1. Get a surveillance system
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Surveillance is one of the best ways to secure your house at night. It is a sure way to be able to see what's going on outside your house. If it has a recording system, you can use it to see if there were any break-in attempts while you were out of the house or use it as footage evidence in case something did happen. The more you know, the more knowledge you have on how to secure your house further. And, it is definitely off-putting to anybody who would break in as you have cameras dotted around the place which is a huge deterrent for anybody who may be planning something.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Use reinforced locks

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Reinforced locks are another simple way to secure your home and protect it at night. It's a relatively easy thing to do and not so expensive as other ways, but just as effective. The thing is with normal locks, they can be broken with a crowbar or other tools. So reinforcing your locks means that the lock may be unbreakable, or at least it will take a lot more time and effort by which point the noise probably would have woken somebody. A burglar could also be deterred as they understand it would not be an easy feat.
3. Let your dogs stay free downstairs

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Some of us put our digs away into a room or a house at night, but letting your dog stay free downstairs if possible is a great way to protect your home at night. Dogs are one of the biggest deterrents for thieves because they alert the homeowner and scare anybody breaking in by causing a huge amount of noise. And, nobody would want to enter a home at night with dogs loose who you do not know and aren't aware of their temperament because dogs are protective and have an instinct for intruders. So, they would react very differently to their owner coming into the house at night.
4. Get a high fence

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Instead of getting a fence that's just a few feet high, make it bigger. It's very difficult to scale a high fence because there's no way to grip or climb it with ease. A fence that's just a few feet tall however will be easily hopped over. This is a very easy way to protect your home at night because people cannot easily climb the fence and it would alert more people if they witnessed a ladder. Plus, seeing a high fence is going to put off any opportunists in the area as they realize it will be difficult and they know that if you protect the outside of your home, your home is probably reinforced too.
5. Prop a broom in front of your door

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You're probably thinking why would propping a broom in front of the door protect the house in ANY way? It may sound like an amateur and makeshift protective mechanism, but as soon as somebody opens or manages to break in the door, the broom will clatter to the floor causing a loud noise. Many thieves will run as soon as they realize they've caused a sound because they know they have drawn attention to themselves. And, at this point, you can call the police as you know somebody has opened the door. It's simple, free, and effective and you can do it on as many doors as you like!
6. Get a video doorbell

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Video doorbells are more popular than ever at the moment and statistically, recently there have been more sold than ever before. This is because they are super effective AND they are very reasonable in terms of their prices. Many people have been able to help secure their houses without having to pay thousands for complicated surveillance systems. In this case, you see exactly who is at your front door. So you know if there's an intruder and it also helps protect you at night because you can know who, and who not to open the door to.
7. Switch your lock for a strike lock system

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Normal lock systems are not the most effective thing you could be having on your door, but not many people know and so most of us have the most standard fittings. Yet, if we really want to protect our house, we may be better off opting for a strike lock system. This makes it a lot more difficult to break, and you cannot use the usual method to break the lock that many burglars know about and are used to using on a normal lock system. So, a key way to protect your house at night is installing a strike lock system
8. Get motion sensor lights

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Motion sensors have been around for a long time but they cannot be underestimated in their effectiveness. As soon as you see your lights come on outside at night, you automatically know that something has disturbed them and it has detected motion. yes, it may be a cat, but it is always good to know when something or someone is moving outside your house at night. Plus, a burglar who may be hidden in the shadows of the night will feel protected, as soon as a light beam shines on them they are going to feel exposed and the natural instinct would be to run.
9. Get an alarm system

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If you want to protect your home at night then step one is to install an alarm system. It's a proven and effective method that has helped so many people in many different circumstances to protect their homes. While we are sleeping there is no way to know what is going on, but if your alarm wakes you up you know something is going on. And, they are LOUD. So anybody within the vicinity will draw all of their attention to your house - which is very secure. A thief will most likely scarper as soon as the alarm beeps.

