Left-Handed Scissors
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For left-handers, it can be quite difficult and easily frustrating to cut paper, especially if you don't have the correct and suitable tools. You might then want to invest in some quality left handed scissors. They are specially designed so that the natural cutting motion of a left hander works with the scissors meaning that you'll never have to worry about jagged edges ever again.
Rebind Keyboard Shortcuts
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We now live in a digital age where software programme have become more and more important when it comes to both our work life and our leisure time. Left-handers might find it difficult to navigate these shortcuts though! Fortunately it is quick and easy to vary and change the way you use your keyboard and therefore rebind any of the shortcuts you might want to use to enhance your workflow.
Left-Handed Mouse
Image Source: Reddit
For all those left-handers out there, you'll know how hard it is to use the standard computer mouse. They are typically made to perfectly mold to the right hand on not the left! So try and get your hands on these new marvels that align perfectly with your left hand; you'll never have any more troubles whilst searching the web and will reduce any strain you might have from using the traditional one.
Left-Handed Notebooks
Image Source: Reddit
It seems unfair that left-handers can often struggle with writing things down in a notebook, you might not have realised that the binder on the left can make it quite uncomfortable for them. Try and get your hands on the notebooks with the binder on the right side of the pages. You'll be able to let your arm glide along your page then with no more interference or stupidly awkward hand positioning.
Left-Handed Rulers
Image Source: Stressy Mummy
It turns out that there are a load of left-handed devices you can get your hands on quite easily! Precision is pretty key in all walks of life, especially when you rely on crafting and designing things! Therefore, as a left-hander you'll find it much easier to use left-handed rulers which help by showing the measurements starting from the right hand side and not the left! That might be confusing though right?
Left-Handed Can Opener
Image Source: Reddit
Would you believe that these are actually real things?? It turns out that opening cans can be quite a difficult task for the lefties and therefore alternative versions have now been developed. With the addition of this kitchen tool you'll no longer struggle to open up your cans or strain your wrist anymore. Your cooking and meal prep is about to get a whole lot smoother.
Arrange Your Workspace Better
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A well-organized workspace is one of the most important aspects of ensuring that you're productive and comfortable during your work time. For a left-hander this could be as easy as positioning the points on your desk to suit you! Keep your mouse, phone and notepads on the left side of your desk instead, it'll make the whole process much easier and much more efficient for you.
Left-Handed Utensils
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You might not have been aware that there is actually such a thing as left-handed utensils like forks, knives and spoons! It might seem a little superficial, but apparently they are catered to be held perfectly in someone's left hand. The angles are all different and help to make sure that tasks as simple as actually eating food are as simple as they can possibly be.
Left-Handed Gardening Tools
Image Source: Reddit
If you think of yourself as being someone with green fingers and you're left-handed then you might want to consider collecting some lefty gardening utensils. They, like the kitchen utensils, are catered perfectly for the lefties, meaning that you'll never be stuck trying to dig or prune your garden with any trouble for much longer. Treat yourself to some new tools, why not?
Change Your Gaming Setup
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If you're someone who likes to spend a lot of time with a controller in your hand you might want to have a look at settings that could make your experience a lot easier. Most current games offer a number of settings that mean you can tailor your experience to suit a left-hander. You can change the button layouts, adjust sensitivity and find the perfect set-up to have the most fun.
Sit On The Left
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If you're left-handed and you're working in groups or even at school, you might want to request sitting on the leftist-most side to greatly increase your comfort. This could also work for sitting in restaurants too! This way, you will have positioned yourself so that your dominant hand has a load of room to move around freely, making your life easier.
Adjust Your Paper
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If you can't get your hands on one of those left-handed notebooks then you might want to just consider adjusting the positioning of your paper instead. This might seem like a small change, but by simply moving your paper slightly anti-clockwise your left hand will be able to glide the page much easier and help avoid smudging any of the writing you've managed to put down on the page.
Guitars For Lefties
Image Source: Reddit
Evidently, you really can just get your hands on some pretty random things made for lefties. Learning to play the guitar is incredibly rewarding, but something you might struggle with if you predominantly work using your left hand. These guitars ensure that the strings, neck and controls are aligned to suit your dominant side and can help open up a whole other world of possibilities.
Make Cooking Easier

Image Source: Lefties Rock
We've already looked at the left-handed utensils that make it easier to eat, but you can also find tools to make the actual cooking process much easier for yourself too! You can find utensils like spatulas, and peelers with grips better suited to a dominant left hand which could only improve your speed and efficiency. Food prep might never have been as easy before!
Left-Handed Watches

