Do not allow the groom to see your dress before the ceremony

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This is probably the most common wedding superstition around. In the early days, the purpose of the restriction was to prevent the groom from skipping out on the bride if he didn’t like the way she looked. Nowadays, it’s mostly a cut tradition so your groom can get the full effect of your beauty on your wedding day. Keep your dress under wraps until the moment you walk down the aisle! Your husband’s reaction will be worth the wait.
Wear a white dress

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A white wedding dress was originally worn by a bride to symbolize her innocence and purity. This sentiment was popularized during the 15th century when Anne of Brittany married Louis XII of France. Since then, a white wedding dress has become a staple of the ceremony, and many brides feel it is unlucky to have a celebration without wearing white. In modern times, only the bride is allowed to wear white, and it is a big no-no for any other guests to show up in the hue.
Add something borrowed to your outfit

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For this superstition, you can’t borrow an item from just anybody. A bride must borrow something from a person in a happy marriage. This item is commonly a piece of jewelry, such as earrings or a necklace. It is said that this item is a token of good luck and a symbol of a healthy marriage. Avoid wearing anything given to you by someone in a terrible relationship or going through a divorce.
Don’t forget something blue!

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Brides have been instructed for decades to wear something blue as they walk down the aisle. The color blue symbolizes honesty, fidelity, love, and purity, which are said to be some of the most important components of a healthy marriage. Greek tradition claims blue also wards off the Evil Eye, which is a curse placed on a bride to supposedly plague her with infertility. Sprinkle some blue jewels in your hair, or add a pop of color to your white ensemble by wearing blue heels.
Always wear something new

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For the many brides, this “new” item is their wedding dress. However, anything beautiful and new will suffice for this superstition. Purchase a dangling set of diamond earrings, a custom veil, or the perfect pair of shoes for your special day. This new item represents an optimistic future for your marriage. It’s also a great reason to splurge on something you’ve been eyeing for a while now.
Avoid pearls like the plague

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Pearls are gorgeous and classy, but they should not make their way to your wedding venue. Historically, pears were said to represent sadness and tears. Gifting a bride a pear necklace or engagement ring is symbolically forcing her into a lifetime of unhappiness. Save the pearls for a fancy dinner, or keep them as an heirloom for your future children. Don’t worry about diamonds, though – you can adorn yourself in as many as you’d like.
Don a veil as you walk down the aisle

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Like many wedding superstitions and traditions, wearing a veil is said to ensure the pride’s purity and to encourage her to be humble. In some religions, like Judaism, a bride’s veil helps her groom identify her on the wedding day. During a Catholic wedding in a church, a bride’s shoulders must be covered, hence a long, flowing veil. The contemporary use for a veil is for dramatic effect, or to shield a bride’s face from her groom until she reaches the altar so he can be surprised and elated by her beauty.
Keep the rings off the ground

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Choose your ring bearer wisely. A clumsy one can signify the downfall of your marriage. If a groom drops the ring as he places it on his bride, it means the coupling is doomed. Keep the rings in a secure place and with the most trustworthy person in your wedding party. Not only is it bad luck to drop them, but losing them can set you back a pretty penny!
Spend the night before your wedding without your groom

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Though you’re likely craving some last-minute cuddles with the love of your life, it may bestow some bad luck on the ceremony and marriage as a whole. Back in the day, the groom was forbidden from seeing the bride before an arranged marriage in case he disapproved of her appearance and backed out. For modern weddings, it is less about the possibility of an unkempt bride and more about the joy of experiencing your beloved in a whole new light. Many people still believe the ceremony will go awry if the groom catches a glimpse of the bride before the ceremony, so stay unseen at all costs.
Do not be afraid of a little rain

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Rain can put a bit of a damper on an outdoor ceremony, but it shouldn’t be met with despair. A little drizzle on your otherwise perfect day is actually a sign of a blessed and happy marriage! Many cultures claim rainfall indicates a lasting union. So don’t shed a tear if you see the sky fill up with clouds on the morning of your wedding. It is simply the universe showing you that you and your groom are meant to be.
Avoid accepting knives as a gift

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This superstition stems from European culture. Knives are seen as a terrible wedding gift and are considered to be really bad luck. They tend to be a warning for couples who are entering a clearly toxic marriage. A knife symbolizes the severing of ties between partners, which is the last thing you want to manifest on the day of your union. Add a toaster or a durable Dutch oven to your wedding registry instead.
Insist on being carried over the threshold

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Even though your feet will be aching from wearing heels all day long, this isn’t the reason why a groom should carry you through the entryway of your home or hotel. The purpose of this act was to prevent the bride from tripping as she entered the room. Tripping was a sign that demons were among the couple and preying on the new bride. Take advantage of the lore and have your husband sweep you off your feet, literally and figuratively.
Wait until your wedding day to use your new last name

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It is very tempting to practice writing your married name or having people address you as a Mrs. before your wedding day. Though you may find joy in it now, erasing your maiden name from your identity too soon may end up jinxing your marriage. Wait until the knot is tied and the marriage license is signed before abandoning your former life for good.
Sweeten the deal with a sugar cube

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According to the Greeks, weddings are just not complete without a cube of sugar. Slipping this treat into your glove or tucking it away in your dress is said to add sweetness to the marriage. This is one of the cutest superstitions on the list, and it is a small gesture that can really calm your nerves as you prepare to walk down the aisle.
Ring the bells

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Celtic and Irish tradition calls for ringing church bells during the wedding ceremony. This triumphant tune celebrates the union of two lovers and is said to usher in wealth and abundance. These bells were also used to scare off negative spirits and lingering demons. One of the best parts of this gesture is the fact that people near and far will recognize the sound and share in your joy. It is one of the most well-known superstitions in the world.
Toss the bouquet