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It sounds so simple and obvious, to close all your windows and doors. You may be thinking 'Well, durr'. But you'd be surprised at the sheer amount of people who are broken into at night because they have left a window slightly open, or a door or window unlocked. Sometimes, especially when it's hot inside, we leave the windows open, probably not even intentionally. So go around your home before you sleep and make sure that everything is closed and locked. An open window is something opportunists may seize!
11. Get friendly with your neighbors

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Neighbors are funnily enough one of THE best ways to protect your house. Some neighborhoods have 'neighborhood watch schemes' in which they help look out for one another's houses and alert each other if they have noticed anything suspicious. Most of us get along with our neighbors (aside from those with nightmare neighbor stories) and it's one of the best things you can do to protect your home be it day or night. Often someone is awake, people have different shift patterns and sleeping patterns, so someone can keep an eye out on your house when you cannot.
12. Put screws on your windows

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Screws on your windows are a super simple and effective way to protect your house even more without having to cost you much money. Because some windows are fairly breakable and would open with just a bit of applied force. But, with screws even the most simple window and lock system is more difficult to break. If you are looking at ways to protect your home at night it's a good idea to focus on the windows too as well as doors, and if it's as easy as adding some screws, then why not protect our homes even more!
13. Get a door chime

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Noise is the number one deterrent when your house is under threat from intruders. An intruder wants to make the least amount of noise as possible in the nighttime because there are no background sounds to cover up what they are doing. In the day, the world is noisier. But, in the night everything is silent and a door chime would alert everybody that someone is opening the door. It would stand out and wake people up which is the thing that anybody breaking in would want to avoid at all costs as they could be caught.
14. Put your possessions out of the windows

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We should be able to put things wherever we want in our own homes, but sadly, we have to think about security. So many people leave valuable goods in visible sight of their windows. If an opportunist is walking down the street looking through windows, they are, of course, going to be more attracted to a house where they can see that they could steal something of value. So, check that you haven't left laptops or watched or even small changes in the windows as it shows people that you do have good inside your home.
15. Install a peephole

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Peepholes are by no means a new invention or a new piece of fancy, protective technology for us to use to protect our homes better at night. Yet, there's a reason they have been around pretty much forever because they are useful. If you hear a noise outside or close to your home you are not going to go outside in the night. But, if you can check your peephole you may be able to see. And, if your door knocks you can see who is at the door before answering as we shouldn't open the door in the night before being well aware who it is.
16. Get a safe box

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Most of us use a safe box in a hotel, but when it comes to our own homes we often feel protected when we are inside our own four walls. This may be the case, but some people like to feel extra protected and secure at night. And, one of the easier ways that we can do this is by buying a safe box. You could keep your most valuable things in here at night to be sure that they are not at risk of being taken if an intruder comes. A safe is impenetrable and so your valuables will be safe here if you remember the code!
17. Secure your Wi-Fi network and cameras

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This is something most of us do not think about. But, your wifi and security cameras may be at risk of being hacked. And, if somebody can get inside them then it means they may also be able to get access to other information, and they may also be able to use the cameras to see through. You can install firewalls and different kinds of technological techniques to protect your online or tech spaces so that they are more secure from being hacked or broken into. This is one of the ways in which we often neglect to protect!
18. Get bars on your windows

Image source: Reddit
Some people do not like to get bars on their windows because they feel like it looks austere, and they believe that it gives a 'prison-like' feel to their own homes. So this may not be preferable to everybody. But, if the goal is simply protecting your home at night, then this is a good way to do it. Plus, you can get many different designs that feel more decorative, even though they are doing the same protective job. Somebody looking at these windows may not think it was worth trying to break in as they are reinforced from the outside.
19. Put a box on the mail slot

Image source: Reddit
If you've ever watched a crime series or movie you'll know that there are all kinds of ways that people can break into a home. You may have also seen people use mailboxes to be able to open the door. There's a simple solution, get a mailbox and then this open space is no longer open or exposed. Now, nobody can use it for anything other than sliding your mail through the door. It's another element to protecting your house that most of us had never even thought of. And, at least the dog won't tear up the letters when they land too!
20. Get glass break sensors

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Widows and glass doors may make some people more bu, durable as they are more easily smashed. Some intruders will smash a window to enter if they cannot open it by force. But, your glass breaking doesn't have to be a weak point. If you get glass break sensors they can set off an alarm if your glass is broken. Then, the intruder will have to contend not only with a huge smashing sound but also an alarm which is anything but inconspicuous. At this point, they will likely run for the hills to get away from your house!
21. Trim trees near the doors of your house

