Snake Wine, Vietnam

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Snake wine is a very popular Vietnamese concoction, but not one for those who are faint hearted. This drink is well known for it's unique ingredient which you might have worked out; a whole snake (venomous!) is preserved in a bottle of rice wine and they chug away at it!
Butterbeer, UK

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If you're a Harry Potter fan then you'll know that this exists! But only in certain theme parks and local pubs over in the UK. It's pretty much a non-alcoholic drink similar to soda although it has quite a buttery flavour and in most situations it also has a hint of butterscotch.
Pisco Sour, Peru

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The most iconic drink found over in Peru is this cocktail, the Pisco sour. This is a an alcoholic cocktail of pisco, grape brandy, lime juice and syrup with some frothy egg whites. It sounds pretty bitter but supposedly it comes to build quite the refreshing and zesty cocktail to partner your night out.
Baby Guinness, Ireland

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Guinness is obviously one of the most popular alcoholic drinks you can find in Ireland, but did you know you can get a baby Guinness shot too? This is formed by layering some coffee liquor on top of some Irish cream in a shot glass. This creates the image of, you guessed it, a baby guinness.
Sazerac, USA

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The Sazerac cocktail is one of the classic cocktails found across the USA, particularly over in New Orleans where it originated. The drink appears to be one of the strongest cocktails you can get your hands on and is made from rye whiskey, absinthe and bitters. I'm in pain just thinking about it!
Horchata, Mexico

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Horchata is one of the most beloved beverages across Mexico and offers quite the sweet respite in comparison to much of the spicy food that they eat there. It's a creamy drink made from ground rice or almonds and the mixed with sugar, cinnamon and vanilla, sounds delicious.
Beergarita, USA

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The beergarita is another invention from over here in the US and mixes a cocktail with that of a refreshing beer. If you aren't a tequila fan then this might not be for you! It's usually found at bars during the summer months or Mexican-themed parties to act as a cool party drink.
Fernet And Coke, Argentina

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Over in Argentina you might regularly come across this combination of our favourite, Coca-Cola, with something we definitely don't have so often. Fernet-Branca is a herbal liqueur that can be mixed with coke to create quite the concoction that has created an acquired but popular taste in the country.
Chai Latte, India

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Chai Latte's have become even more popular around the world in the last few decades, mainly thanks to their introduction to coffee chains. It's very much a comfort drink in India where black tea is mixed with steamed milk and spices where it can be drank hot or cold!
Sangria, Spain

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Sangria is probably the most popular alcoholic beverage found in Spain and it's also gained international icon status for it's refreshing nature too. You mix red wine, brandy, fresh fruit and sugar all together in to a jug and it's most popularly used as a party drink during the summer months.
Lassi, India

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Lassi is yet another beloved drink originating from India and acts as a very refreshing beverage for the warm weather. It can come in numerous flavours but sweet lassi, the most popular, is made from blending yoghurt with some sugar, fruits and spices and you can usually catch some stalls on the street.
Sake Bomb, Japan

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Over in Japan, they've found a way to enjoy both a refreshing beer and their iconic sake. It's pretty cool to look at too, a shot glass of sake is held over a glass of beer with chopsticks and then dropped into the beer to create quite the fusion of beverages for you to enjoy.
Kalimotxo, Spain

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This is an extremely popular drink in the Basque region of Spain, although you might turn your nose up at the sight of it to begin with. All it is, is the mixture of both red wine and cola together and then served over ice. It offers a slightly different alternative to the Sangria that usually dominates.
Colabier, Germany

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As I'm sure you can work out, even if you don't speak German, this is yet another easy concoction of drinks mixed together. Colabier is a quirky drink from the country where cola is fused with some lager beer to create a unique and hoppy flavor profile that has become popular with the adventurous.
Oyster Beer, USA

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If you've never heard of Oyster Beer (and you probably wish you hadn't) you might be a little disgusted at the first hearing. Although you might be thinking of sea oysters, this is actually a slang term for bull testicles in Colorado. That's right, deep fried testicles used in the process of making a stout.
Stag Semen Beer, New Zealand

