
Image Source: Reddit
When the King travels to new towns, cities and countries he is often presented with local gifts. The king must accept all gifts graciously, and is not allowed to refuse any gifts. The king will often pass the gift off to a member of staff to hold for the rest of his visit.

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Any proposals must be authorized and allowed by the king. Harry and Megan caused a bit of controversy as their proposal was not pre-approved, but the marriage has been allowed to go ahead in retrospect. This differs from the wedding of Will and Kate which was pre-approved.
Where To Stand

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The king has to walk in front of anyone he is walking with. This means that all of the kings staff and any members of the government must always walk about half a step behind the king. Donald Trump got himself into trouble for walking in front of the Queen.
Dress Code

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King Charles always needs to be well dressed and present himself professionally. This means that for the majority of the time, the king wears tailor made and very expensive suits. Even on off days, you won't catch the king in a match track suit with sliders.

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Prince George, Prince William and King Charles are all forbidden from sharing a plane ride together. This is to prepare just in case the plane should go down, as the royal family do not want the current reigning king and his Aires to be involved in the same disaster.
Public Displays Of Affection

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Alongside his wife Camilla, the king may be allowed to stand for photographs and walk side by side, but public displays of affection are strictly banned. This is to keep up appearances and show the world that the king is working and not on his holidays with loved ones.
Foreign Dress Code

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Just like at home, the king needs to adhere to the dress codes of foreign countries. This may mean wearing local or native religious outfits or apparel. The king does this in order to not cause any offence to the locals and show he understands their customs.

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The royal family as a whole are forbidden from showing favorites within politics, and this rule applies especially to the king. The king is allowed to comment on new government rules and laws, but can not show any allegiance with one side compared to the others.
Foreign Thrones

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That's right, the king is even forbidden from sitting on the fictional iron throne! No reigning monarch can sit on the throne of another country, meaning that even if offered by another king or queen, king Charles has to politely refuse taking a seat!
Funeral Attire

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No matter where or when the king travels, he must pack a black funeral suit. This is just in case a member of the royal family dies whilst the king is abroad, or in case the king needs to address the nation regarding a national emergency where people have died.
Stand When The King Stands

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If the king stands, then everyone in the room must also stand with him. This means that the king needs to use his common sense to make sure everyone else is ready to stand before he does, and also means that if the king leaves in a hurry, everyone else does too!
No Tiaras

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Tiaras are strictly worn by female members of the royal family, meaning that the king is forbidden from wearing one. Instead, the king wears his crown for formal occasions, but usually goes without. He may sport a warm hat in cold climates, but that is about it.
Curtsy To The King

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When you go to meet the king, it's important to curtsy if you are a woman. This is a sign of respect, and is a ritual steeped in history and tradition. If you opt not to curtsy to the king, then you may be removed and banned from any future visits. Would you curtsy for the king?
No Autographs

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The king, alongside the rest of the royal family are forbidden and not allowed to sign any photographs, autograph books or memorabilia. This is to protect privacy, as well as to stop them from getting swamped by autograph hunters whenever they go anywhere.
No Shellfish

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Although this is not a super strict rule, the royal family and king Charles are advised against eating seafood and shellfish in particular. This is because shellfish is difficult to cook properly and is the most common food type to give you food poisoning.
No Selfies

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Just like the autograph rule, the royal family are forbidden from taking selfies with members of crowds who have come to see them. This is for safety reasons, as well as time keeping protocol. The royal family will take photos with larger groups that they are visiting.
Myrtle In The Bouquets

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The plant myrtle is an evergreen shrub, and has been included in wedding bouquets used by the royal family for decades. This tradition is to be upheld by the king and the rest of the royals, and the plant must be included in all bouquets at all royal weddings.
Secret Signals

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In order to avoid being rude, the king has developed secret signals that he will send to his staff when in public. This could be something as simple as folding his arms a certain way, or standing in a specific spot to tell staff 'I want to leave now'.
6 Ravens

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In the Tower of London, there are 6 ravens. The ravens have been a staple in the tower for centuries, as it is believed that if the ravens leave the tower then the monarch on the throne will die. For this reason, the ravens are incredibly well cared for.
No Monopoly

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This rule was actually implemented by King Charles, the board game monopoly has been banned! Just like so many of us during the holidays, the king said that games of Monopoly end up in fiery arguments, so it has been banned for good from the palace. Maybe it's for the best!

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We all know the saying, treat others as you would like to be treated. This also applies to the king, as he is incredibly careful to be polite and adhere to national customs. It is expected that visitors will repay the manners and treat the king with respect.

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The king wears a number of accessories, from necklaces to rings. No one is actually allowed to touch this jewelry apart from authorized jewelers, who may need to perform repairs. Some select staff in the palace can handle the jewelry, but that is it!
Wedding Dresses

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Just like proposals, any wedding dresses need to go to the king for approval before they can be worn by a new princess. This means that weddings can take a while to plan, but it is a tradition that has been implemented for decades now and is not set to change.
No Garlic

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This is more for politeness than for any other reason, and not strictly banned. However, the king and the rest of the royal family try and avoid foods with lots of garlic, as they do not want tangy garlic breath. Who can blame them, it is pretty stinky!
Nail Polish

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Painted nails aren't really a part of king Charles' wardrobe, however he needs to ensure that royal staff and members of the royal family keep themselves in check. There is a blanket ban of unkempt nails, and nail polish colors should be neutral and non offensive.
Speaking Out Of Turn

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Speaking out of turn ties into manners and respect, but it is common knowledge that you are not suppose to speak to the king unless he speaks with you first. This rule applies to all members of the royal family, and is an age old tradition from medieval times.
Bow To The King

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If you are a man, it is common to bow down to the king upon first meeting. This is commonplace across the globe and for most royal families, so should not seem too out of the ordinary no matter where you live. The king however will not bow to other kings.
No Calling Him Charlie

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The king is referred to as 'Your Majesty' or 'Your Highness'. Under no circumstances can you call him Charles, Charlie or Kingo! To avoid any upset, it is probably best to stick with Your Majesty and not try to push your luck being too friendly, no matter how comfortable you feel!
Finish Eating When He Does

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At meal times, when the king is finished eating, everyone must stop eating. To allow time for everyone to eat, the king will not dig in until everyone has been served their meals, but he is always served first. Do you think his food would end up going cold?
Visit The Bathroom Discreetly

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If the king needs to use the bathroom in public, he must say 'excuse me' and leave the situation discreetly. This is the most polite way to act and it is a rule that the king ensures the whole family follow, as well as his staff and himself! Write this one down!