1. Shine Your Silver!

image source: RedditIs your silver jewellery looking a bit dull? Well, just as some toothpaste can brighten up your teeth - it can do the exact same for some pieces of your jewellery! Simply apply a generous amount to your silver to get that shine back. However, maybe leave your antique pieces to the professionals!Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Make Your Own Anxiety Stress Ball

image source: googleThere are endless amount of new things coming out to help up deal with anxiety and stress - and a lot of them come with a hefty price tag. Well, why not DIY your own stress ball at home with two simple things: toothpaste and a balloon! Fill an empty balloon with toothpaste, tie securely and voila! The perfect stress reliever.
3. Clean up the Soles of your Trainers

image source: googleBuying yourself a brand new pair of white trainers seems like a great idea at the time - that is until you are lumbered with the mess of actually wearing them. It may seem impossible to keep them shining bright, but all you need is some toothpaste and a toothbrush to scrub off the dirt. Easy peasy!
4. Getting Food Stains Out Of Clothes

image source: funlearningforkidsWe've all been there- cracked out our new shirt out for dinner and managed to spill more on it than went in our mouths. Anything from chocolate to pasta stains are thought to be vanished with a bit of toothpaste and scrubbing action! Make sure to steer clear of whitening toothpaste on coloured clothes though!
5. Get Your Taps Gleaming Again

image source: googleIs there anything more off putting than a grimy bathroom tap like this one? You'll likely have some toothpaste in close proximity so grab it and get scrubbing! This trick works well with most chrome plated surfaces, so save on your cleaning products with this 2 in 1 hack!
6. Clean That Filthy Iron!

image source: tipsandtricksDoes the bottom of your iron resemble this? Burnt to a crisp and ready for the bin in all honesty. Toothpaste saves the day once again, supposedly pulling the residue from the iron so it can't stain your precious clothes! Why not try this instead of wasting money on a new one?!
7. No More Scratches On Your Screen

image source: macrumorsThere's nothing more annoying than a nice, new phone with scratches ALL over the screen. Screen protectors aren't worth the money - especially when they get those annoying little air bubbles underneath. You might not think it, but toothpaste might just be able to save your back. Take note, though- it only works on plastic surfaces and make sure to thoroughly wipe your screen dry.
8. Make Your Headlights Beam

image source: popsugarToothpaste, by nature, contains abrasive material to do the job of fighting plaque and keeping your mouth clean! Thanks to this, it makes for an excellent cleaning solution, especially for your headlights! Make sure those lights are beaming with a little help from your bathroom essential!
9. Freshen Bottles

image source: krazycoupon
Are you baby bottles getting that sour-milk smell the more times you use them? Sometimes boiling water and liquid soap aren't going to be tough enough to get rid of that milk smell. Well, instead put some toothpaste on the brush you wash the bottles with, scrub away and then rinse thoroughly. The smell should disappear!
10. Vanish Wooden Surface Stains

image source: google
Yes, this one is a little bit daunting but it has been said to work absolute wonder. So, instead of throwing away your furniture and replacing it - why not try this little hack and see if it can work wonders on your furniture too! Try wiping the stains with a bit of toothpaste on a cloth and see them disappear right before your eyes!
11. Stop Your Goggles Misting Up

image source: google
This one might sound a bit random, but it's probably happened to you if you're one of those who can't bare going underwater without eye protection! The insides of goggles easily mist up, so before your next wear, try covering the inside of the eye pieces in toothpaste and leave for a few hours or even over night. When you wash it off, you'll find they won't steam up!
12. Whiten Up Your Piano Keys

image source: pixabay
Okay, I know not many of us own a piano, but for those that do- toothpaste does a marvellous job of whitening the keys which can often yellow after being poked and prodded by dirty hands! Another tip- clean the excess toothpaste off with whole milk for that extra shine!
13. Get Rid Of Those Shoe Scuffs

Image Source: Fresh StepThere's nothing worse than scuffing a favourite pair of shoes, and even if you keep them squeaky clean, the scuffs are still going to be noticeable. But fear not - you can put a dab of toothpaste onto the scuffs and buff away with a soft cloth before wiping clean with a damp one. Voila!
14. Clean Crayon Marks From Walls

Image Source: InsiderIf you have children, then no doubt you've had to compete with many occasions of toddlers using the walls as a drawing board. If you're at your wit's end with painting over crayon on the walls, you can get a tube of toothpaste and a brush to scrub with.
15. Eliminate Tea And Coffee Stains On Mugs