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Okay, this isn't widely consumed across New Zealand, but the drink has gained some notoriety as being one of the most disgusting drinks you can get. The craft beer is made the same way but with the addition of some deer semen as a main ingredient. Would you give this a go?
Mekong River Eel Wine, Southeast Asia

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Seemingly, over in Asia they enjoy placing creatures within their wines and this speciality found in countries like Cambodia and Vietnam involves placing an eel in a fermented rice wine. It's considered to be a traditional and medicinal drink but fishy wine doesn't sound like something at the top of my list.
Beer And Milk

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Beer and Milk probably seems like quite an unlikely combination, but in some parts of the world it has become enjoyed. It's simply referred to as beer milk and although it isn't a widespread choice, the beer and milk combine together to create a creamy and frothy concoction.
Baby Mouse Wine, South Korea

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Yep, we're back in Asia, this time South Korea and they've put something else in their wine! They drown baby mice in a rice wine and then leave it to ferment for over a year! The result of this is quite a controversial and potent wine that many believe has some medicinal qualities.
Kumis, Mongolia

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Kumis is a traditional Mongolian beverage which you might not think sounds so appealing at first hearing. It's made from fermented Mare's milk and has a sour taste. The fermenting process creates a small alcoholic content and it's usually enjoyed during periods of celebration.
Chicha, Peru

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Chicha has long been drank in Peru for centuries and has developed something of an traditional status in the country. The result of mixing fermented corn with some water and sugar or sweeteners is a sour alcoholic drink with quite the unique flavour and it's also usually enjoyed during festivals.
Birch Sap Wine, Sweden

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Over in Sweden, birch sap wine or bjorkvin is a seasonal beverage made from, you guessed it, the sap of birch trees. It's quite a sweet and subtle wine that usually gains some more popularity during the summer. Supposedly it's flavour is reminiscent of honey and is another traditional drink.
Hot Toddy

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The Hot Toddy is a classic, warm cocktail that has been enjoyed across the borders around the world. It seems similar to an old-fashioned and consists of the mixture of whiskey, rum, honey, bitters and some hot water. Supposedly it's quite popular during cold weather, I wonder why!
Tepache, Mexico

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Tepache is another popular Mexican beverage and this one is usually found at stalls on the streets in the central regions. The drink is made by fermenting pineapple rinds, brown sugar and cinnamon to create a tangy alcoholic beverage; it's usually topped off with some chilli powder too.
Coffee And Orange Juice

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The combination of coffee and orange juice might seem a little unusual but it has become somewhat popular around the world as a way to pair the two popular breakfast drinks. There are even some cafe's around the US that sell these two together on their actual menu!
Tea And Coffee

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If you claim to be a tea or coffee enthusiast then you might need to try this intriguing conversation. Some drinkers like to add a dash of the opposite to create a unique flavor profile. The best part about this is that you can find the blend that will cater to your own taste preferences.
Coffee And Butter

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Coffee has long been mixed with butter, especially here in the US and has even gained the name bulletproof coffee. It's a trendy mix that is believed to have some health benefits. In fact, many people choose to substitute their breakfast or pre-workout drinks with this random one.
Pepsi And Milk

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I'm sure this sort of thing isn't at the top of your list, but pepsi and milk has garnered some following in small circles, especially via social media. Mixing the two together can actually create a creamy and sweet beverage which might remind you of an ice cream float. Maybe some ice cream too would make it even better.
Iced Coffee Lemonade

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Iced coffee lemonade is yet another drink that has began appearing on menu's around the US and as you can imagine it's quite the refreshing drink. The result is an invigorating that can often marry the robust flavours of the two; but for coffee enthusiasts this is a new thing to try.
Radler, Germany And Austria

Image Source: Hopsmash
The radler has become a popular beverage across Germany and Austria and it's a refreshing blend of beer (of course) with some form of fruit soda or lemonade. It's got a low alcohol content and this mixed with it's thirst quenching abilities make it a popular drink for the summer activities.