Soften Sheets Using Vinegar

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Are you sick and tired of your sheets coming out scratchy after they've been through the wash? Then you might want to pay a visit to your kitchen pantry to try and fix that! By adding just a half a cup of white vinegar during the rinse your sheets will instantly come out feeling smooth and soft and therefore you'll be able to put them straight on and snuggle up in bed ASAP!
Put Your Detergent Cap In With The Wash

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I'm sure you've noticed your detergent cap has those awkward and quite infuriating messy drips or sticky spots that seem to appear almost instantly? Instead of wasting your time trying to wipe it clean all the time you can actually just throw it in the wash with your clothes. Not only will it come out looking brand new but the drips will have helped in the wash too.
Use Chalk For Stains

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Noticing that you've stained your clothes can be one of the most annoying moments possible, but did you know that you might be able to use chalk to get rid of them a little quicker? By rubbing chalk on the stains before you toss them in the wash you have a process in which the chalk acts as a natural absorbent. Your piece of clothing will have a new lease on life and the stain will be no more.
Sort As You Go

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Efficiency when it comes to your laundry can be down to something as simple as making sure you stick to a routine and don't fall behind! By just sorting it as you go you won't end up having a day where you're rushing around to get things done. Make sure you're sorting your clothes properly and you'll instantly notice that the whole process goes much quicker and even smoother than your sheets!
Get Labelled Hampers

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If you really want to appear as a real laundry genius then you might want to consider getting your hands on some labelled laundry hampers. These might be individual hampers for each person in the house or different types of laundry. Not only is this instantly more organized but having clear labels (if they're followed) will mean there'll be no confusion as to where people need to put their dirties.
Use Mesh Bags

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Let's be honest, we've all lost a singular sock from a pair at some point in the wash, never to be seen again. You might need to invest in some mesh laundry bags to help out with problems like that. These little bags are small and can help protect smaller items and also help to avoid any delicate fabrics from being damaged as well! You'll never go hunting for socks ever again.
Treat Stains Instantly

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The problem that a lot of us make when we stain our clothes is leaving them on for too long. The thing is, that timing is crucial for stain removal! You also need to make sure that you're not rubbing the stain either, you'll probably only make things worse! Instead, you'll want to blot the stain with cold water and use pre-treatment before putting it in the wash. The chances of stain removal will definitely improve.
Pre-Treat In Batches

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Before you plan to set a wash away, you might want to browse through the clothes that are going in and ensure that you know which clothes need some additional work. Set aside a little time to do this before the wash to ensure that the effectiveness of stain removers is at the optimum and you won't be left trying to battle the stain again when it comes back out the wash!
Use High-Quality Detergent

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I know times can be hard for many of us and for that reason we don't always invest in the top shelf detergent; I'm one of many who will settle for the cheaper stuff! But by investing in a premium detergent you're probably going to have better protection against stains and probably fresher laundry. Not only that, but you typically have to use less of the product per wash too!
Measure The Detergent

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I know I've definitely used too much detergent for one wash before, more detergent means cleaner laundry right? This is completely wrong though! By using too much detergent you might actually end up dulling the colour of your clothes or making them feel stiffer. Instead, by simply using the instructions on the pack and measuring your detergent you'll have an enhanced laundry wash.
Learn Quick Folding Techniques

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For many of us, the final part of the washing process is the worst and that's because it's the period where you actually have to do most of the work yourself. Folding is boring, let's be honest! But you can definitely improve your efficiency by learning one of the many folding techniques out there. Maybe have a search online for the KonMari method and you might not think folding is such a hassle anymore!
Use Wrinkle Release Spray

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Having to iron all your clothes after you've thrown them through the wash can be quite a daunting task, especially if you've done a huge load. Some people choose to not do it all together and that can cause a load of wrinkles to appear. But did you know you can buy something called wrinkle release spray which is essentially the magic solution to choosing not to iron your clothes after a wash!
Use Dryer Balls

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If you haven't heard of these dryer balls before then you need to get to know. They could be life-changing (okay that might be a little over the top!), in terms of your own washing at least. Dryer balls can be used to help soften fabrics but most importantly they help accelerate the whole drying process, meaning you won't have to wait for hours before you can start your next cycle.
Sort Clothes By Dry Time

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The whole washing process never seems to end does it? Once they're clean you have to wait for them to dry before you can tackle the next load, so maybe practicing techniques like this will help. Group your clothes by the time they'll take to dry, so typically jeans, towels and hooded jackets will take the longest to dry so DRY THEM TOGETHER! The whole process can be streamlined.
Set Wash Timers

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I know all of our washers have a timer on the screen and they usually beep when the wash is finished, but if you're not in the room or the washer is a little out the way then it might slip your mind. Instead of potentially letting your washing sit damp in the machine, by simply setting up a timer on your phone you'll never forget when your cycle is complete and you won't have to smell that musty whiff again.
Fold Straight Out The Dryer

