Do not see the bride in her dress before the wedding

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Everyone knows it is terrible luck to catch a glimpse of your wife-to-be in her dress before you meet her at the altar. The superstition may seem like it’s a measure to prevent you from spoiling the surprise, but it actually came from a much shallower place. Back in the day, grooms were forbidden from meeting their future spouse before the wedding in case he thought she was unattractive. Today, it’s mostly to allow a genuine reaction from everyone at the ceremony when the bride walks down the aisle.
Do not try on another man’s wedding ring

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Your buddy just got married, and his wedding ring looks just about your size. What’s the harm in trying it on to see what yours would look like? Some cultures believe it is bad karma to allow another man to wear your wedding ring, as it may bring bad fortune to your marriage and theirs. In case the rumors are true, keep your hands to yourself!
Break a glass or a vase at the altar

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Many religions, such as Judaism, have grooms smash a glass or a vase to punctuate the ceremony. This practice is said to squash all the bitterness, doubt, and sadness you may have carried with you from your single life. With this act, the bride and groom are free to begin their unblemished union and gain abundance.
Avoid spending the night with your bride the day before the wedding

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This is one of the most common wedding superstitions. A groom should avoid sleeping in bed with their bride the night before the occasion. Originally, this stipulation was put in place to prevent the couple from consummating their marriage early, but people have given this gesture a different meaning today. Now, this separation is for having a quiet moment of reflection to kiss your old life goodbye and welcome an eternity with your beloved.
Carry your bride over the threshold

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This adorable gesture was done so a bride would not trip over the entryway of her home or a hotel room as she entered for the first time. It was said that if she tripped, it meant demons were around and would curse the bride and her marriage. So scoop your bride up and make sure her feet don’t touch the ground until you get inside.
Don’t fear the rain

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Rain has the potential to ruin an outdoor ceremony, but according to folklore, it is not such a bad omen for the couple. A drizzly wedding day indicates a lasting, honest marriage. It is also said to bring good fortune and fertility to the bride. Though clouds and wet hair may be part of the equation, a blessed union is totally worth a few muddy shoes.
Cross knives off of your wedding registry

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Knives are known to be a backhanded wedding gift. Superstition says that if a guest gifts your knives for your wedding, they are trying to warn you that your marriage is a bad idea. The knife symbolizes your eternal tie being severed before it’s even begun. Save yourself the heebie-jeebies and weird vibes and request the fancy chef knives as a Christmas present instead.
Marry on a weekday

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Not long ago, you would be surprised to see a couple marrying on a Saturday. Now, people don’t pay much attention to the superstition. Apparently, the weekend is not a fortunate time to get married. Instead, some cultures were insistent on marrying from Monday through Wednesday. Though a weekday wedding may seem odd, this is about how much your guests would love to have a reason to request a day off from work.
Sprinkle in some horseshoe-shaped decor

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Irish weddings are most famous for adding horseshoe-themed decorations to the party. Queen Victoria originally popularized the tradition by having the flower girl carry a horseshoe for good luck. Holding it pointing upwards was thought to attract good fortune and happiness. Contemporary tradition calls for a horseshoe to be given to a bride, but you can also place some as centerpieces or have one hanging in the venue at the altar.
Wear your wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand

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The Ancient Romans are largely responsible for this one. They believed there was a vein that connected this finger to your heart. The ring was a way to keep your loved one close at all times. Most people wear their wedding rings on this hand today, and wearing it any other is seen as illegitimate. This romantic sentiment is what many married couples look forward to most.
Never give your bride a pearl engagement ring

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Pearls are delicate, so they’re not meant for everyday wear. It is easy to damage them and cause them to lose their luster. But, pearls weren’t just seen as a stone that needed to be heavily protected. In regard to weddings, pearls were viewed to be reminiscent of tears and sadness. Stick to tough stones for your engagement, such as the revered diamond.
Consider adding sapphire to the rings

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Sapphire is a beautiful, bright, and slightly uncommon choice for an engagement ring. This stone would definitely set your wedding rings apart from the usual, but incorporating the stone into your jewelry has other purposes outside of beauty. Sapphire is said to bless the wearer with faithfulness and honesty, which are two essential tenets of marriage.
Aquamarine is your wardrobe’s best friend

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Shades of blue are cheerful and calming color choices for a wedding. Aquamarine, in particular, is another stone grooms and brides alike should consider adding to their outfits. A groom can benefit from the good fortune aquamarine cufflinks bring, while brides can sparkle in matching earrings. You can also add this hue to your table linens so all your guests can share in the luck and happiness.
Choose a responsible ring bearer

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Your cat is a cutie, but is he the most responsible being in your wedding party? The rings are an expensive and important part of the ceremony, and keeping them safe is a huge priority. According to the tradition, if the ring drops, it signals burden and betrayal in a marriage. Keep these pieces in a safe place far from the ground and make sure your ring bearer has the claws to keep any saboteurs away from your precious jewels.
Lift your bride’s veil at the altar

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Seeing your bride walk down the aisle can fill you with some pretty intense emotions. But it is lifting her veil and seeing her face that makes everything suddenly feel real. This surprise and delight is why most brides choose to wear a veil in modern times, but back in the day, they didn’t have much of a choice. A veil was required to keep them humble and prevent the groom from running off if he didn’t like her appearance.
Kiss over the wedding cake

