20 Ways Moms Can Be More Mindful Everyday

By Sarah M 1 year ago

Quiet Time in The Morning

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Being the busy mom that you are, probably to LAST thing you want to do is wake up even earlier; but I promise you, setting the alarm for a few minutes prior to normal could make all the difference. Give yourself a quiet moment first thing to prepare for the day.

Start The Day with Meditation

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It's all too easy to wake up and immediately reach for our phones. Give yourself the gift of a peaceful mind by starting your day off with a meditation practice. Find a simple YouTube or app tutorial and commit to having a short meditation every morning.

Mindfully Enjoy Your Coffee

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If you are anything like me, you wake up anticipating that first sip of coffee. We are used to either drinking a cup on the go, whilst watching TV or while entertaining our little one. Remind yourself why you love this delicious warming drink by closing off distractions whilst you enjoy it!

Focussed Play

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Your little one wants to play, your partner is loudly working from home, your other kids are arguing in the kitchen, and you would rather have your feet up watching Desperate Housewives. It's easy to be distracted but try to focus in on intentional playtime and give it your full attention.

Active Listening

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Not easy when everyone wants to talk at once, but it is hugely beneficial to encourage active listening with your children. If your kids know that there is a time in the day when they have your full attention, they will feel more open to communicate honestly.

Screen Breaks

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Research has found that the average time Americans spend looking at screens every day is 7 hours!! If we aren't glued to our socials, we are watching kids TV or checking emails. Screen time hugely affects our mental health; purposefully take time today completely free from your screens.

Communal Mealtimes

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Avoid sporadic mealtimes, eating on the move or at different times to your children. Taking time to sit around the table together with no smartphones or distractions will encourage mindful discussion and focussed daily bonding time with your little ones.

Share Your Gratitude

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Whilst you are enjoying your mindful, communal dinner time, consider introducing the practice of daily gratitude. Once your whole family is sat down, encourage your children to take it in turns expressing something they are happy or thankful for that day.

Mindful Eating

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When we are distracted, we can gulp down our food without even recognising what we are eating. When was the last time you ate mindfully and noticed the individual flavours and textures of your dinner? Not only will this aid your mental state, it will also encourage good digestion.

Prioritize Your Hobbies

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Enjoying hobbies is the very definition of 'me' time! Indulging in our personal passions and interest awakens our minds and gives us energy and happy hormones. When we actively focus on a task we enjoy, we are able to block out distractions and stay in the present moment.

Schedule Breaks

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It's no small task to give yourself short breaks throughout the day but you and your children's happiness will benefit! When we are overstimulated or just plain exhausted, we are much more likely to act out in anger or frustration. Taking mini breaks allows us to re-centre.

Self- Compassion

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When we have the huge responsibility of raising children under the judgemental eye of society, it's only natural we are hard on ourselves. The key is to take time every day to acknowledge your achievements and to take a pause to re-centre when you find yourself self-criticising.

Deep Breathing

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If we aren't careful, the everyday stress of raising kids can encourage anxious, short breathing. We need to be intentionally carving time out of our day to practice mindful, deep breathing. Healthy breath techniques reduce our stress and focus our minds.

Mindful Chores

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None of us enjoy our daily chores, especially when we have a long list to get done. It can feel exhausting and deflating, especially if you feel it goes unappreciated. Encourage a healthier approach to chores by using them as a mindfulness moment, being slow and intentional.

Daily Yoga

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The health benefits of yoga are well documented. It can feel intimidating to begin with but once you have learnt a routine of basic poses, it can be a wonderfully focussing way to start your day. Consider signing up for a weekly class to make some mom friends whilst you're at it!

Walk In Nature

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Getting outside and moving our bodies is something that's very easy to put off but almost always has an instant mood-boosting effect. If you are walking with your little ones, make a point of discovering beautiful little details of nature and pointing out the sounds and smells.

Keep A Mindfulness Journal

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A mindfulness journal is a great way to notice and record the small details of your day. If you have been out in nature, use this journal to record the different species, sights and sounds that you experienced - maybe even try your hand at sketching them out!

Create A Calming Bedtime

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To help your kids get off to sleep more easily and to encourage them to sleep through, it's time to create a specialised bedtime routine. We all benefit when our children are well rested and aren't keeping us up all night! Use gentle storytelling, soft music and lighting.

Wind Down

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After a busy day it can feel impossible to get off to sleep. Help yourself get a deep and peaceful sleep by creating a gentle daily 'wind down' routine. Use your evening skincare time to be mindful and present and consider putting on relaxation music or podcasts before bed.

Set Digital Timers on Your Phone

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It is hard to stay present with our kids when we are constantly distracted by our phones. There are a variety of apps which will forcibly close certain social media sites after a designated time or if you are disciplined enough, set yourself timers and stick to them!

Embrace Imperfections

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When we are only seeing snippets of other family's lives whilst collecting our kids from school, it can seem that other people have these perfect, well-organized existences. Well, have you considered they might be thinking the same of you? Your imperfections are what make you perfect!

Ask For Help

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It can feel vulnerable or like a failure when we realize we need to ask for help, but it is the complete opposite. Admitting you are exhausted and asking loved ones or professionals for help will allow you to avoid burnout and ensure your kids are getting your best self.

Moments of Connection

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We can spend every other minute of the day with our children, we can wake them up, play with them, take them on day trips, eat dinner together and still not be actively connecting with them. Remind yourself throughout the day to take small moments of focussed connection.

Sensory Bath Time

Image Source: The Imagination Tree
Your little one's bath time is the perfect opportunity to practice mindfulness. It is a moment of connection that requires your full attention and is a great time to teach them to be present too. Invest in floating lights and bath toys to focus their minds and encourage creative play.

Count to Ten

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Sometimes the classic techniques are the best! Parenting can be totally overwhelming; if you find you are at the end of your rope and are close to tears or directing your frustration to your children, it's time to count to ten! Close your eyes, breathe in and out and focus on the numbers.

Prioritize Sleep

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If you are anything like me, you have got used to functioning on a low level of sleep. However, lack of sleep impairs our mental function, reduces the power of our immune system, gives us mood swings, and makes us gain weight! In other words, start prioritizing sleep!

Try Gardening

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Getting out into the garden or to your local allotment or community gardening group is scientifically proven to boost your mental health! Focussing on planting and maintaining the growth of plants reduces stress, anxiety, depression and lowers your blood pressure too!

Re-Connect with Friends

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Mom life doesn't exactly lend itself to being a social butterfly. It can feel like becoming a parent meant the end of your friendships and anyway, who has time to socialize? Taking time in the week to reconnect with the people that make you feel most like yourself will feed your soul.

Dear Diary

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We've discussed mindfulness journaling, but nothing beats a good old fashioned diary entry to get it all off your chest. There's a reason we filled hundreds of these books as angsty teens, getting all your worries out of your head and onto the page will help you see things clearer.

Mindfulness Apps & Podcasts

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It's not easy to put all of this into practice without someone to guide you and keep you accountable. There are plenty of brilliant podcasts and apps that can talk you through step-by-step mindfulness techniques and give real life examples of how others incorporate it into their everyday.