30 Things That Are Never The Same After Getting A Grandchild

By Tom Pearson 12 months ago

A New Name - An Upgrade From Mom

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The first and most notable change you are going to experience is getting a whole new name. First you get called Mom or Dad, and now you get called something like Grandma or Grandad. It really makes you realize how incredibly fast time is passing us by.

Your Days Off... Kiss Them Goodbye

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When you reach grandparent age, then you are pretty much ready to retire and start unwinding. However the arrival of a grandchild throws you back into the parenting pot of chaos, and you can pretty much wave goodbye to those relaxing and calm days off.

Christmas - They Reignite The Spark

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Christmas might lose its sparkle a little as you age, but the arrival of some excitable grandchildren is sure to re-spark your love for the holidays. The festive season is so exciting to young children, so we can't help but get wrapped up in the excitement.

Breaking The Rules... Even If The Parents Don't Approve!

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As the grandparent, you earn special permission to break the rules. Feed your new grandkids whatever you want, take them on lavish days out and spoil them rotten. That is what you earn as a grandparent and you should take advantage of it when you can.

Dinner Time Goes Rogue!

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When the grandkids come for dinner, every grand parent knows that the rules go out of the window. Ice cream for dinner becomes a valid option, and chicken nuggets are a must. Your house becomes the treat house, and the kids get to pick whatever they want.

Living For The Moment

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Living for the moment is something that we should all try and do, but modern life can be overwhelming and it sometimes gets a little overlooked. When you have grandkids, you realize how fast your time is passing, and this forces you to live for the now!

School Run - Bet You've Not Done This One For A While!

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If your grandchildren miss the school bus, then guess what? You are the school bus now. Chances are that their parents will be busy with work, leaving you to pick up the pieces and come to the school run rescue. It's no easy feat being a grandparent!

Birthdays - You Tend To Spoil Your Grandchildren More Than Anyone Else!

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Birthdays are always exciting, and getting to see their faces light up reminds you of how excited your children were on their birthday! You get to really spoil them and shower them with presents, just like how you always dreamed your birthdays would be.

Vacations: From Paradise To Chaos!

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Vacations with your kids are always fun, and a great way to treat them. When the grandkids come along, vacations go from being a relaxing trip abroad to a whirlwind of chaos and fun. You never thought you would see a water slide again, yet alone be hurtling down one...

How Old You Feel... A New Lease Of Life!

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Every grandparent will agree with this one, having a grandchild really does put a spring back in your step. They make you feel young and vibrant all over again, just like how you felt when you first learned you were going to step up and be a parent.

Your Love For Them

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You sometimes can't believe how much love you have for these new additions to your life. Your grand children become everything to you, just like when you first became a parent. This feeling only grows with age as you sit by and watch them grow up with your children.

Your Birthday

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Arguably your new grand children will be more excited for your birthday than you will be. Prepare yourself for a massive fuss to be made around the special day, as your home fills up with children and grandchildren ready to celebrate your special day.

How People See You

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Your friends and family may start treating you a little differently now you are a grandparent, but you should enjoy and try and embrace it! Not only will you have the title to match your age, you will be able to act a little more like a crazy grandparent too.

Bonding With Your Grandchild

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Bonding with your grandchildren is similar to bonding with your children. It is sort of the same, but very different. Your grandchildren will see you as a hero from day one, and you get the chance to kind of mold them into a mini version of yourself!

Being Youthful

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When you become a grandparent, you get a new lease of life, and begin to feel really youthful all over again. You might find yourself running around the park or sprite-fully carrying your grandchildren on your back, just like you are 25 all over again!

Learning From Your Grandchildren

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Children are the next generation, so you will learn a lot from your grandchildren if you pay attention to them closely. Your grand children can help you learn how to get to grips with new technology, new experiences and new people. Pay attention to what they have to say!

Telling Stories

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Telling your grand children stories from your youth is a real treat. They get to an age where all they want to do is ask questions, and they will constantly pester you for stories and tales. This is how memories are made, and what they will remember you by.

Their Birthday

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Popping round to see the grandchildren is such a treat. On their birthdays, they get so excited for their chance to see you and show off all their presents. You get the chance to really spoil them and show them how much you love them. Super adorable!

Parenting Nerves

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Everyone who is a parent knows the nerves of that first day. Driving back from the hospital with a brand new human on your lap is understandably scary, but you forget that the nerves come rushing back when your children end up becoming parents themselves.

Your Children Look Like Adults

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When you see your own children become parents themselves, they really start to look like adults. Deep down, you know that they are nervous but doing their best to handle everything. You have been in that position, so you know exactly what they are going through!

Indulging Them

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Getting to indulge and treat your grandchildren is one of the best things about becoming and grandma or granddad. You get to take them to all of your favorite places and treat them to gifts and nice meals. This really is one of the pleasures of the job.

Your Health

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Many grandparents will actually tell you that they saw their health drastically improve once they had grandchildren. You get a new purpose in life and get to almost be a parent all over again. The health benefits are endless, and you will feel so good!

Your Children's Birthday

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Everyone knows the feeling. When you were a kid, you got so excited to surprise your mom or dad when their birthday rolled around. A homemade gift or card was the go to choice, and you get to see the grand kids do what your children did when it was your birthday.

Messy House

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When you retire from work, your house will be the cleanest it has ever been. Get ready for that to be turned on its head when the grandchildren arrive. Young children have a special ability to turn air into mess, and they will be keen to show you the mess making skills.

Early Nights

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I know that when i was a kid, sleepovers at grandmas house were a really exciting prospect. If you are soon to become a grandparent, then you should mentally prepare yourself for the grand kids sleeping over at any and every given opportunity possible! 


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Your grandchildren become the new light of your life. You are of course, still super proud of your children, but arguably you are more proud of the grown ups your grandchildren are becoming. This immeasurable sense of pride is all you can think about, and really lovely!

Your Knowledge

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If you aren't aware, there is a certain type of strength known as grandpa strength. You just think your grandpa is the strongest, smartest and greatest person in the world, and you get the chance to become this oracle of knowledge to your grandchildren.


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As soon as you become a grandparent, you status changes. You grand children of course look up to you, and see you like a real hero. You will also change in the eyes of your children, as you go from more than being just a parent to a role model to their children.

Parenting Do-Overs

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When you first become a parent, there is no training manual and you really end up getting thrown in at the deep end. You make a lot of learning mistakes when you become a parent, and becoming a grandparent gives you a chance to rectify these mistakes.


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As a grandparent, your priorities get flipped on their head. You go from living a quiet, retiree lifestyle, to being thrown in at the deep end, just like you are a parent all over again. The chaos keeps you going and gives you a new spice for life again.