Quality Family Time

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Do you ever wish you had more time to spend with the kids? Maybe they are desperate to show you their 10000th finger painting masterpiece of the week but you just don't have the time to engage. Housewives can be completely present in their child's life for the big things AND the little things.
Hands-On Childcare

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Childcare is not only extremely expensive, it is also outside of your control. You want to know that your children are being cared for and raised in exactly the way that you want. As a housewife, you can take a much more hands-on approach to caregiving.

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It’s a horrible feeling, coming home from work to find your house is a complete mess and you just don't have the time to do anything about it. As a housewife, you can keep a well organised, clean and tidy home that will hugely benefit your mental wellbeing!
Flexible Schedule

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When we are trying to do a million things at once; hold down a full-time job, care for our children, maintain our marriage and friendships AND keep a clean home - there is just no time to be flexible. As a housewife, you are in charge of your calendar which gives you that extra bit of freedom.
Cooking Know-How

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When we first move in with a partner, the need to cook tasty food can feel hugely intimidating! Most of us won't be expert chefs and preparing food can feel like a chore. When caring for our home and family is our full-time job, we can take more care and enjoyment in our kitchen!
Financial Savings

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Being a parent is just so expensive, especially when we have little time to cook or care for our kids, we end up spending lots of money on take-out and childcare. As a housewife, you can have more control over your finances through doing most of this yourself!
Emotionally Available

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As a mom or partner, it is important to be emotionally available. If your partner or child is going through a hard time and you are always busy or in your own head, they may feel unable to confide in you. If you are emotionally available, you will be able to better nurture your family.
Less Stress

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Modern life is so unnecessarily stressful! Societal pressure to do a million things at once whilst presenting your life as perfect on social media can leave us feeling frazzled. When you do life on your own terms, making time for what matters to you - there's a lot less stress!
Autonomy Over Education

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It can often feel like our child's education is out of our control. As a housewife, you will have greater autonomy over their schooling; whether that is having the time to visit various schools in your area to find the perfect one, or even trying home-schooling.
Personal Growth

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It isn't only your family that will benefit from your choice to become a housewife, your own mental and physical health will be seeing some positive changes too! Take the time to schedule in classes and activities that make you feel more like yourself.
Healthier Eating

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When we are constantly busy, it's all too easy to fuel our bodies with quick and easy junk food and candies. This can lead to us feeling sluggish and unwell. Being in control of family meals means you have the time to properly prep and create nutritious meals.
Time With Aging Parents

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One of the greatest privileges of our lives is caring for our parents as they age. We all know we owe them so much but when we are overwhelmed with work, it can feel like something we don't have time for. As a housewife, you can choose to prioritize your folks.
Home Makeover Time!

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I don't know about you, but I could spend hours on end sat on my couch watching home makeover shows! Most of us watch these programmes thinking 'if only I had the time for that'... well, if you are a housewife - you do! It's time to make your dream home!
Upholding Family Traditions

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What do you remember most about family life growing up? I bet a lot of it is connected with your family's traditions and shared values. Being a homemaker means you can commit your time and energy to creating these special moments and long-lasting traditions!
Social Connections

Image Source: The Environmental Magazine
It is no easy task making social connections within your community. As a housewife you can schedule time into your week to reconnect with the people around you, whether that is signing up to community events, joining a local social group or even a community choir!
Flexible Work Opportunities

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Being a housewife may mean that you prioritize being at home to keep the house and care for the kids, but with full control of your schedule, freelance work is made for you! Especially now that working from home is the 'in' thing - find the job that works for you!
Work-Life Balance

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A healthy work-life balance is the holy grail of modern life - it is something most of us can only dream of! As a housewife you have full control of your own schedule to allow for a perfectly balanced life where family or social time can be prioritized.
Strengthening Bonds

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When we are distracted, we can move through life without acknowledging the people around us. Being a homemaker gives us the time and energy to engage with and emotionally bond with our family members. Maybe consider putting 'family bonding time' in your daily schedule?
Amazing Time Management Skills

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Many people perceive housewives as women who just sit around the house all day … they could not be more wrong! Caring for a home and family is a full-time job which requires meticulous time management and forward thinking - skills that will come in handy for the rest of your life.
No Commute!

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Who doesn't love being pushed up against sweaty commuters on the packed rush-hour train every morning? Yeah, me neither. When our work revolves around our home and community, there is no need to schlep to the other side of town! Use that time instead to prepare for the day.
Opportunities To Volunteer

Image Source: The Keyword
We all know that one of the most rewarding and inspiring things we can do in life is to become a volunteer. This selfless act will not only give you a new sense of purpose but will connect you with likeminded people in your local community and teach you new skills!
Focus On Wellness

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One of the first things that goes out of the window when we are overworked and waking up early in the morning to get the kids ready before heading to the office, is our personal wellness! Having the time to prioritize the health of your mind and body will transform your life.

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One thing I will always advise to anyone who wants to feel happier and more inspired is to get creative! It is something that used to come easily to us as children: the ability to pick up a paintbrush or open our dressing-up box and let our imaginations run wild!

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Are you fed up of your family making huge purchases for the sake of convenience? As a housewife you are in charge of budgeting and can save your household a whole load of cash! With the money you save, why not book a family vacation or put it towards your kid's college fund!
Time In the Garden

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Spending time in the great outdoors, will make you healthier and happier, so why not get out in the garden? Taking time every morning to maintain your outdoor space whether that is your back yard, local allotment or community garden is proven to boost your mood.
Community Involvement

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If we want to see improvement in our local community, it's up to us to put the work in! As a housewife, you have the time and emotional capacity to get out in your community and make a change. Why not join the board of your kid's school or your local council's advisory committee?
More Control

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One thing that is sure to leave us feeling anxious and overwhelmed is not having control over our own lives. In the commercial workplace, it can feel like we are always reaching for the next promotion whilst we lose our grip on our home life. Take back control of your own wellbeing!
Keeping Your Family Healthy

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If there is one thing we all long for, it is to see our loved ones happy, healthy and thriving! As a housewife we have the important job of overseeing this. Being a constant support and source of good advice, affection and nourishing food will hugely benefit your family.
Being A Supportive Partner

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When we start to settle down it can feel like our romantic life has ended. How many of us live with a spouse that we hardly see or have meaningful conversations with? As a housewife you can rekindle your relationship by lining up your schedules to prioritize 1:1 time.

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Ultimately, you must choose the path in life that offers you the most fulfilment. Despite the common misconceptions, being a housewife can offer you a life of structure, meaningful connection, personal growth and fulfilment! Choose the life that works best for you!