, vegan cakes have to be either specialist or homemade, which can be a bit of a challenge.

19. Your Wardrobe

image source: reddit.com
Not consuming animal products is only one branch of veganism, and not wearing animal products is another. If you turn vegan it may be that you have to get rid of half of your wardrobe and all of your leather shoes. This will prove costly when everything needs to be replaced!

20. Food Festivals

image source: thelondoneconomic.com
There are many vegan food festivals nowadays that offer some delicious food and provide some much needed inspiration. The crowd that usually gathers there is much different from the crowd you'd see at a bar and grill festival, for instance; your experience is bound to be a whole lot different!

21. Your Enemies

image source: reddit.com
This isn't to say that everyone has real-life enemies, however it's likely that you do from afar. For instance, many vegans are against animal slaughter, and therefore their enemies will be farmers. Some vegans become activists and so their anger is direct, however it is okay to be passive too, it doesn't make you any less vegan...

22. Christmas

image source: reddit.com
Like many (if not all) of the other holidays, Christmas is centered around food and traditionally has meat as the main feature. This will all change if you become vegan - you may even have to bring your own main meal if the host isn't willing to cook anything else! And make sure you check what the sides have been cooked in; there's not point in having a nut roast with duck fat potatoes.

23. Your Habits

image source: reddit.com
Veganism is a whole lifestyle change, so you have to be prepared to change your habits also. you can no longer just grab a slice of pizza on the go or say yes to every event. Veganism requires careful planning and preparation if you don't wish to go hungry.

24. Fancy Dinners

image source: reddit.com
When you decide to go out for a meal, it can be quite exciting to be surprised by what they have on the menu, however when you're a vegan then you have to consider whether there's even anything for you to eat. There aren't always many options so you need to make sure that you're going to enjoy what they have to offer.

25. Birthdays

image source: reddit.com
Your birthday will change when you become vegan as you will need to let everyone know that your food choices have changed so as not to offend when they give you a cake filled with eggs, milk, and who knows what else! Animal products are in so many things we don't realize so you have to be extra vigilant.

26. How You Cook

image source: reddit.com
If you live alone or you live with other vegans, then your kitchen should be safe from any animal products. However, if you live with meat-eaters, then you all must be super careful not to cross-contaminate. Have your own cooking utensils, and your own shelves to avoid any confusion.

27. How Inquisitive You Are

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You can usually tell a vegan by how long they stand looking at ingredient lists. They spend ages studying the backs of jars to ensure that they're safe to eat, and become experts at telling you what ingredients are in which products. It takes a lot of consideration to be vegan!

28. Interests

image source: reddit.com
A vegan's interests are often wildly different to a meat eater's, as they spend so long thinking about food and where it has come from, that this becomes much of their personality. Meat eaters don't always consider food in this way so they have more space for other interests.

29. Flatulence

image source: reddit.com
Be careful letting one rip if you do decide to go vegan, as you may end up without any friends. Plant-based diets notoriously cause foul-smelling gas as all the goodness in your gut creates some healthy but offensive bacteria which you will eventually release and upset everyone around you.

30. Your Outlook

image source: reddit.com
We're not saying that meat-eaters don't care about their health or the planet, it's just that when a person is thinking about these things at every meal then it is likely to change their outlook forever. If they do ever go back to eating meat then often the guilt will shame them back into a plant-based diet.