30 Hacks To Avoid Getting Fired

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Work Hard

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By working hard, and completing your work on time, you have a good chance of actually getting promotions and a pay rise rather than getting fired. This is the most simple and rewarding way of avoiding losing your job and earning a good wage too! Bonus!

Plan Your Absences

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Sometimes there is nothing we can do to avoid an unexpected day off work. Things like hospital and vets visits come at short notice, but if you can try and pre-warn your bosses and colleagues of any days you will be off. This allows them to plan around you.

Using A Company Vehicle

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If you are lucky enough to be provided a company vehicle, then the guidelines of its use will normally be outlined as soon as you get it. Do not abuse this privilege, and make sure you keep the vehicle clean and running well. If you are provided a van, make sure not to lend this out to friends.

Talk To Your Manager

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If you have any concerns about your job security and feel like your position might be in jeopardy, then talk to your manager. This is the best way to clear things up, and they will be able to raise any concerns on reassure you that your position is safe.

Internally Switch Jobs

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If you think you may have had enough of your current role and fear you may end up losing your job, then consider switching roles internally. This might leave you revitalized and ready to work your hardest, it also looks great on your CV if you want to leave.

Stay Later

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Every so often, consider spending a little extra time in the office. It doesn't need to be a crazy amount, but an extra 5 minutes every so often just subtly tells your bosses that you are committed to the job and a dependable member of the workforce.

Company Computer

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If you work from home, chances are that you may have been provided with a laptop to take home. If you are using the company laptop, then it should only be used for work. Using the work PC for personal reasons could leave you in hot water with the bosses.

Be Accountable

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If you do make a mistake at work, don't worry. Everyone makes mistakes and we can all learn from them, the best thing to do is to be accountable and admit when you have made a mistake. This shows you are responsible and will actually win your respect.

Stay Organized

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Staying organized is the best way to make sure all of your work gets done correctly and on time. Keep paperwork in organized piles and organize things by importance. This shows you are responsible and will help you to earn a promotion in the future.

Keep Positive

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A PMA, or positive mental attitude, is always the best way to tackle the day at work. By keeping your head up, you will encourage others to do the same. This creates a great team atmosphere and makes the workplace a nicer place to be for everyone else!

Microwaving Fish

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Using the staff microwave is all well and good, but for the love of all that is holy please do not microwave smelly foods. Stinky cheese should be avoided and fish is a huge no-no. Just leave it at home, it isn't worth starting a chemical attack on the office!


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This is crucial when you start a new job to avoid getting fired. Listen closely to the person talking you through the job, and make notes too if it helps you to learn. Make sure to watch and listen carefully until you get the hang of the job yourself.

Poor Performance

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By performing badly in your job, you are likely to get let go. The company you work for wants their employees to do the best work they can to help maximize profits, so if your work is generally below par and does not improve, your boss might decide to let you go.


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This tip is one that not many people know, but really helps in the day to day work when you're at your job. Prioritize you work by organizing work into order of importance, this means you will never be too far off the pace and sets you up for a manager position.

Always Saying No

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If you always say no to things, you might think it is a benefit in the short term, however this will impact you in the long run. Your boss will eventually stop asking you to help out with more complex tasks, which will result in your career becoming stagnant.

Turning Up Drunk

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Turning up drunk to work is your one way ticket to unemployment. If you turn up drunk for a job that requires you to drive, you might lose your job and your driving licence too, which might end up leaving you unemployable for the foreseeable future.

Getting Laid Off Rather Thank Fired

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If you get, try and arrange a redundancy package rather than getting fired by your boss. If you get made redundant you might get a bit of severance pay, meaning your company could pay you a couple of months wages even after you leave. It also looks better on your CV.

Improper Conduct

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Inappropriate conduct at work is another fast way to get yourself sacked. By being inappropriate with colleagues or making unacceptable remarks you might end up in a HR meeting the very same day, which normally results in a quick exit from the business.

Work On Your Skills

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Trying to improve your skills in your industry gives employers a reason to keep you on their books. If you are super skilled in what you do, you are also more employable, meaning if you do get let go it will be easier to get another job in the same industry.

Keep Things Under Control

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Work can become a little stressful at times, so try and keep things under control the best you can. This is the best way to show current and future employers that you are the best person for the job, and makes you less likely to get fired any time soon.

Stay Working

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If you are fortunate enough to work from home, make sure that you actually do work from home. Visiting the beach or doing the grocery shopping whilst you should be at work is obviously bad, as you are effectively being paid for doing nothing at all.

Falsifying Documents

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Making false paperwork is another perfect way to get yourself sacked. Depending on the industry you work in, falsifying documentation could lead to you getting sacked, fined and levied with criminal charges like fraud. This could even end you up in prison!

Express Political Opinions

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If you use social media to express your political opinions, make sure that your account is kept private or at the very least your employers can't see what you post. Make sure to keep everything above board, as you would not want to get fired for things you post on Facebook!

Always Late

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If you are constantly late for work, chances are you will get a verbal warning, written warning and then get fired. Being late constantly shows that you are not dependable, and is a good reason for future employers not to give you a chance in the future.

Doing Drugs

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Doing drugs at work or before you get to work is another good way to get yourself fired quickly. By turning up for work in an unfit state, you may damage property or put yourself or your colleagues in danger. This is just a big no, and many companies now do drugs tests.

Back Yourself

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Make sure to back yourself at work. Sometimes it can feel like everyone is out to get you, so by backing yourself you will always give yourself the best attitude to tackle your work. This also shows your bosses that you are a confident and reliable team member.


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When at work make sure that you follow the rules of your business. This could be anything from health and safety rules to just general housekeeping. The rules will be in place for a reason, so don't think that you are better than them or anyone else.


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When you go to work, make sure both you and your clothes are clean. This not only makes you feel good when you go to work, but also ensures that your colleagues and customers don't need to deal with someone who is dirty and smelly when they should look professional.

Create A Plan

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If you feel like you are struggling at work, create a plan to get yourself back on track. You could either do this alone or discuss it with your boss, but making a plan is the best way to show you are looking to improve and helps prevent you from getting fired!

Damaging Property

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If you accidentally damage property, then chances are the company you work for will just chalk it up to general wear and tear. Intentionally damaging property might result in you getting a warning, and if you carry on you probably will get fired from your job!