1. They've started meowing REALLY loud
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A meow is a sound that isn't used in the cat world, instead, it is claimed that cats have pitched the 'meow' to match the cry of a baby and vie for the attention of their owners. So, when they start meowing really loud your cat is clearly asking for help! It could be attention or it could be sick...Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. They are hiding from you

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When it comes to our fur babies, all we want is to love them and to be with them all the time. So when they start hiding it can be super upsetting. This isn't your cat being 'in a mood', it means something is up and it needs help. Hiding probably means your cat doesn't feel well as they are extremely private when it comes to feeling pain.
3. They aren't hungry

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Animals love to eat, it's basic human nature to eat to survive. So when your cat is refusing food (and it's not just them choosing salmon rather than tuna) it most likely means that your cat is calling out for you to help. Refusing food is a common sign of sickness or illness!
4. They've become aggressive or moody

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'Your cat scratches me!' 'there's no way my angel would such a thing...'. This is pretty much the mindset of any pet owner. And this may be true, usually! But, when something is wrong with your cat it will tell you in various ways, and one of these ways may be to lash out.
5. They are sleeping even more than usual

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Cats are sleepy creatures...in fact, we've all envied a cat at some point for sleeping through while we peel ourselves out of bed to unwillingly go to work. They sleep most of the day! But, if you've noticed that they're sleeping an unusual amount, like ALL day, then they're telling you something is not right!
6. They are pacing around

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Pacing around is a clear sign that an animal is in distress, whether it be because they feel and or they are bored. Often caged animals pace because they are distressed from the boredom. So perhaps try giving your cat more attention and more stimulation!
7. They've become SUPER needy

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Some cats are very superior and stand-offish while others want to be continually petted. You know your pet and what they are like and you know if they've suddenly become super needy that something has changed. Your cat could be depressed and lonely and it wants more comfort than it is currently getting.
8. They've been peeing in random places

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Don't be too quick to scold your cat if it starts peeing everywhere. It may be annoying when your cat pees on your sheets, or your cream carpet, we get it. But, this isn't your cat acting out or being lazy, they are clearly asking you for help, they could be in some kind of emotional or physical pain right now.
9. They're super thirsty

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Just like people, a cat's health is indicated by their appetite or thirst amongst other things. Drinking what seems an excessive amount could be a sign that your cat has an underlying health issue that should be checked out by the vet rather than being dismissed!
10. They keep sneezing

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Sneezing again is a clear psychical symptom that indicated a reaction to something. Your cat could be sick or they may have allergies. If the sneezing has started out of seemingly nowhere, and it doesn't stop then your cat may be telling you that they need some help.
11. They've got patches of fur missing

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A cat's fur is very indicative of a cat's well-being, both mental and physical. If a patch of fur is missing it could suggest many things, maybe they got into a fight, maybe they licked it too much or maybe they have an underlying health issue that requires medical attention!
12. They're drooling excessively

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In most cases, when a cat drools excessively it means that it is caused by something. It is usually a physical manifestation of a medical issue. There are some cats who seem to just be natural droolers! But, if your cat has just started drooling, then something could be wrong.
13. They are over-licking themselves

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Cats are very clean creatures. In fact, if you see a cat it's probably that after a few minutes, you'll see them cleaning themselves. But, when your cat starts over-grooming itself it is asking for help. They can even cause harm to themselves by over-grooming as they could make small cuts worse, and they could start to lose fur.
14. Or, they've stopped grooming themselves

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On the contrary, if a cat STOPS grooming themselves it is your cat telling you that they need help. A cat may stop grooming itself if it feels too sick to complete small actions, or because your cat is depressed and it has lost interest in its own personal well-being.
15. They've become clumsy

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The saying a cat always lands on its feet is famous for a reason, because a cat is extremely balanced and nimble. And while it's not technically true, cats do have accidents too, in general, they are extremely agile. So, if your cat has become super clumsy you know something is wrong.
16. They won't play with you

