20 Things We Have All Lost At Least Once In Our Lives

By Sophie 1 year ago

1. Keys

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It'd be miraculous if you hadn't lost a set of keys at least once in your life. No matter how many times you tell yourself you'll always put them on the hook, they still manage to be placed in random pockets or flat surfaces in your house. A little self-discipline would help!

2. Socks

image source: reddit.com
It's been suggested that the average American loses 15 socks per year, and it's long been a mystery as to where they go. The answer may be as simple as in your bed linen! Duvet covers and pillow cases have been found to swallow up small items, so keep them separate to avoid getting cold feet!

3. Wallet

image source: reddit.com
Isn't it annoying when just as you're about to pay for dinner, your wallet is nowhere to be found and the other person has to pay? Whoops! Although we don't always carry cash nowadays, losing all the valuables with your wallet can be annoying to replace, so having a bag with different sections can be an easy way to have a safe space for your wallet to live.

4. TV Remote

image source: reddit.com
It's 8pm and your favorite show is about to start. The TV channel needs changing so you reach for the remote and... it's not there! You race around the living room, looking high and low, to find it's fallen down the back of the sofa...AGAIN. The show has started, you've missed the beginning, and you vow to never leave the remote on the sofa again. Sound familiar?

5. Headphones

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These pesky sound devices have become even harder to keep hold of now that everything has gone wireless - you thought it was bad before?! Whether you're out on a run or commuting to work, life without music is a very dull one and makes the journey feel so much longer.

6. Luggage

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There is nothing worse than getting off your flight to find that your luggage hasn't followed you. This one isn't always your fault as you may have done everything right at check in, but it means you'll have to walk around in mismatched outfits until your clothes arrive. Just hold off from taking photos.

7. Glasses

image source: reddit.com
Probably one of the most difficult things to find, searching for your glasses will have you looking like Velma from Scooby Doo, feeling around for them in hopes that they'll miraculously appear. Just make sure they're not on your chair before you sit down...

8. Phone Charger

image source: reddit.com
When your phone is out of battery and you have an important call to make, what do you do? Only the logical thing of course, you curse the 21st century for getting rid of phones with cords and reminisce on "the good old days". This wouldn't be an issue if we still had landlines!

9. Shopping List

image source: reddit.com
It's usually when you have a big dinner to make that you forget your shopping list and suddenly you wish you'd memorized everything you'd written down. There's no way you can remember all 20 ingredients that go into a Mole Poblano. Sometimes careful planning doesn't matter if you're careless!

10. Pets

image source: reddit.com
Dogs just love to be wild and free and will do anything to escape contemporary living, no matter how much they love you. Cats, on the other hand, are happy to waltz to wherever there is food, without a care in the world. If you have a pet bird, however, sorry to say but that ain't ever coming back!

11. Children

image source: reddit.com
Do you remember being a kid and getting lost in the mall? Frightening, right?! You'd get so mad at your mom for abandoning you. Now if you're a parent yourself and you've never lost your kid in a mall, seriously well done. We finally understand just how easy it is to misplace our little darlings, however watchful we are. Sorry, mom!

12. Invitations

image source: reddit.com
Unless we're super organized and file away our invitations, or even better, write the dates in our diaries, then missing our boss's retirement party is entirely probable! Sometimes it ain't a bad thing to forget dates after all, just don't miss granny's 90th birthday.

13. Jewelry

image source: reddit.com
The absolute feeling of panic that comes with losing a piece of sentimental jewelry, is beyond any other horror you may feel in life. It feels like no amount of retracing your footsteps will do! Then you remember where you saw your wedding ring last... on your finger as you were baking your dad's birthday cake...

14. Important Mail

image source: reddit.com
Yet another thing that just gets thrown onto the nearest flat surface as you come in from the mailbox, and another appointment missed as this is the first and only time you read the important letter from the Doctor's office. Does anyone even have filing systems any more?

15. Passport

image source: reddit.com
It's usually a good idea to make sure you have your passport before you arrive at check in, but you're so used to flying that you presume it's in the suitcase you always use. It's a mystery as to why we may remove our passports from their safe spaces in the first place!

