30 Reasons Why We Should All Swap Candy For Fruit

By Sophie 1 year ago

1. It's Tasty

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First and foremost, fruit is delicious! There are more complex flavors in fruit than there is in candy, and there's a whole range of sensations that will excite your tastebuds. Different candies taste very similar to each other so the experience is less enjoyable.

2. There's More Choice

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Although there is the illusion of lots of choice when it comes to choosing candy, there is in fact very little. A lot of it is the same just in different shapes and textures, just look at the ingredients full of artificial flavorings and sugar! Fruits have genuine differences that your body can detect, and so you'll be getting more variation in your diet.

3. Fruit Makes Us Feel Good

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The vitamins and minerals contained within fruit will give us energy and make us feel good both internally and externally. Our mood will improve, as well as our physicality. The ingredients in candy have the opposite effect and instead give us unpleasant symptoms that linger throughout the day and the days following consumption.

4. It's Healthy!

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Aside from all the immediate benefits of consuming fruit, ultimately it is the healthy option. We all want our bodies to function at full capacity and last a long time, so choosing to fuel it with nutrition is always a good idea. The occasional piece of candy won't kill you, but it should be kept to a minimum.

5. Candy Rots Your Teeth

image source: reddit.com
Your dentist will thank you for choosing fruit over candy, as there'll be less cavities to fix up. Refined sugar rots your teeth to the core so regular consumption will leave you with nasty gnashers. That's not to say that there isn't sugar in fruit, it just isn't as damaging.

6. It's Fresh

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Fresh fruit is just lovely to eat, and it's great especially on a hot day. Your body will thank you for eating the way it was evolved to, and you'll feel amazing for it. Our ancestors didn't have much capacity to create food that lasts a very long time such as candy, so your body is less capable to handle it.

7. Candy Is Expensive

image source: reddit.com
When you think about how much fruit you can buy for the price of a few pieces of candy, the results are astonishing. You can buy fruit in bulk and freeze it if you wish to, so that none of it goes to waste. In comparison, candy is a lot of money for something that offers so little!

8. Refined Sugar Makes You Feel Lethargic

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If you're always eating candy then your energy levels will be on the floor. Refined sugar gives you an immediate hit where you may experience a burst of energy, however it doesn't last very long as you crash shortly after. Fruit contains carbohydrates which is a slow release energy, allowing you to function as you should do.

9. It Satisfies Your Sweet Tooth

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It's probable that you'll experience cravings for certain foods as your body calls out for things it needs, and sometimes we can get confused and reach for the wrong thing. Fruit contains natural sugars so it has the ability to satisfy our sweet tooth without forfeiting our health.

10. Its Aesthetic

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You've seen them, the Instagram-worthy bowls of fruit that people fawn over. They look so appealing and that's because there is so much color. Eating food isn't just about the flavor, it's a whole sensory experience that we need to embrace. Candy may be fun, but we're more deeply drawn to the natural look rather than the artificial.

11. Eating Fruit Will Give You A Sense Of Achievement

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Making good choices for your health will make you feel good about yourself as it is a form of self-care. No matter how much you enjoy candy, there's no better feeling than looking after yourself well, and if you do this frequently then you're more likely to take care of yourself in other aspects of your life too.

12. Less Packaging

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Fruit often comes with it's own natural packaging and so requires less (if any) plastic packaging which is harmful for the environment. Pieces of candy are wrapped in so much plastic that cannot be gotten rid of, so choosing fruit instead is doing the environment a favor!

13. You Can Grow It Yourself

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You don't need acres of land to grow your own food; just a garden, a plot in a community garden and maybe a greenhouse, and you're already on your way. Growing fruit can be a therapeutic experience, and you will reap the rewards when they bloom into tasty treats!

14. You're Supporting Farmers

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It always feels good buying things from actual people as opposed to massive companies with usually someone very rich at the top. If you buy locally, you are actively supporting your community and a farmer who may be struggling against big corporations.

15. Candy Makes Us Break Out

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No matter how much we spend on fancy skin creams, oils and ointments, nothing can prevent a breakout more than getting rid of nasty chemicals in our system. Candy is packed full of ingredients that are damaging to your skin, which is a very different reaction to what the vitamins in fruit has!

