Aloe Vera

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Aloe Vera is one of the best plants we can grow in our home. It is perfect to rub onto cuts and scrapes as it is naturally antibacterial and help to drive out infection. It is also moisturizing and smells amazing, so is great to rub straight onto your skin.

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Not only perfect on a pizza or as a key ingredient in a pasta sauce, basil is as great for helping with stomach problems such as spasms, loss of appetite, intestinal gas, diarrhea, constipation, and many other conditions related to your stomach and digestion.

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Calendula flowers are adorable orange flowers which look great in your garden. They are perfect to keep by the kitchen window, as they can be used to treat burns, bruises, and cuts, as well as the minor infections they cause if left untreated for too long.

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This is the perfect ingredient to add to a nice hot chocolate or spice up a warm glass of cider on a winter evening. But did you know cinnamon is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, anticancer, lipid-lowering, and cardiovascular-disease-lowering compound?
Curcuma Longa

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Curcuma Longa is actually technically part of the herb family, and it is great for treating painful joint conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, chronic anterior uveitis, conjunctivitis as well as skin cancer and smallpox. This makes it great in the short term and long term!

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This plant is basically the best thing you can grow to help sort out painful and long standing infections. It is super useful for treating urinary tract infections, vaginal yeast (candida) infections, ear infections, athlete's foot, sinusitis and hay fever.

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Feverfew is the plant you need if you are a sufferer of persistent headaches or migraines. It is perfect for treating pain just like a paracetamol, and can be used for toothaches, insect bites and has even been said to be a help during the pain of childbirth.
Flax Seeds

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Adding flax seeds to your diet is a perfect way to improve your heart health. Doctors recommend flax seeds to helps with the reduction of cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, making you far healthier in the long run for many years.

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High blood pressure and the hardening of the arteries is what can lead to a heart attack or a stroke in later life. By consuming garlic more frequently. you can reduce the risk of cardiac arrest and generally improve life expectancy (but maybe not your breath)!
German Chamomile

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Chamomile tea may sound more familiar than German chamomile, but it is actually the same thing. Chamomile helps you get to sleep at night, as well as helping with muscle spasms, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, and small non infected wounds or cuts.

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A classic old wives tale is that eating some ginger is the cure for stomach issues, but it is actually true! Eating some ginger root is really good for settling your stomach. If you don't like root ginger, then try drinking a glass or two of ginger beer!
Ginkgo Biloba

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This plant is great for the aging population, as it has been proven to help out with memory issues. People worried about issues like Alzheimer's disease could try using this plant sooner rather than later as it may prove super valuable in later life.

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Goldenseal is a bit of a hero plant, as it can be used for multiple applications. It is known to be the go to plant to kill bacteria and is sometimes used to treat eye infections, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, canker sores, and vaginitis. What a hero!

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Rubbing some lavender on your pillow is a great help for people suffering with sleep issues. Lavender is a natural way to help you drift off, so including it in your bedtime routine makes for more restful and better sleep overall! Why not give this a go?
Lemon Balm

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Lemon Balm is still used and has been a well known medicinal plant since the middle ages. It is used to reduce stress and anxiety, promote sleep, improve appetite, and ease pain and discomfort from indigestion. It also smells like fresh lemons and makes your hands smell great!

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As well as being used in cooking, lemon grass is a good treatment for nervous and gastrointestinal disorders and fevers. It is the perfect thing to keep in the medicine cabinet if you are feeling some indigestion coming on, so why not harvest some now.

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As well as being a great sweet treat, licorice plant is useful for helping tackle kidney diseases. This makes it a good thing to include in your diet, but make sure to not eat too much as it can be slightly damaging for your teeth due to natural sugars.

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Citrus plants like oranges, lemons, and limes are something you should always have in the kitchen as they make a great addition to most dishes. Lemons are also a great way to tackle kidney stones, due to the high levels of natural acid present in them!
Medicago Sativa

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Looking to loose a little bit of extra body weight? Medicago Sativa is a great way to help shed some excess pounds. It helps to assimilate protein, fats, carbohydrates and is a great plant to help Alkalizes/detoxify saturated fat built up in your body!

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Many people suffer with irritable bowel syndrome of IBS as it is more commonly known. Mint is a good thing to grown on a kitchen window ledge or near to a cooking area, as when added to food it can essentially help calm down your gut, preventing IBS.

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Moringa is basically anti everything bad. It helps to combat so many ailments and illnesses, it should be prescribed! Moringa is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antidiabetic and antioxidant, making it good for cuts, scrapes and your internal health.

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The stinging nettle may seem like a bit of a nuisance, as it has sharp barb like hairs which hurt when touched and can bring out a nasty rash. If you handle nettle plants carefully, they can actually be used to make nettle soup, which is full of fiber and nutrients.

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Not just a flavor of chewing gum, spearmint is actually really good for your health. It is most commonly used to help with symptoms of sickness, and is a common cure for sickness and nausea. This makes it the perfect thing to take with you to a theme park!

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Perfect for adding to a piece of lamb, rosemary is not only a great herb to keep in the spice rack. Consuming rosemary has also been linked to improvement of memory, hysteria, depression, as well as physical and mental fatigue. This makes it a win win!

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As well as protecting us from stress, sage is a great thing to grow to help relieve physical pain. It acts as a natural painkiller, and can be used to help numb the pain of cuts, bumps and bruises. If you have kids this is one you should grow or keep in!

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Commonly used as a herb, thyme contains chemicals that might help bacterial and fungal infections. Studies suggest that thyme is also good to help relieve coughing, so if you have a cough you can't shift then give this plant a try alongside medication!

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Chicken pox, wounds, urinary tract infections, and liver ailments can all be helped by adding some turmeric to your diet. It grows naturally and is usually turned into the more recognizable powder form once it has been harvested. It is renowned for being a vibrant orange color.

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Wheat is in more foods than you might think, as is great for gut health. It contains a lot of natural fiber, making it great for helping with constipation as well as just keeping your gut healthy overall. This is something to include more of in your diet!

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If you are suffering from a lack of appetite, then yarrow can help to bring back the feeling of hunger. It is also great for helping fight muscle spasms, inflammation and is a used frequently as a diuretic, to help with the flow and passing of urine.

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Zingiber really is a wonder plant, as it can be used to help conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, sprains, muscular aches, pains, sore throats, cramps, constipation, indigestion, vomiting, hypertension, dementia, fever, infectious diseases, and helminthiasis.