30 Natural Things We Can All Do To Make Our Brain Happy

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Fresh Air

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Filling your lungs with fresh air is how humans are meant to operate. Getting out into the countryside, or even just heading to a local green space is a great way to get yourself out of the monotony and give your brain a bit of a break. This is something we should all be doing daily!


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Going swimming releases natural endorphins and is a great way to improve your mood. Even if you aren't a strong swimmer, chilling out in a pool or natural body of water is a great way to reset your demons. Give this a go next time you head on holiday and you will feel a world of benefits.


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Human beings are naturally sociable animals, and we require the affirmation of human touch. Whilst some people are more than happy to get by without a hug, for a lot of us it can be just what the doctor ordered. It is a great way to relieve stress and helps build meaningful relationships.


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Getting a good meal is one of the best ways to make yourself happy, especially if you have been saving yourself for something delicious all day. Waiting for a great meal gives us something to look forward to, and is a little thing we can look forward to on a daily basis.


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Taking a bit of time to relax on a daily basis is crucial, and one of the most important things we can do. Relaxing for an hour or so before bed time actually helps improve sleep quality. Similarly, relaxing after work helps us to de-stress and decompress, which is great for mental health.


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Getting out into the woods is how many of us choose to spend our weekends, either alone or with friends and family. The woods are a great place to explore and help us to switch off from the stresses of modern life. If you can, take a few hours out of your day to get lost and switch off.


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This sounds crazy, but smiling actually makes us happier. Even a forced smile will raise dopamine levels in your brain, which in turn makes you more happy. Smiling at someone, even a stranger, has the same effect for both you and them, so give it a try next time you are out and about.


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Getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night is recommended for adults, and is the best way for both your mind and body to rest and repair. In order to get the best night's sleep, make yourself comfortable and try and avoid screens for an hour before bed. Sleeping in a colder room helps too!


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Being polite and thanking people when they help is another way we can naturally boost our happiness. By being nice and polite to people, they are more likely to treat you in a similar way. This improves our general mood and also makes the world a little nicer to live in!


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Exercise is great for our body and our mind. By working out, your brain releases chemicals which improve mood and inspire us to keep pushing. This is great for fitness but also good for mental health, as in the long run it makes you more resilient and up for a challenge.


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Heading to the beach is another way to explore nature and improve your mood. By taking a walk or run down the beach, you will have time to reflect. The sea air is also good for helping you drift off to sleep, and taking a dip in the ocean is perfect for making us feel alive.


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Having a pet is great for mental health, but dogs in particular are perfect for making us feel good. A dog forces you to get out in the fresh air and sunshine, which are both mood boosters. A dog will also want to cuddle and play with you, which is always a great way to feel happy.


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Giving out compliments is the best way to make someone's day, so why not give it a try and compliment someone whose style you love, or maybe you admire their car. Whatever it is, giving a compliment makes both the giver and the receiver feel good, and can be the highlight of the day.

Keep A Journal

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Writing down your feelings is a great way to literally get things down on paper. By not bottling up your emotions, you will feel a weight lifted from your shoulders, almost as if the stress is channeled through the pen and directly on to the paper. You should try it some time!

Deal With Stress

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Dealing with stress head on is the best way to get it out of your life as quickly as possible. By tackling your problems straight away, you will not only get it out of the way quicker, but also feel a great sense of achievement by sorting out your problems straight away.

Don't Compare

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The old saying is 'comparison is the thief of joy' and that could not be more true. In the age of social media it is very easy to compare our lives to the seemingly perfect lives we see online. Don't compare yourself to this false version of life, focus on yourself!


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Removing excess clutter from your home or office is a great way to make yourself feel good. A tidy home equals a tidy mind, and by throwing away stuff you don't need anymore you make more time to work on other things you enjoy doing. Minimalism might be the way forward!


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Going to see your friends is a perfect way to help boost your mood. When we go and hang out with buddies, dopamine levels rise and we help form more meaningful and deep relationships. This is how humans are meant to live and your brain knows it. What better than your friends when you're feeling low?!


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Everyone must feel the same way, as the trend of ditching the screen for hours or days on end seems to be picking up pace. Ditching your screen is great for your eyes and your brain, it isn't natural to stare at a screen all day so give it a rest when you can.

Planning Your Week

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Making a weekly plan is another great way to remove unexpected stress from your daily tasks. By organizing and planning everything you need to do, and having set plans in place in case something goes wrong, you are more prepared for the unexpected which will take a massive weight off!


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Meditation is the perfect way to take five or ten minutes to just sit down, relax and reflect. Meditation allows us to take a moment to look into our own minds, which is the best way to work out the different problems we have and how we can solve them.


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Speaking to a therapist helps you get your problems off your chest in a professional environment. Therapy is now offered by most medical insurance plans, and more and more people are taking up the offer and using this service to get professional help.

Self Care

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Self care is super important for both physical and mental well being. Take some time at the end of the evening to relax and unwind in the bath. Or consider making yourself your favorite meal and putting on a great movie, whatever you need to feel good.


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At the end of a busy or stressful day, take 20 minutes to reflect on how the day has gone and how everything has made you feel. This is the best way to learn how to tackle problems head on, rather than sweeping them under the carpet and forgetting about them.

Set Goals

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One of the best ways in life to constantly improve is to always set new goals. Once you have achieved the goal you are working towards, set a new one and go again. This stops you getting into a rut and makes life better as a whole for you and your loved ones.

Don't Hold A Grudge

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Holding a grudge is a pointless exercise. Chances are that the person you are angry at doesn't care or have any idea, so why are you punishing yourself? Let go of grudges and let the negative people leave your life with them, they really aren't worth your time!

Plan A Trip

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Plan a vacation or even just a roadtrip with friends or family. This is a great way to discuss your goals with people and shows how you can materialize what you want in life if you just put your mind to it. This is a seriously underrated technique to make your brain happy.

Listen To Music

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Stick on your headphones or turn your speakers up loud and listen to some music for a while. Music is the language of the world, so it is perfect to share with people when you may be on vacation or travelling. This is the one for me that just hits the spot!

See Family

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If you are lucky enough to live close by to family, why not go to see them at the weekend or after work? If you have a bit of a travel, maybe plan a catch up and get the wheels in motion. Even a Facetime call is great for reconnecting with loved ones.

Be Spontaneous

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Sometimes you have to go out on a limb and just do something totally crazy. Being spontaneous makes us feel alive and is a perfect way to scare yourself in all the right ways. It gets the blood pumping and your brain working, so be brave and be spontaneous.