20 Reasons Why Everyone Should Buy A Motorbike

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Need For Speed

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Pound for pound, motorcycles are the fastest vehicles on the road. Some motorcycles have around 240bhp, and with weights coming in at just over 100kg the power to weight ratio far exceeds that of even the most ridiculous hypercars. There is no way to go faster on 2 wheels!

Look Twice

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No matter if you ride a motorcycle or not, you have to admit that they are beautiful to look at. Many high end super sport motorcycles are designed and engineered to be as perfect as can be, from the engine and gear box down to the bodywork and aerodynamics.

Bond With Family

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As a kid, I remember seeing my dads motorcycle in the garage and being fascinated by it. Over 20 years later, my dad and I still share a love of two wheels. It's all we talk about, all we watch on TV and how we spend every weekend. I don't know what we would do without bikes!

Fuel Costs

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Even a 200bhp, 1200cc motorcycle can average over 40 miles per gallon on an interstate run. Some of the smaller motorcycles, like the 125cc Honda Grom can get around 100 miles per gallon, from a gas tank that costs less than 10 dollars to fill to the brim!

Just Cool

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Without a doubt, motorcycles are just too cool. For such a little amount of money, you could open the garage every morning to look at the kind of vehicle Batman might use! The speed and style of a motorcycle is like nothing else, and without a doubt effortlessly cool.


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What could be better than cruising down route 66 on a low and slow chopper? For going cross country in style, a motorcycle is perfect. They are great conversation starters, meaning you can normally hook up with someone on the interstate and cruise together.

Easy To Work On

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Compared to a car, a motorcycle is super easy to work on. They are basically just a bicycle with an engine, and due to the size of the frame, the engines are normally no bigger than 1 liter. Small engines are normally super simple, meaning you can do some maintenance yourself.

Different POV

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Although it might seem that you would get lost among the traffic, when you ride a motorcycle you actually end up sitting about as high up as an SUV driver. This gives you a good view over traffic, and is the only driving experience where you consistently use both your hands and feet all the time.

Adventure Calls

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An adventure on a motorcycle really allows you to go to places that you couldn't reach in any other way. Adventure motorcycles are specifically set up to travel over rough ground, and can go for miles and miles quickly and without using too much gas.

Cheap Transport

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A motorcycle is by far the cheapest way to get around. Small motorcycles don't cost much to buy, and other than a good, well fitting motorcycle helmet you can buy most of your safety gear second hand. This is the easiest and cheapest way to get into riding.

Perfect For Youngsters

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A motorcycle is the best way to get to and from work, school or meeting friends. They are quick and perfect for splitting through traffic. A motorcycle is the best way for young people to learn how the road works and gives you good skills that you can transfer to driving a car.


Image Source: Rider Magazine
Lane splitting and filtering is one of the benefits to having a motorcycle. You can save serious amounts of time on your daily commute by skipping past all of the traffic. Motorcycles also get away from the lights quicker, also helping you get home from work quicker.

Loud Exhaust

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A loud exhaust might be seen as just a noise nuisance by some, but there is something super cool about riding around with a loud exhaust pipe. The fact you can buy the modifications used in motorsport is unlike any other vehicle, and a new exhaust is the perfect way to personalize your bike.

Something For Everyone

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From brand new riders, to those who have ridden every road in America, there really is a bike out there for everyone. Motorcycles are getting better and better every year, and no matter what style you like there are more than enough options for you to try.


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Motorcycle camping is the best way to be at one with nature. You only have limited space, so end up taking the essentials and nothing else. A small tarp hooked onto your bike makes for the perfect shelter. Its the best way to feel connected to your bike, other than riding it!

Motorbike Friends

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Motorcyclists attract other motorcyclists. You both end up thrown so deep into this hobby and want to talk with someone about it, trouble is that many people just aren't as interested. Other motorcyclists will talk until the cows come home, so they make for the best buds.


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Motorcyclists need to be hyper aware of their surroundings, as they don't have a metal cage to protect them like you get in a car. Due to this awareness, the road manners of a motorcyclist are often superior to drivers, making them the most skilled drivers on the road.

Sights, Sounds And Smells

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An open visor is a great way to take in a new place. You get to feel the rush of the wind on your face, experience new smells and sounds more clearly and its the best way to connect with new people. If someone can see your smile, they'll likely smile back at you.

Bike Meets

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The best way to spend a fresh Sunday morning or a warm Wednesday night, bike meets are super popular and the best way to meet like minded people. If you do ride, why not go out with a group for a blast, it really is the best way to dust off the cobwebs!

Partner In Crime

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Many bikers meet their partner through bikes. Failing that, they end up convincing their partner to ride too. Partners that ride together get to experience all of the great things about motorcycling both together and separately, which really is a unique experience.

Epic Racing

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Due to the characteristics of different bikes, manufacturers often excel in different areas of racing. The Ducati's are fast down the straights, but can't corner like a Yamaha. This leads to some close racing which normally ends in dramatic results and upsets.

Picture Perfect

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What makes a photograph of some beautiful scenery better? A beautiful motorcycle of course! A motorcycle in a photograph documents more than you would think, it shows the kind of journey you took to get to your destination and paints a thousand words with its presence.


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In my opinion, everyone should have some kind of project they are working on. An old motorcycle is a great way to learn about mechanics and how an engine is put together. They are also usually cheap enough that if you mess up they don't cost the earth to repair.

Ride Anywhere

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If Nick Sanders can take his stock Yamaha R1 around the world, then so can you. Even a dedicated race bike can go anywhere, and this has been proven by more than one person. It's doubtful that a car could make it this far, they're too high maintenance!

Race Rep

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Sure, you could go to BMW or Mercedes and buy a replica of one of their race cars, but you would need a fair few dollars under the mattress. Motorcycle manufacturers make race bikes for the road, change the exhaust and you can literally ride what the pro's race.

Storage (Kind Of...)

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Most modern adventure bikes come standard with large top boxes and storage on the side of the bike (known as panniers). The panniers are perfect for carrying your gear around, so if you are planning a motorcycle adventure, invest in some large panniers!

Track Days

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Providing you don't end up throwing it down the road, hitting the track is the most fun you can have. Not on two wheels, it's just the most fun you can have. You can go flat out without fear of arrest and really test what your machine is made of on track.

Sunny Rides

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Picture the scene, you open the curtains after weeks of cold and rain. In front of you, warming your face is glorious sunshine. What could be better than this? That's right, the perfect weekend ride in the sunshine, it really is food for the soul. Imagine the wind through your hair on a warm summers day!


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So i'll admit, this one is not exactly 100% legal on public roads. However, on a private road of off road track, unleashing your inner kid and getting the front wheel up in the air us super fun. I am biased though, you're hearing this information from someone who loves back wheel.


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Although the winter might be long and seem never ending at points, it does eventually come to a close. Still, you can take a dry ride to work and enjoy your bike, just ensure that you wrap up warm. Heated grips really come into their own at this time of year.