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Weddings are all about intimate gestures, and kissing is definitely a major one during the ceremony and reception. The bride and groom will usually kiss over the cake for a photo op and as a means of blessing the pastry with the same abundance and joy they received upon their union. It’s a nice way of spreading wealth and joy, and it’s another way you can show your bride just how much she means to you on your special day.
Cut the inaugural cake slice with your wife

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After the kiss comes the slicing of the cake. Tradition insisted on brides cutting the cake themselves to symbolize their impending loss of virtue. But, this sentiment isn’t so popular in the present. Couples are intended to cut the cake together now. It poses as the first act of their marriage and shows unity. Many couples will feed the first cake slice to each other, or playfully smear the frosting on each other’s faces.
Literally “tie the knot”

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People used to quite literally tie their hands together to show their commitment to one another. This may seem a little extreme, but if you’re a fan of theatrics, this could be a fun way of presenting your union during the ceremony. Of course, the knot isn’t so common now, but when people think of the phrase, they tend to imagine their wedding bands as the knot instead.
Your bride should be to your left at the altar

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Your bride is beautiful, and you’ve probably made some people pretty jealous with her on your arm. This jealousy is the reason for keeping your bride to your left at the altar. Back then, suitors would arrive at the wedding as a last-minute attempt to object to the affair. The groom needed to have his right hand free to defend her owner. So chivalrous, but so unnecessary in the 21st century.
Ring a bell or two

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The ringing of the bells became a positive sign in the Middle Ages. They signified an announcement, which was usually marriage. Bells are now rung at the end of the ceremony, and they are commonly attached to the car the couple leaves the wedding venue in. The bells were also rung to scare away any evil spirits and protect the new couple from ill-will.
Steer clear of yellow roses

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A lot of folks aren’t a fan of the color yellow. This is largely due to the fact that the color used to be associated with covetous behavior, greed, and betrayal. Though pale yellow roses are beautiful, you may be sending the wrong message by having them at your wedding. Blues and pinks are ideal substitute colors to add to your wedding theme.
Freeze the top layer of your cake

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The top layer of the cake should be frozen and eaten on the first wedding anniversary. This fun tradition lets couples relive one of the best days of their lives, and it is a great way to make the most out of the most expensive baked item you’ve ever bought. During an anniversary party, you can share it with your guests, or you can save it for a private moment between you and your wife.
Get the perfect wedding cake topper

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The cake topper should reflect the dynamic and personality of the couple. It could be a straightforward depiction of them, or it could be something more abstract. No matter what you choose, it should always represent what matters most to you in a relationship. The first cake topper was said to be made by a baker for his daughter, who requested something special and awe-inspiring for her own wedding.
Beware flickering candles

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Indian culture claims flickering candles at a wedding indicate evil spirits are around and looking to ruin the festivities. Candles are a romantic addition to a wedding, but if they can detect malevolent spirits, you may think twice about lining your reception hall with them. Then again, wouldn’t you want to know about supernatural beings on your big day?
Say “no thank you” to gifted clocks

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Chinese culture dictates the gift of a clock at a wedding is very bad luck. Clocks signify limits and are ominous symbols. A clock gift foretells the swift end of a marriage before it has begun. This is the last thing you want to manifest for your union. Tell your guests you prefer something more simple and less terrifying, like a food processor or new dinnerware.
Save the spider on your bride’s dress

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Creepy crawly insects may seem like a fitting addition to a Halloween party, but most brides would scream in fear at the sight of one on their wedding dress. Don’t run to her rescue just yet! A spider on a wedding dress is said to be good luck for the couple, so keep your twitching palm to yourself. Allow the arachnid to run free, since it has pretty much granted you an eight-legged blessing.
Embrace the tears

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Seeing your bride cry as she walks down the aisle can trigger tears of your own, but don’t shed them out of sadness. Happy tears from a bride are a good thing! People back in the day thought it to be all the doubt, uncertainty, and sadness of her former life leaving her body as she made her way to you. Welcome the glossy eyes and don’t be afraid to show a little emotion yourself.
Avoid getting married the same year as your sibling

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When your older brother ties the knot, wait a year or two before attempting to do so yourself. Not only will your parents grumble and groan, and your sibling feel betrayed that they won’t be the center of attention, but it may bring awful fortune. Allow your bro the chance to be in the spotlight and wait at least a year for your own nuptials.
Toss the garter belt

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Many grooms are too embarrassed to take this step, but it used to be all the rage. Since brides have the bouquet toss, this was seen as a groom’s rite of passage. It was also a way of sharing marriage luck with the bachelors of the party. Whoever was lucky enough to retrieve it would catch the marriage bug next and propose sooner rather than later.
Encourage your guests to throw rice after the reception

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Confetti is cute, sparkly, and colorful, but rice is a much more environmentally-conscious item for your guests to throw at you as you leave the venue. Throwing rice was seen as guests offering the couple abundance and a multitude of blessings, and the tradition is carried forth today. In other countries, like the Czech Republic, the couple gets peas tossed their way instead.