Use LED Bulbs

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Using LED Bulbs won't just help illuminate your home but it'll sort out your bank balance too! Energy-efficient bulbs like these help consume much less energy than the normal and they even last longer than normal bulbs too. Make the switch and you'll definitely save yourself some cash.
Smart Thermostats

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Pretty much all energy providers now offer users the opportunity to use smart thermostats. They offer the opportunity to adjust your heating and cooling systems based on your own usage. It can learn your habits and help you save a substantial amount of money on your energy bills.
Weatherstrip Your Doors And Windows

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You can pretty much save energy wastage in all areas of your household, including by weatherstripping both your doors and your windows. This can help keep the draughts out and stop the cold air from infiltrating your home and hopefully stopping you from turning your heating on.
Insulate The Home

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Following on from the weatherstripping, you might also want to look at making sure your home is properly insulated too. Quality insulation could be the difference between your home remaining hot or getting freezing. It will minimize the need for your heating to be on all the time though.
Install Some Ceiling Fans

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Ceiling fans are often used as decoration for many, but they can actually be very strategic when it comes to cutting your energy costs. They can help force warm air around the home in the winter and also spread cool air during the summer, so it's a useful tool for all seasons across the year.
Unplug Devices When Done

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Although your appliances might appear to be turned off many of them can actually continue to pull power whilst they're plugged in. You might not be aware but this phantom power can contribute quite heavily to your energy bill so you might want to make unplugging things a habit.
Use Power Strips

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Power strips can be one of the best purchases you can make in regards to saving energy and the money you spend on it. They provide a great way to group devices together and also be able to turn them all with just a single switch. Utilize them properly and you should see results fairly simply.
Set Fridge And Freezer Temperatures

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Two of your appliances that are constantly eating up energy all day, everyday are your fridge and your freezer. To try and reign in the amount of money they're costing you, you can set them to different temperatures to try and lower the energy usage. Just make sure they'll still be keeping the food safe!
Full Laundry Loads

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Laundry isn't one of the chores many people enjoy doing that often, so you might enjoy trying out this hack to save some cash! Make sure before you set a wash away that their is a full load in as this will maximize the efficiency of your washing and you'll be using less energy in the long run.
Air Dry Your Clothes

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There can be no cheaper way to dry your clothes than using the power of nature and the wind to sort them out. Not only does this eliminate the need for you to use energy to dry your clothes but you'll also allow your clothes to develop a fresh scent whilst they spend their time outside.
Have Shorter Showers

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Trust me, I know how appealing it is to spend a long time in the shower, but my shortening your wash time you'll be able to effectively save money on your bills. You might not enjoy your shorter shower that much, but you'll definitely enjoy the lower cost on your energy and water bills.
Fix Any Leaks

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We all know how annoying it is to have to listen to leaky faucets and pipes going off, but they're also an annoyance to our bills too. Every single drop of water can represent some energy being wasted. Make sure that you either fix all your leaks yourself or you get someone in to come and do it for you.
Use Your Microwave

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Microwaves might not be able to offer some of the most delicious of meals for you to make, but they are definitely the unsung heroes of the kitchen. They use a considerably lower amount of energy than ovens and stovetops so you might want to consider using them to reheat any leftovers.
Cook With The Lid On

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People don't always use the lids on their pots and pans, although if you do, you'd be locking in some gorgeous flavours as well as being a savvy way to save energy. By using your lid you'll be trapping in some heat and moisture which can reduce the time needed to cook and therefore keeping your energy bills in check.
Lower Your Water Heat Temperature

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Many people choose to avoid focusing on the temperature of the water heater within their homes, but by lowering the water temperature you can significantly and efficiently reduce the amount of energy required to keep your water hot. You can pick a temperature that suits your needs too!
Clean Your Dryer Lint Filter Regularly

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You should never overlook the dryer lint filter within your laundry dryer at home as by keeping it clean it can help with your energy efficiency. A clean lint filter can allow for some better airflow and therefore some quicker drying times. It's not difficult to keep on top of either!
Install Solar Power

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Okay, so I know that installing solar power isn't cheap from the offset, far from it actually, but in the long run you'd only be saving yourself a fortune. Solar panels are definitely a long-term investment that will pay off quite handsomely by eliminating your reliance on the national grid power.
Seal Air Ducts

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You'll want to make sure that any leaky air ducts within your home are immediately dealt with, especially as all the air that your paying your hard-earned cash for might be escaping in to the great outdoors. It's a simple fix, but it could be the difference in saving some substantial funds.
Motion-Sensor Lights

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Maybe it's time that you begin stepping in to the future within your home now too! By installing these high tech fixtures in to your home, you'll never have to worry about your lights staying on again! This is as effortless as your energy saving techniques can possibly be.
Use Natural Light

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One of the best sources of light you can get within your home is by using mother nature's best from outside. By opening your curtains or blinds you'll allow sunshine to flood your home. And obviously with this light you won't need to have your lights on for prolonged periods of the day.
Wash Clothes At A Lower Temperature

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By dialling down the heat on your washing machine you'd be able to save yourself a load of energy and money. Most laundry can actually be effectively cleaned at lower temperatures than most of the settings on the machine so by opting for cooler cycles you're lowering the energy you need.
Leave Oven Door Open To Heat The Home

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After you're finished cooking up that storm in the kitchen, you can actually leave your oven door open to help allow for some warmth to spread throughout the kitchen and nearby rooms. The residual heat from the oven can be quite a strategic way to improve the overall warmth of your home.
Get A Washing-Up Bowl

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This one might seem quite simplistic, but you could save a load of cash every year by simply using a washing-up bowl instead of letting your tap run whilst you're handwashing your dishes! Not only will you be saving money on your electricity but also your water bill too!
Re-Wear Your Clothes

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You don't always need to wash every single piece of clothing instantly after you've worn it once, embrace the art of re-wearing! You can extend the life of your wardrobe as well as saving some cash by not having to throw the laundry in the wash every single day! It's not that bad, promise!
Install Dimmer Switches

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It turns out you can save money on your energy bills whilst also introducing the opportunity to create an ambiance in the home at the same time. These switches allow you to adjust the brightness to suit the occasion from dimmed movie nights to a bright and vibrant workspace for yourself.
Put A Cosy Jumper On

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Instead of turning to your heating when the temperature drops, why don't you go hunting through your wardrobes for a fresh cosy jumper instead. Just by layering up with the clothes you already have available to you, you won't have to rely on your heating system and can therefore save money.
Bubble Wrap Your Windows

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This might look a little stupid but by saran or bubble wrapping your windows you'll be providing an inexpensive and efficient way of helping keep the heat in your home. It's pretty much an extra-cheap way of double glazing your windows and hopefully making the rooms feel a little warmer.
Buy A Humidifier

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Although you might recognise humidifiers as being devices that trap, collect and generate moisture, they can also be an efficient companion to work alongside your heating. By adding moisture to the the air you can begin to feel much warmer even when the temperatures are quite low.
Shut Your Windows

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Although this seems more like common sense than a hack, it's extremely important that you remember to close your windows, particularly in periods of colder temperatures. This will increase the effectiveness of your insulation and you'll be less likely to have to crank up the heat.
Get An Electric Heater

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Electric heaters are a great way to localize the warmth in your house to one specific spot without having to turn on the general heating within your home. Instead, you can simply heat up the area of the house in which you're sitting and most modern devices offer the chance to determine how much heat it'll exert.