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This is an event everybody looks forward to. The tossing of the bouquet is intended to indicate which wedding guest is due to get married next. Toward the end of the reception, the women gather around the bride and reach for the bouquet, hoping to be next in line for love and happiness. The bouquet toss also signifies lasting fertility and luck in marriage for the bride and groom.
Pick the perfect cake topper

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The adornment at the top of the cake is supposed to represent the relationship of the couple. It can be silly, romantic, or abstract, as long as it shows the dynamic between the two lovebirds. According to a folk tale, a baker’s daughter requested a special decoration for her wedding cake. The baker then constructed two beautiful figurines that displayed the bride and groom. It was met with awe and appreciation, and couples have stuck with the tradition ever since.
Avoid venues near a graveyard

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Ancient superstitions tend to revolve around warding off demons, ghosts, and supernatural threats. Though graveyards alone are necessarily bad luck, an open grave is. Graveyards in general are pretty spooky, but getting married next to a freshly dug grave is said to encourage the death of your marriage. Choose a venue far away from your intended final resting place to keep any bad juju at bay.
Place sixpence in your shoe

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Cultures all over the globe use physical money during marriage ceremonies to usher in abundance to the union. One longstanding tradition is having the father of the bride place a silver sixpence in her shoe. From this, the bride can expect good luck and carry forth knowing she has her father’s blessing. Though this isn’t common today, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t add this gesture to your wedding day checklist.
Having bridesmaids is a must

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Picking out your bridesmaids is incredibly emotional and a big deal for those important women in your life. Surrounding yourself with a supportive group of girlfriends allows you to relax and go into your new marriage feeling loved and confident. Historically, bridesmaids were used as a diversion for the bride, thwarting any supernatural presence that threatened to overtake her on her most vulnerable day.
Stand to your groom’s left

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Have you been wrestling with which side of the altar to stand on? Many believe a bride should always stay to the left of the groom during the ceremony. This is because a groom must have his right hand free to fend off desperate suitors at the wedding. This probably won’t occur during your ceremony, but allow your groom to keep his best hand free just in case he needs to defend your honor.
Say no to a Saturday wedding

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English folklore states Saturday as the most unlucky day to wed. The most ideal day to get married, according to the superstition, is Wednesday. A Monday wedding indicates long-term health and a Tuesday wedding wealth. Thursday through Saturday are an apparent no-go, even though these are the most common days for people to wed in this day and age.
Smash a glass or vase

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Your wedding day is the perfect excuse to create a mess. Jewish weddings require the groom to stomp on a glass at the end of the ceremony. Breaking a glass removes any discontent or bitterness that may be carried over from your single life. Other cultures take part in this gesture as well, so feel free to symbolically crush any dread or unhappiness as you make your way into marriage.
Place your rings on the fourth finger of your left hand

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Wearing your rings on your left hand can be traced all the way back to Ancient Rome. According to the Romans, the fourth finger on your left hand contains a vein that connects to your heart. Placing your rings on any other finger shows that you do not intend to take the marriage seriously. Beyond this, wearing matching jewelry with your husband is a fashionable way to publicly show the connection between the two of you each and every day.
Consider a flower crown

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Flower crowns are more of a portrait piece for modern weddings. Bohemian brides will use them instead of a tiara when taking their pictures. A crown helps the bride feel like utter royalty, but a crown made of flowers served a more illustrative purpose in Ancient China. These flower crowns were made of orange blossoms, a flower that was able to produce fruit and blossom simultaneously. This was the hope for the bride and groom as well: to produce children and grow side by side, forevermore.
The bride should cut the first cake slice

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When the bride cut the cake back in the day, it was representative of her lost virtue. Now, when a bride cuts the cake, it is her way of introducing herself to married life. Though the bride and groom can cut the cake as a pair, it never hurts to let the bride have her special moment at the end of the reception. Once the cake is cut, the pair can feed each other the slice, which serves as their first joint activity as a married couple.
Play Wagner’s “Bridal Chorus” during the wedding procession

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The most anticipated part of the ceremony is the Wedding March. Watching the entire venue teem with excitement as the bride makes her way down the aisle to Wagner’s “Bridal Chorus” is perhaps the best part of the whole event. This song was first played during the wedding of Prince Frederick William IV of Prussia and Princess Victoria Adelaide Mary Louise in 1858. From that moment on, the “Wedding March” became an undeniable wedding staple.
Adorn your ring with a sapphire

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As mentioned before, wearing blue is sure to bring luck and prosperity to the bride and groom. To solidify this abundance, consider adding a sparkling sapphire to your engagement ring or wedding bands. Sapphire motifs represent a faithful union, and carrying this symbol on your hand for the rest of time is one of the best ways to show your dedication to this next phase of your life.
Don’t cross a nun or a monk on the way to the wedding

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Have you heard of this superstition? It is definitely a lesser-known word of wedding caution. Nuns and monks are eternally pure and chaste beings, and coming into contact with them on a day when you are supposed to “let go of your chastity” is seen as a negative omen. Both nuns and monks live a life of poverty until their deaths, which is another reason why brides should steer clear of them when making their way to their wedding.
Embrace the rice toss

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Tossing rice at the happy couple probably seems like a weird thing to do, but the intent behind it is pretty charming. Since rice is plentiful, throwing it in the direction of the couple is a way of manifesting healthy children and a bountiful life together. Another perk? Rice is eco-friendly and safe for local wildlife to consume, making it the best alternative to paper confetti.