20 Dumb Things That We Are All Guilty Of Doing

By Aaron Love 1 year ago

Forgetting Why You Entered A Room

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This is by far one of the most universal experiences that many of us have been through, how many times have you walked into a room only to instantly forget why that you even went in there in the first place. This often leaves us scratching our heads and feeling a little stupid.

Repeatedly Checking The Fridge

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Have you ever walked in to the kitchen and opened the fridge only to shut it, walk away and then come back again? It's almost as if we think that something is going to change and there'll be a new piece of food or drink magically appear. The contents isn't going to change randomly guys!

Refusing Instructions When We Need Them

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Whether it's in relation to assembling some new IKEA furniture or using a new piece of tech you've bought, we've all chose to ignore the instructions at one point or another. Instead, we dive straight in to the task often without any clue what it is we're actually doing and ultimately turning to the instructions again when we give up.

Pushing A Pull Door

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This is perhaps one of the most awkward things that anyone can do, but also one that everyone would have experienced at some point or another. Despite all of the clear signage on the doors and visual clues our brain can often backfire and lead us to attempt to open the door the wrong way.

Waving At Someone Who Isn't Waving At You

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Have you ever spotted someone waving or moving their hand in public and you've thought they were actually waving at you? If you chose to wave back and had to walk away awkwardly, you wouldn't be the only person to go through such a cringe-inducing moment, we all wish it never happened quickly after!


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In the current era, with everything we need being available to us at the click of our phones, we can all quickly become guilty of procrastinating. Instead of working on our priority tasks we can often end up delaying them for unnecessary tasks like scrolling social media or watching our favourite shows.

Misplacing Your Keys

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Losing your keys is pretty much a rite of passage in becoming an adult, you really don't know the meaning of stress until your pacing about the house looking for where you've misplaced them. They always seem to vanish and the frantic searching usually ends up in us finding them somewhere dumb.

Overthinking Simple Things

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This could be overthinking anything that should be quite a simple task from picking the outfit you're going to wear for the day to choosing where or what it is that you want to eat for the night. What should be quite straightforward choices can quickly become long mental debates.

Arguing With Strangers Online

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There's something about being able to communicate virtually to people with different ideas to you that makes people want to argue. We've probably all ventured into the comment sections of some social media post and been roped in to having a back and forth with someone over something unnecessary.

Losing Your Glasses When They're On Your Head

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How embarrassing is this? If you're a fellow glasses wearer then you'll absolutely know what I'm talking about here. It seems comedy once it's over but it can make you look about as stupid as is humanly possible. Imagine seeing someone hunting for their glasses when they're perched on their nose or head already.

Not Taking Your Umbrella

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We've all been caught in an unexpected downpour before, but how often do you think you could have stopped getting wet by just checking the forecast? Sometimes we just don't think it through sometimes and end up causing ourselves more problems than are necessary.

Falling For Clickbait Articles

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Clickbait articles really can lure us in and have us reading for hours or regretting even clicking the article in the first place. Sometimes the headlines or images you see just look too irresistible to ignore, although when we finally read the article it can leave us feeling a little disappointed.

Forgetting To Charge Your Phone

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Our phones are pretty much the gateway through to anything in the current day and age, so we all dread that low battery notification, especially if we aren't at home. Although we know how important our phones are, charging them is something we can quite frequently forget.

Pressing The Open Door Button Instead Of The Close Door Button

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When we're getting in and out of elevators we can often become quite impatient and try and press the close door button. But have you ever caught yourself accidentally pressing the open door button instead of the close and wondering why you aren't going up or down?

Forgetting Grocery Bags

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Now you can't tell me you haven't done this one before! Imagine you've just finished your shopping and you realise you haven't brought your grocery bags with you! Instead of re-using the bags you already have at home you end up having to carry items awkwardly or buying some more plastic bags.

Using The Wrong Remote

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In a world where we can pretty much get a remote for every single one of our devices in our home, it's no surprise that we can sometimes try and use the wrong one. Have you ever found yourself using the wrong television remote or trying to use the remote for a speaker or something instead.

Forgetting Which Side Your Gas Cap Is On

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This is often a problem that some driver's can end up going through, especially in the split second after you start pulling in to the gas station to fill up. You might even do this more frequently when you've just got yourself a new car, especially if the gas cap is on the other side on the new one.

Poking Yourself In The Eye

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We've probably all accidentally done this to ourselves at some point or another , whether you were just trying to scratch your face or maybe trying to apply some mascara. It can be quite discomforting and you can leave yourself in pain and feeling embarrassed, especially if someone was watching you.

Not Muting Yourself In A Virtual Meeting

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Virtual meetings became all the more popular as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and that has continued through to the current day. But did you ever realise or have it pointed out to you that you hadn't muted yourself when you were talking or perhaps things were going on around you?

Walking Into Things When On The Phone

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I've already mentioned how our phones can lead us to procrastinate, but generally they can always be quite distracting as it is. Have you ever been walking down the sidewalk and accidentally walked in to a lamppost or trash can because you were trying to multitask out in public.

Lock Themselves Out The House

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This is the ultimate moment of shame isn't it? Have you ever had that instant feeling of your heart sinking as the door clicks shut and you feel your pockets, keyless. It seems so embarrassing doesn't it? And it gets even worse if no one else is around to help you get back in swiftly.

Leaving Car Keys In The Ignition

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Sometimes, when we've lost our car keys we might spend hours and hours trying to locate them. One of the first places you should go to try and find them should always be your ignition. I don't know why, but it's such a common blunder amongst drivers and it happens all too frequently.

Messaging The Wrong Person

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As you might be beginning to realise, having our phones available at all times can lead to a number of issues. These digital slip-ups can go from something light-hearted to be incredibly cringe-inducing, depending on what it is you're trying to send and who you've accidentally sent it to.

Talking To Inanimate Objects

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Let's be honest, we've all been caught or caught ourselves talking to inanimate objects at one point or another. This could be us talking to something we're trying to find or maybe even talking to that stubborn jar lid that just won't come off. Don't lie, you know you've done it!

The Walking In To A Spider Web Dance

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If you've ever accidentally walked in to a spider's web before then you know exactly what I'm talking about here. Walking in to a web triggers some uncontrollable movements in you body and these can become even more exaggerated if you already have a phobia.

Laughing At Your Own Jokes

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There's just something so endearing about laughing at your own jokes and something makes it that little bit funnier when no one else laughs either. It can be quite charming to some people, or other people might start to think that you're a little bit annoying. You're having fun though, eh?

Using Your Fingers For Simple Math

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Considering we pretty much have instant access to calculators now thanks to the phones we carry in our pockets, it hasn't stopped us from doing some digit counting every now and then. It's still pretty much everyone's go to resort to count their fingers if they can't instantly do it in their head.

Making Faces At Yourself In The Mirror

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Whilst you're getting ready in the morning do you ever check yourself out in the mirror? If so, you might recognise and associate with this point. It's quite an enjoyable reminder to ourselves that even as adults we can't resist the childhood desire to make a funny face at ourselves in the mirror.

Putting Clothes On Backwards

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Come on, this happens to the best of us doesn't it. If you've ever been in a hurry to get ready for work or you're late to an appointment, you might have accidentally put your shirt, pants or even underwear on backwards. You just want to hope you notice before anyone else is able to.

Singing Along Without Knowing The Lyrics

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Have you ever been in the car with someone, or had your air pods or earphones in and wanted to sing along to that bop, but you just didn't know the lyrics? It doesn't matter though does it, if the song is good then nothing is going to stop you belting it out, even if you're saying the wrong words.