16. Gloves

image source: reddit.com
Similar to the sock charade, single gloves always seem to go missing leaving you with only one warm hand, or odd gloves. There doesn't seem to be a simple explanation for this one, other than just not keeping track of where you put them. Is it so hard to keep paired items together?!

17. Phone

image source: reddit.com
In the era of wireless technology, phones have become way too easy to misplace. Luckily for us though, cell phones can be easily found if you have someone to call it for you. Just make sure you don't have it on silent as instead of hearing it ring, you'll be feeling around for the vibration!

18. Sanity

image source: reddit.com
We think it's fair to say we've all felt as though we've lost our sanity at least once in our lives. Whether it's tiredness, hormonal, or just that life sometimes becomes a bit too much, sanity often feels like the first thing to go. It'll have you questioning why you walked into that room as if you can't remember!

19. Skincare

image source: reddit.com
Having a good skincare routine can feel like an essential part of daily life, especially if you've had a long day and all you want to do is get into bed. Wanting to wash the day away and give your skin some much needed hydration is more difficult when you're tired and can't find your washbag. Another night without skincare, then!

20. Hair Clips

image source: reddit.com
No matter how many hairclips or slides you seem to buy, you can never keep hold of them for long! Somehow they get eaten up by your house, never to be seen again. It's a wonder your house can store so many and yet they can never be found. Hair clip manufacturers must be making a dime!

21. Your Place In A Book

image source: reddit.com
How many time have you restarted a chapter, or even a book, because you have lost your place? For all the gorgeous bookmarks that can be bought, the favorite is often a torn up piece of paper you found scrunched up in your wallet that too easily flies out of the book.

22. Pens

image source: reddit.com
Pens are like gold dust. There are thousands of them yet none whenever you need one. It's worse in the workplace. HR will invest in boxes and boxes of new pens and they're gone within a week. They must be the most stolen item in every office, yet nobody has one!

23. Medication

image source: reddit.com
It's quite terrifying when medication goes missing, especially if they're highly necessary or there are children around. The fear that arises when you lose your pills is gut-wrenching, and you'll need your doctor to believe it is a genuine mistake if you need to acquire more - so try to keep them safe.

24. Half A Bikini

image source: reddit.com
What do you do when you've arrived at the beach and only packed the top half of your bikini? Do you swim in your mismatched underwear? Do you go commando? Do you forego swimming entirely?! Maybe next time just pack a one-piece... less to remember, less to forget.

25. Children's Toys

image source: reddit.com
I bet you remember the absolute horror and heartbreak of losing your favorite toy as a child. Wondering where it's gone, if it is lonely, whether you'll ever see it again. These things are irreplaceable, even if mom managed to replace it. Children are more intelligent than we give them credit for and will always know the original from a replacement.

26. Bank Cards

image source: reddit.com
Losing a bank card used to be a bigger deal when that used to be the only way to pay. You'd lose access to all of your money until your new card arrived, unless you could get down to the bank. Now, luckily, you are able to pay contactless on your phone or smartwatch, saving you days of waiting.

27. Lottery Ticket

image source: reddit.com
Back when people bought physical lottery tickets, they guarded them with their lives in case of the unlikely event that they would win - there was still a chance! So losing them could be absolutely devastating, your hopes and dreams just floating in the wind. Perhaps a lost ticket made someone else a millionaire...

28. Camera

image source: reddit.com
Disposable cameras seem to be coming back into fashion, with people longing for that nostalgic excitement you get when they're in the printer's. Losing a camera wouldn't be so bad if it was unused, but often they go missing when the film is almost full. Let's just hope the finder doesn't get them developed!

29. Birth Certificate

image source: reddit.com
You birth certificate is barely used in day to day life, so it gets put away, never to be thought of again...until you need it. Many employers will use them for identification, and you may need to show it at the passport office. Luckily they're easily replaced, but unfortunately, replacement isn't free.

30. Books

image source: reddit.com
Books are the best entertainment you can have on a long journey. They're portable, don't make any noise, and will keep you entertained for hours. Imagine the devastation then when you leave your book on a train, you forget to replace it, and never find out the end of the story. What a cliffhanger!