Image source: Reddit
Most houses have trees of some kind around the front or back. Trees can offer privacy from neighbors so that we can relax in our garden without having anybody prying. Yet, if you have any trees around the door of your home it is a good idea to trim them and keep them from obscuring the view. This way, intruders cannot use them to hide behind while they try and break into your house. In this case, the more visibility the better, as neighbors can see somebody outside your home, as well as any cameras surrounding the house.
22. Have a rod enforced behind sliding doors

Image source: Reddit
Sliding doors are all the rage because they look amazing and give us great views of the outdoors as well as more light. They're super chic and trendy, but are they super safe? Nope. But they can be! You can reinforce this kind of door too, by using a rod. This will give it more strength to protect your home at night. This way, your sliding doors won't be an attraction that lets down the safety of your home. You can easily overcome it with a simple rod. Now you don't have to worry about getting sliding doors if you were concerned about the safety of your home.
23. Reinforce your door frames

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Door frames sometimes are not as strong as we would hope and often with a simple tool, a burglar can easily prise the door open without using so much force. But, with reinforced bars on your door frame, it is a different matter entirely. It would take great force to open, which means more time, and more noise. All of these things mean that it would create more attention. And, it is offputting for an intruder who would not be expecting to come across a reinforced door as from the outside you cannot see. So it's a great way to protect your home at night.
24. Secure any outdoor spaces too

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Don't just focus solely on your house and securing your house. You should also protect the outdoor spaces too. Even if you do not think that you have anything valuable or anything that could be stolen outside, it is important to secure the outside areas. One of the main reasons is because it adds another level of security. And, if people know that you secure even your outdoor spaces safely, it is a huge deterrent as it is obvious you do the same for the house itself and so people may not bother to even try.
25. Get a noisy door system or a door motion bell

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Some doors are designed to open noisily. For example, some crackle when you open it due to plastic material that is placed inside the door - it's less noisy than a bell but instantly tells you your door has opened. Or, you can get a door motion bell which will alert you to the fact that your door has been opened. It may be a little annoying in the daytime when you are in and out of your house, but at night it's a brilliant way to know your door is open. And, it would scare somebody away, even if they had managed to open your door!
26. Get a panic button

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Often people think panic buttons aren't suitable for them because they are often given to people more vulnerable or less mobile. But you can have a panic button too. They are especially useful and reassuring in the nighttime when you cannot see what is happening around your home and it is not always a good idea to move from your bedroom if you hear an intruder. So, in this case, if you hear suspicious noises and believe you're being burgled you can push the panic button! You can carry it around or have it installed in your room!
27. Install window sensors

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The thing is, we often give a lot of attention to doors and making them safe and ensuring that they are locked and protected. But windows are often a far easier method and something we do not spend as much time or attention on protecting. Getting window sensors alerts you when someone is around the window and when a window is opened which is a great way to know if anybody is trying to enter your windows. Particularly at night, when there is no light and you may be sleeping. An alert could really help protect your home!
28. Get a chimney cap
Image source: Reddit
Now, some chimneys are too small for somebody to fit down. On the other hand, some chimneys aren't and you get people trying all kinds of crazy things. So if you want to make sure that you are protected on every level in your house and all kinds of entry areas are closed, then get a chimney cap to be extra safe and secure at night. Chimneys generally aren't a potential daytime problem, because it would cause a lot of people to look. But at night in the dark, it could be a way in. So a chimney cap just closes this avenue of opportunity!
29. Put up signs

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Signs are controversial because some people put up signs or see signs, for example, 'beware of the dog' and think, 'I better beware of the dog!'. Others think 'They probably don't even have a dog, it's just a deterrent method!'. Yet, in the chance that it does deter SOME people, it's a super easy way to do it and surely it's worth it. Some people also like to put up signs that they have CCTV cameras to try and deter anybody from breaking and entering into their homes. So signs could be one way of protecting your home better at night time.
30. Get a door brace

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The purpose of a door brace is to help reinforce and therefore strengthen the resistance of your door when it is forced open. It's a method to help protect your home at night as it is intended to protect against intruders. Even if it was kicked or prized, a door brace would help solidify your door. Therefore, it's a pretty simple technique to help protect your home and keep it as safe and secure as possible. Especially against any intruders! They are also super quick and easy to install and don't cost THAT much money either!