16. Fruit Is Rich In Fiber

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Fiber is amazing for our gut as it keeps everything moving, and fruit is a great source of it. Simply by adding fruit into your diet you are helping your system to function, and if you have any bowel issues then it is sure to assist you on the road to recovery.

17. The Sugar In Fruit Is Natural

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When we add things like fat and sugar into food, it automatically makes it less nutritious. All of the sugars contained within fruit occur naturally and so your body can process it much more easily. Added ingredients tend to get stored as fat and contribute to unhealthy insides.

18. It's Better For Your Blood Sugar Levels

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Candy will cause a peak in the levels of sugar in your blood, which can cause you to feel dehydrated, tired, and can even cause diabetes. The sugar in fruit is metabolized at a much steadier rate and will satisfy your sweet tooth without the added dangers that candy can induce.

19. You Can Get Creative

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The versatility of fruit means that you can get creative in the kitchen and make all sorts of healthy recipes; you can even add it to savory dishes! Raisins in curry is delicious, as is pineapple on ham. You're injecting your meals with a hit of flavor and adding some extra nutrition too!

20. Eating Fruit Regularly Will Lower Your Cravings

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If all of your needs are met when it comes to eating food, then your body is less likely to crave sugary snacks. The need for such food comes from a survival instinct where it thinks you needs energy and you need it now, however if your body feels safe in that it is nourished and will continue to be so, then the desire for candy diminishes.

21. It's A Good Habit To Model

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Your kids tend to copy everything that you do, and if they see you eating candy then they are more likely to want some of the sugary stuff. If they see you enjoying fruit however, then they too will want a piece and you will encourage healthy eating.

22. It's A Great Snack On The Go

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Fruit is great in lunchboxes and it is great to snack on when you're out and about. You can even buy dried fruits which last longer than the fresh kind, so there's less chance of it going moldy in the bottom of your bag. Eating a bag of fruit feels a bit like eating candy as well!

23. You'll Feel Fuller For Longer

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Due to its fiber and carbohydrate content, fruit has the ability to fill you up and keep you full until your next meal. Candy doesn't have this quality as the sugar is burnt up very quickly in your body, leaving you hungry and in need of another snack!

24. Fruit Is Great Frozen

image source: reddit.com
We all crave frozen things on a hot summer, so why not try a piece of frozen fruit? You can make ice pops, slushies, or just have it on its own; the possibilities are endless! Frozen fruit snacks are refreshing, filling and good for you so it's a win-win!

25. Candy Is A Choking Hazard

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If you've never choked on hard-boiled sweets then you're one of the lucky few. Its a terrifying thing to happen, and it happens more often than you might realize. Sometimes it's better to cut out this risk and opt for a soft piece of fruit; you'll have more peace of mind giving fruit to children as well for this reason.

26. Fruit Protects Against Cancer

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As well as all of the vitamins and minerals that fruit contains which make it great for all-round health, it also contains anti-oxidants which actively protect against cancer. Your risk of the disease affecting your whole digestive tract from your mouth to you bowel is significantly lowered when you regularly consume fruit. 

27. Candy Can Make You Gain Weight

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With all of the artificial stuff in candy, it's a wonder its even legal. It all contributes to poor health and can cause you to gain an unhealthy amount of weight. When this weight is excessive, your organs will become affected, which comes with a whole host of health issues that you will not wish to experience.

28. Fruit Smoothies Are Delicious

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Drinking smoothies is a great way to get a tasty fresh hit of nutrients all in one go. You can easily make them from home and experiment with different flavors and quantities. It makes an excellent breakfast and you can even dish up some smoothie bowls by adding different toppings.

29. Candy Can Cause Type 2 Diabetes

image source: insider.com
Consuming too much refined sugar is a sure way to develop type 2 diabetes, which can cause some unpleasant symptoms including needing to pee all the time. If the diabetes isn't treated then it can lead to complications in your organs which can ultimately be fatal.

30. Your Heart Will Thank You For It

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Eating too much sugar can cause terrible issues with your heart. You could develop heart disease if most of your sugar intake comes from nefarious sources, and so it is best to only have candy as a treat once in a while to protect against illness. Not all sugar is bad though, and the natural sugar found in fruit is a better nutritious option.