Tyson Weighed Over 190kg At His Heaviest

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We all know about the journey that the current World Heavy Weight Champion Tyson Fury has been on to go from a very large and heavyweight and extremely unhappy and unhealthy to the very strong of mind and fitness star that he is now. But would you believe that he weighed a staggering 190Kg when he was at his highest point of mental instability and was a huge health issue.
John Fury Was Jailed For Gouging Someone's Eye Out

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I think it is fair to say that John Fury is a very outspoken part of both Tyson's and Tommy's boxing team and their family in general. He is know for his outbursts of rage and tough guy persona so it may not come as a huge shock that a secret that John holds is that he was sentenced to 11 years in prison for gouging someones eye out. So when the opposition think about challenging him, they may want to think again.
Tyson Fury Was Named After The Great Mike Tyson

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It cannot be questioned that Tyson Fury is arguably one of the greatest boxers of his generation if not all time. But can we really be this surprised by his success when surely it was destined from the moment he was born. Yes, the name Tyson was no mistake or random choice it was chosen due to the success of the infamous heavyweight Mike Tyson and Fury's parents hoped he would follow in his footsteps.
He Claims To Masturbate At Least Seven Times A Day

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Tyson Fury is a very outspoken world heavyweight champion that is not afraid to share what is on his mind or aspects of his life but one secret that you may not of heard yet is that Tyson has admitted to masturbating around seven times per day while in his training camp. He does this as he says it increases his testosterone levels as well as helping to improve his mental health.
Tyson Met Paris When He Was Only 17

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Now whenever we think of Tyson Fury we think of the large outspoken, aggressive world heavyweight champion we think of him as a tough guy and don't tend to associate him with the loving and caring family man that he is. This caring romantic side of him roots from his relationship with his wife Paris. The two met when he was only 17 years old and Paris was 15 years old and married in 2008.
Tyson Only Weighed 450g At Birth

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When you think about the absolute mountain of a man that Tyson Fury is you would probably think that he was a very large baby at birth. But this cannot be further from the truth. When Tyson Fury was born he was unfortunately born premature which came with a lot of worry and issues as he only weighed 450g. Doctors described Tyson's birth as a miracle and they were heavily surprised that he survived.
He Has A WWE Win Over Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel

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We all know the vast amount of success that Tyson Fury has had in the world of boxing beating iconic names like Wladimir Klitschko and taking down American heavyweight Deontay Wilder not once but twice. But not many people know that Tyson has had some adventures into the world of professional wrestling with the WWE and even picked up a win in a match against Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel.
Tyson Is Only The Third Heavyweight To Hold The Magazine Title Twice

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Tyson Fury is known for his undefeated record and for his undeniable domination of the heavyweight division since he won his first The Ring Magazine Title against legendary boxer Wladimir Klitschko back in 2015. He then had to relinquish the title due to health issues and then regained it after his second fight against Deontay Wilder. He joins a list of only two other two time champions which consist of Floyd Patterson and Muhammad Ali.
Tyson Drank Alcohol Before His Fight With Wilder

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We all know of the different processes that athletes go through before competing in boxing and usually these processes include a strict diet not consisting of any alcohol or unhealthy food items but of course the one and only Tyson Fury had to be different. When the world heavyweight champion faced Deontay Wilder he admitted to drinking some pints before his fight and it has to be said it didn't seem to bother him.
Tommy Fury Fought On Jake Pauls Undercard Before Facing Him

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After leaving the love island villa Tommy Fury made it a mission to get back into boxing and to really excel with his boxing career. Tommy recently started a very public rivalry with controversial social media star Jake Paul after fighting on his undercard where Paul defeated Tyron Woodley. Fury gained his seventh victory that night before being called out by Paul and eventually facing him and defeating him.
He Has No Real Interested In Keeping His Looks

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Tommy Fury is known as the bombshell young boxer that entered the love island villa showing off his unbelievable body and huge muscles that instantly drew attention from the islanders. Tommy has always taken a lot of pride in his body being an athlete but often liked it for show. But since meaning and settling down with Molly he has said he is okay with losing the show muscles as as long as Molly is happy he does not need them to show anymore.
Tommy Has A Big Boohooman Brand

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Now Tommy Fury has had many different endeavours since his appearance on the reality dating show love island stretching from his roots in boxing to different TV appearances as well as social media fame but did you know that the boxer has also went into the clothing game. The reality star has a large brand deal with online retailers boohooMAN and he even models for his own collection to bring in more customers.
He Left A Girlfriend He Loved To Go On Love Island

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Now we all know that there are often controversies about the people who go out and into the love island villa and their questionable relationship statuses, some thinking that it is an easy route to fame. A devastating secret could be that these questions were raised about Tommy Fury and is said to have had a girlfriend before entering the villa. But I'm sure he will be happy that he did enter the villa now.
Much Like Tyson, Tommy Is Undefeated

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Tommy Fury is arguable more well known for his appearance on love island and becoming a social media star but it is not to be forgotten that he is in fact a Fury at heart and that means that boxing runs through his veins. He is a talented boxer that currently holds an undefeated record much like his older brother Tyson. Although, he has not quite reached the same boxing fame as Tyson, Tommy may certainly be on his way.
Tommy Has A Secret Crush On Ariana Grande

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Tommy Fury has been relishing life after love island and the stardom that comes with it. He left the love island villa with his bombshell girlfriend Molly Mae. His relationship with the social media influencer has been very well documented over the years and many are invested in their relationship. But Tommy has a little secret. Despite his devotion to Molly he cannot deny his attraction to pop star Ariana Grande.
Tommy Envisions Becoming A World Champion Like His Big Brother