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I've already mentioned introducing some new folding techniques to your washing routine, but potentially more importantly than that, you need to make sure you start folding as soon as possible once they're pulled from the dryer. By doing this you'll decrease the chances of your clothes getting wrinkly. It might not be what you want to do, but getting in the habit will only help you in the long run.
Fold Whilst Watching TV

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If folding your clothes is something that you dread doing because it's boring then try and find ways to make it more enjoyable and entertaining for you. For example, rather than sitting and playing on your phone whilst the TV is on, choose to be time efficient and watch the TV at the same time. It makes your chores feel a lot less tedious and you might be able to have a laugh.
Make The Family Help

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No one wants to do the laundry, it's definitely one of the more time-consuming and people are always trying to avoid having to do anything. The best way to make it go faster is by getting the whole family involved, that way the task becomes less tedious. Your children will probably hate you for the 5 minutes they have to do chores, but it teaches them a lesson and it'll give you a break too.
Hang Clothes Outside

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Sunshine is pretty much everyone's desired choice of weather and our wet clothes will also appreciate the rays too. If you can, weather-dependent of course, you should always try and dry your clothes outside. Not only does this offer quite a pleasant outside scent to your clothes, but you'll also save some energy and potentially lower the cost of your bills if that's how you go about paying them.
Use A Steamer

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Another way to try and avoid ironing? Clearly I must have an agenda at getting that particular device out and doing that job! Steamers basically offer a quick fix to the problem of ironing. Just hang your clothes up and give them a once over with the steamer and you should be able to remove wrinkles quickly. They're especially useful for delicate fabrics that might get damaged by direct heat.
Keep Your Machines Clean

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This is such an underrated task to complete when you're at home, but making sure your washer and dryer are clean will make the whole process much smoother. You should always make sure that your lint filter is clean, this makes sure that the airflow is maintained and you also really don't want your washing machine to start giving out dodgy smelling odors like mold.
Put A Clean Dry Towel In The Dryer With Wets

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Have you ever heard of this laundry hack before? By adding a clean, dry towel to your dryer with the wets you'll reduce the amount of time that it takes for all your clothes to get sorted. The dry towel will do this by absorbing much of the moisture and this can be great, particularly when it comes to handling heavier loads or fabrics which might have taken a little longer. Take back some of those hours for your day!
Collect Dryer Lint

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I've already touched on how dryer lint can cause problems in the cleaning process, but I felt that this needed to be exaggerated a little bit. Not only can removing the drying lint improve the way your machine works, but you can even repurpose it! It's great when used as a Firestarter and some people even choose to use small amounts as a plant fertiliser by adding it to their compost.
Put Ice On Stains

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This one might seem a little weird for those that have never tried it before, but ice is actually a great way to begin tackling stubborn stains on fabrics by things like chewing gum or wax! The ice basically freezes and hardens the stain on the fabric which makes it much easier to scrape off afterwards. Following that you can tackle the stain the same way you would any other!
Wrap Tape Around Your Hands

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Okay, I know lint rollers aren't particularly expensive things to get your hands on, but there'll always be the possibility that you don't have one when you really need it! One of the common laundry hacks you'll come across online is when people wrap adhesive tape around their hand and then pat the clothing to act as a little makeshift handheld lint rolling device. You might look a little stupid though.
Use Baby Shampoo On Sweat

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Sweat stains can be quite awkward things to have to get rid of and they're also a little disgusting too aren't they? But did you know by simply mixing baby shampoo with water you'll have the perfect sweat stain attacker. Just scrub the solution on to the stains before you throw it in the wash and you'll soon see those oils and perspiration stains lifted away in no time.
Don't Make Any Mistakes

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No one wants to be the person that makes laundry mistakes in the home, especially ones that are incredibly noticeable. I'm sure all of us have accidentally dyed a piece of white clothing or shrunk something before! To be efficient (and save your clothes) just always make sure that you're washing your clothes the correct way to avoid looking like the local laundry idiot.
Use Bluing Solution

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If you have a piece of white clothing that is starting to yellow out, then you might want to try and rejuvenate them using something known as a bluing solution. Just a small amount of the liquid can be enough to counteract any yellowing and in time the brightness will be back like it never left. Have a google to find out how to make it and whatever you do, don't use too much or it really will turn blue!
Wear Clothes More Than Once

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Not every single piece of clothing needs to be washed as soon as you've worn them once, and by re-wearing clothes you'll save yourself a lot of time and energy too. Items like jeans and jackets won't need washed after every use, unless you manage to make stains or you got REALLY sweaty. Use the sniff test, give it a browse and if they pass both tests you can probably wear them again.
Use The Quick Wash

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Although you might want to make sure that your clothes are getting the best wash that they possibly can, on some occasions you might want to make the most of the various settings your washer as. The quick wash setting offers a shorter cycle, one that uses less water and energy and it's a great way to wash pieces of clothing that aren't desperate for heavy cleaning. It's just like a little refresh!