Image Source: Reddit
You might not have realised that this can be a problem for those with a dominant left side, but wearing watches can be particularly uncomfortable thanks to the positioning of the watch crown. These left-sided watches are purposely created so that the lefties won't find themselves being irritated by the watch that they're wearing anymore, or you could just check your phone for the time instead.
Left-Handed Wallets
Image Source: Reddit
I bet you didn't know that this was something existed in the current day and age right? If you still like to carry your physical wallet around with you instead of using your phone to pay and you're left handed this might be something to look in to. These wallets have more suitable card slots and compartments that help cater to people who have a dominant left side, so you won't make an idiot of yourself in queues anymore.
Left-Handed Cameras
Image Source: Reddit
I suppose this is more based towards people who actually use real cameras for their daily life, whether that be for personal use or for their work. They are designed to have controls that align better with a leftie than the usual, making it much easier for them to use. No longer would a leftie be struggling so much to get the perfect shot or the perfect video again (unless they really didn't know what they were doing!).
Left-Handed Vaccums

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This is another of those things that you just wouldn't believe actually existed, nor would you imagine that this was actually such a problem for people who used their left hand regularly. These left-handed cleaning devices are used to help allow lefties to hold the vacuum easier as well as ensuring the whole tidying process will go about as quickly and efficiently as you can.
Alternative Sports Equipment
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If you're regularly taking part in sports games or training then you'll want to have the most suitable equipment that you can get your hands on. Left-handed athletes will often be at a disadvantage if they don't get the right equipment to do so. You can get left-handed tennis rackets, baseball bats (and gloves) and golf clubs amongst many others that'll help excel in their field.
Adjust Your Phone Set-Up
Image Source: Reddit
We all know that we're slightly addicted to our smartphones, some of us more than others, and they have become quite indispensable tools to use on the regular. Did you know that within your phone settings that you can actually adapt your preferences and the interface to be better suited for a leftie? This would mean that you'll be able to navigate with your device much more efficiently.
Leftie Car Controls
Image Source: Reddit
You should never really be behind the wheel of a vehicle if you don't feel perfectly safe or comfortable and these days a number of cars actually offer adaptations to benefit lefties. These changes include the ability to adjust the position of your turn signals and wipers to a place left-handed people might be more comfortable reaching them, and therefore you'll be safer on the road.
Left-Handed Cooking Techniques

Image Source: Reddit
We all wish we could master cookery in an instant, but unfortunately it isn't quite that easy! Despite that, there are numerous ways that you'll be able to make life slightly easier upon yourself. You should explore a variety of cooking methods like chopping amongst others with your left hand; this way you'll probably get your meal preparation over with much faster than if you didn't!
Pianos For The Lefties

Image Source: Reddit
Not only are there left-handed guitars out there to suit the minority musicians, but there are also pianos designed to cater for them too. You might wonder how this would work; they're essentially mirrored piano's, or bichord piano's, that have a reversed layout on the keyboard. This instrument, in it's specialized form is great for assisting the left-handed in displaying their musical talent.
Left-Handed Power Tools

Image Source: Reddit
If you work within the DIY industry or you just claim to be someone who enjoys decorating and renovating their own home, then these might be something you'd want to invest in. Having left-handed tools like power drills and saws, amongst others, will only improve your own safety and efficiency whilst also reducing any risks of accidents that might cause you more harm than good.
Left-Handed Art Supplies
Image Source: Reddit
It's true that we currently live in one of the most artistic and creative era's in the history of the world right now, although it doesn't necessarily seem that way. And thanks to this, you can now pretty much get your hands on any form of left-handed art supplies like paintbrushes, easels and tablets which are specifically designed to accommodate for the movements of the left hand.
Use Your Right Hand
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Okay, this might sound a little stupid, but although you might want to just use your dominant left hand, practicing with your right hand won't do you any harm. Being able to develop some ambidexterity might be able to do you a whole world of good; and you can do this by doing the easiest of tasks like carrying random objects or opening cupboards and doors with your right hand to begin with.
Adjust Your Wrist Position

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If you can't get your hands on left-handed writing utensils or computer devices then the other way you can avoid any issues in regards to your dominant left-side is by simply adjusting the position of your wrist. I'm sure many of you have learned to do this and keeping it in a neutral position will make your life easier as well as preventing any further, unnecessary discomfort you might feel.
Use Google For Tricks

Image Source: Reddit
We live in a world ran by technology, so the best thing you can do with that is USE IT! Make sure you use everything that the internet has to offer you to the enhance your skills or knowledge with your mindset. Google really can be your best friend and it can be the pathway to finding a boatload of useful hacks and solutions to any challenges you might have come across as a leftie.
Use A Pencil Instead

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You might recognise this as a technique some schools used with children back in the day, where you had to earn the right to use a pen instead of a pencil. Pens are always useful, but what they suck for is the fact that they can smudge quite easily! By using a pencil you have the availability to erase any problems you might accidentally create and also maintain neat and legible work.
Practice Tripod Grip

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One of the best ways for left-handers to improve and develop their writing is to practice the tripod grip which is meant to be a great way to significantly see improvements. To do so, you have to hold your pencil with your thumb, index finger and your middle finger which should help improve your strokes. You will even see better handwriting by the end of a certain period of time.