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Even the most stubborn of cats enjoy playing sometimes. Wiggle a piece of string around and the majority of cats will not be able to resist pouncing. If your cat will not play and has no interest in playing, they are telling you that they are not feeling like their usual selves. They may either feel ill, or they may be depressed.
17. They've started avoiding coming into the house

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Cats are one of the most private creatures. Whenever a cat feels bad, their instinct is to take themselves away from the house. Usually, cats go away to die when they know their time is coming - and cats usually do! So when your cat feels sick, its natural instinct is to avoid the house to hide itself during a vulnerable time.
18. They've lost a lot of weight

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If your cat has suddenly lost a lot of weight it is not a good sign. It is telling you loud and clear that it is not well enough to eat, or it is eating and still losing weight. Cats naturally lose weight as they get older, but dropping weight all of a sudden means your cat needs to be taken to the vet to find out what is going on.
19. They seem skittish or frightened

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A cat who doesn't feel good will be more frightened of things, and more skittish because they feel more vulnerable than unusual. If your cat seems frightened, give it more affection and reassurance and if it perseveres or manifests in other issues, look deeper into the issue.
20. They won't jump onto things

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If your cat physically feels unwell, or weak or injured in any kind of way then it will not attempt to jump or climb. A cat will know and asses its own capabilities, and so if it refuses to jump this is because it physically isn't capable right now and you need to find out why.
21. They appear to lose consciousness

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A huge warning and worrying sign that your cat needs help is if they lose consciousness. This may be random, you may witness them drop out of consciousness suddenly or you may struggle to wake them up. This means your little fur baby needs your help!
22. They're vomiting

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Vomiting, like with any creature or human, means you are physically unwell. So, if your cat is vomiting it could be a natural response to eating something bad, or if it persists it could be a sign of something more serious. Keep a close eye on your cat and make sure they are drinking enough water.
23. They've started to walk strangely

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If you think about yourself, when you walk in a slump it reflects how you feel on the inside. If you feel sick you walk more hunched up, and if you feel sad or anxious you also do the same. Your cat is the same and if it has changed the way it walks then it's a clear signal.
24. They're acting completely disinterested in everything

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Your cat doesn't want to play, they don't want to eat, they won't even respond to their favorite treats, they're completely disinterested in everything and there's nothing you can do to pique their interest. If you've checked that the problem isn't physical, then it may be that your cat is depressed right now.
25. They're limping or experiencing seizures

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Limping, seizures or any physical display or illness is exactly that...your cat isn't well! It's very important not to ignore these huge signs as your cat could be suffering in some way and may be in need of urgent help. And after all, we all want what is best for our cat.
26. There's blood in their feces

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Blood in feces is never something to ignore. While on occasion it could be nothing serious and may be a response to something that their body has naturally coped with, it could be more serious than this and it's always side to seek out a real diagnosis.
27. They can't seem to hear or see very well

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Sadly it's a reality of life that our faculties aren't razor-sharp forever, over time as we get older and older, things such as our eyesight and hearing may not be what they once were. That's not to say that if your cat suddenly starts displaying signs of deafness/blindness and they are not particularly old, then something could be wrong.
28. Their breath smells really bad

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Look, we're not saying your cat's breath should smell of roses, where's the possibility of that after eating tuna-flavored kibble? But, you'll know when your cat's breath goes from its usual scent...to something truly funky. It could well be a sign that your cat is sick.
29. There's discharge from parts of their body

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Discharge from any part of the body may be a worrying sign. Because discharge could be a sign of some kind of infection. If the weeping doesn't stop or clear up quickly on its own, then it is time to have some kind of prescription made by a vet so that your cat can get better!
30. They have cuts/ scratches on them

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Cats are hunters, and while it may shock us that our little one gets into cat fights it may be totally normal. What's not normal is if they start to come home with lots of cuts and scratches, it could also indicate that they aren't healing properly and may be at risk of getting infected!