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Now you would think that young Tommy Fury would have big plans for his future but the question has to be whether that would be in social media or in the boxing world. He has recently thrown himself back into boxing taking on many competitors including controversial social media star Jake Paul. Tommy has recently made it know that his goal is to become a world champion like his older brother Tyson.
Tommy And Molly Are The Only Remaining Couple From Love Island Season 5

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Through love island there are fewer couples or individuals that have reached such high levels of fame as Tommy Fury and Molly Mae. The two have done incredible things in both the social media world and business world since the show earning a vast amount of money to support their lives together. The couples love was never doubted and this has shown through the years as they are the only serving couple from their season.
Tommy Starred In A Reality Show With Best Friend Curtis Pritchard

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Tommy came to the public eye when he entered the love island villa alongside Curtis Pritchard. The two instantly hit off not only with the women in the villa but with each other that progressed onto a great friendship that blossomed and thrived even after leaving the villa as the two started in another reality show together alongside fellow former love island stars Kem Cetinay and Chris Hughes.
Tommy Took On The Life Style Of Eddie Hall

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Due to the mass rise in fame that Tommy Fury has had over the past few years it has opened many different doors of opportunity for him and there has many few that compare to him sharing the lifestyle of the worlds strongest man Eddie Hall. The two took on each others daily routines including their eating patterns as well as their workout routines and let me tell you Tommy was really put to the test.
Molly Mae Grew Up Performing In Beauty Pageants

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Molly Mae Hague has quickly become a very well known name across the world since her appearance on the hit reality dating show love island and is drew further fame as a model and running her own clothing line. Her natural talent for the screen and modelling may come as no surprise when you learn that she grew up performing in beauty pageants and unsurprisingly won a few.
Molly Mae Was In The Island For The Majority Of The Show

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We all are away that Molly Mae gained her fame from her appearance on one of the UK's most popular dating reality TV shows, love Island. She was able to do so well on the show as, although she was not one of the original girls to enter, she did enter on day 4 of season 5. When she entered the villa she gained an instant attraction to Tommy Fury but had to battle friend Maura for his affection before the couple finished second on the show.
She Has A Heavy Dislike For Jake Paul

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The feud between reality star/ boxer Tommy Fury and Youtube star Jake Paul has been well documented through the media and even more so how the feud stretched to Molly Mae. This dislike grew very quickly as in order to get to Tommy he attacked his relationship with Molly by photoshopping pictures of Molly and himself together to make it look as though she was cheating. Fair to say Molly was less than impressed.
Molly Mae Went Through A Cancer Scare

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You may think that you know a lot about the rising star that is Molly Mae due to how she appears to live a lot of her life on social media so fans feel as though they have a great insight into her life but this is far from the truth. Molly is a private person and tries to keep a lot of her life secret. Molly unfortunately had a cancer scare and had to undergo surgery in order to remove a lump from her breast.
Molly Is A Heavily Anxious Woman

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When you think of Molly Mae, you think of the incredible woman who has done great things since her appearance on love island. On the show she seemed so confident to go after the man that she wanted, Tommy Fury, and wasn't ready to shy away from any challenge she also is seen to have this approach with her business endeavours so you may be very shocked to learn that she suffers from a lot of anxiety.
She Had A Very Prominent Birthmark On Her Face When She Was Born

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Molly Mae Hague is know for her incredible looks and being the absolute bombshell who models for many companies as well as her own clothing brands. But when she was younger she was not know for her looks due to her birthmark. Molly Mae was born with a large birthmark on her face the she had surgically removed when she was little. Molly accepts this part of her life and was happy it was removed before high school.
She Has A Very Small Group Of Friends

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When you think about celebrities and social media stars ou tend to assume that they have a large amount of friends which include those in her industry. But you may be surprised to learn that Molly Mae likes to keep a very small circle of friends despite her over 5 million following on social media. She keeps such a small friendship group as it means she is able to trust them more and have a stronger friendship.
She Makes Guest Appearances At Night Clubs

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Molly Mae has grew a lot of fame since leaving the love island villa and therefore makes her a very prized asset to many different types of businesses. Therefore, she has been doing many different night club and festival appearances since the hit reality dating show in order to keep up her popularity and grow more investments as well as gaining more interest in her other business adventures.
Molly Mae Works Closely With PLT

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Molly Mae is arguable one of the most successful women to ever come out of the love island villa and has been incredibly successful in many different businesses and types of business adventures. She is very renowned for her work as a social media influencer and how inspiring she is to young woman and one of the most inspiring things is having her own clothing lines within the hit retailer Pretty Little Thing.
Paris And Tyson Have A Great Amount Of Kids

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Paris Fury is the very loving and caring wife to Tyson Fury and their seven children. She is known as the strong woman who helps and supports the world heavyweight champion through his career while making sure their family life runs smoothly she is truly an inspiration to all mothers. Both of the parents love to spend time with their children when they are not working and may even be game for more children.
She Is A Very Successful Business Woman

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There is not a great amount know about Paris Fury in mainstream social media and often people only have the impression that Paris Fury is a stay at home mom who looks after all of hers and Tyson's kids, but this cannot be further from the truth. Paris Fury is a very successful business woman who works as a midwife which is a role she has thrived in and earned million doing making her a very strong working mom.