Image Source: Root SimpleThere's nothing worse than having tea or coffee ring stains on your favourite mug, but it's inevitable when you have a favourite and use it all the time. But, luckily, you can apply a little bit of toothpaste onto the stain to get rid of it - then wash as you usually would.
16. Shine Your Diamonds

Image Source: UnsplashAs well as brightening up silver jewellery, you can make your diamonds sparkle that little bit more, too. Simply put some toothpaste on a soft toothbrush so that you can gently apply on your diamond, before wiping off with a damp cloth.
17. Get Rid Of Water Marks On Furniture

Image Source: The Washington PostOkay, who forgot to use a coaster? Too late, the damage is already done with marks on your precious wooden table. But never fear - apply some non-gel toothpaste onto a cloth and rub into the ring itself. Wipe off with a damp cloth and then apply some furniture polish.
18. Clean And Freshen Up The Smell Of Your Bathroom Sink

Image Source: StocksyNot only does toothpaste help to clean your sink, but it can work to eliminate any odours coming from the drain, too. Even better: your toothpaste will already be within arm's reach in the bathroom! Put some into the sink and scrub with a sponge before rinsing down the drain.
19. Prevent Your Bathroom Mirrors From Getting Fogged Up

Image Source: HuffPostIs there anything more annoying than all your bathroom mirrors steaming up after a shower, right when you need them to get ready? Well, there is a way to prevent this using toothpaste - just coat your mirrors with non-gel toothpaste and wipe it off before you take your shower.
20. Get Rid Of Stains On Your Carpet

Image Source: InstructablesCarpets easily get stained by a number of things, and especially when you have a family with a carpet that sees a lot of foot traffic. If you're constantly battling with stains, then you can add toothpaste to a brush or sponge and rub into the stained part. You can then blot with a damp cloth.
21. Clean Away Beach Tar

Image Source: Johnny JetBlack beach tar can easily stain the skin, and especially the bottom of your feet if you've had your shoes off at the beach. You can always rub non-gel toothpaste into your feet on the beach tar stains and rinse away. Easy!
22. Get The Scuffs Out Of Your Lino

Image Source: Thrifty FunYou can use toothpaste to get the scuffs out of your shoes, so why not lino, too? Apply toothpaste to a damp cloth and use to buff the marks on your lino away. Then rinse away with cold water. Extra helpful when it's somewhere that sees a lot of foot traffic, like the kitchen.
23. Get The Scratches Out Of Your CDs/DVDs

Image Source: RemoveandReplace.comThere's nothing worse than scratching your precious CDs or DVDs (yes, some people still have them!) so if the marks are only shallow and not too serious, you can use a thin layer of toothpaste on the surface of the disc, rub in gently with your fingers in a circular motion and then rinse with cold water.
24. Clean The Plates On Your Straighteners

Image Source: Frugally BlondeIf you use your hair straighteners often enough, then over time they are going to build up grime on their surface. It makes sense when they're contending with all manner of hair products time and again. Use toothpaste to gently wipe onto the plates and ease off the grime.
25. Polish Anything Metal

Image Source: Water WeldersAnything metal which needs its shine returning, you can dab on a bit of minty toothpaste with a soft cloth and rub the grime away. You can then use a damp cloth to remove the remaining bits of toothpaste and dirt. This is a great, natural remedy for metal cleaning!
26. You Could Try To Use It To Fill Holes In The Wall

Image Source: InstructablesOf course, the best way to fill holes in the walls made from picture hooks and nails is to use Polyfilla and cover/paint properly, but if you're short on time or money and want to be a bit sneaky, you can always try filling holes with toothpaste! This won't work as well for bigger holes, though!
27. Freshen Up Your Tupperware Tubs

Image Source: Tips and TricksTupperware tubs are extremely handy, but if you're using them a lot, it's inevitable they're going to start smelling of whatever you've been using them for - or, they can grow musty if they've been sat unused. Brush the insides of the tub with toothpaste and leave for a bit, then rinse off.
28. Use As A Car Air Freshener

Image Source: Fia Seat CoversIf you're extremely frugal and don't want to pay for a traditional air freshener, you can put some toothpaste onto a paper towel. Fold it up and then place underneath your car seats when your car is in a warm spot. The heat will melt the toothpaste and the minty smell will be released.
29. Give Your Garden Furniture A Clean

Image Source: ShpockPlastic garden furniture, like chairs and tables, can get stained so easily, and you might have them stored away for a while only to notice them stained when you bring them out to use them. You can use a toothpaste and water mix for a paste you can apply to plastic furniture to brighten it up.
30. Clean Your Fridge Seals

Image Source: Shiny ModernFridge seals collect so much dirt and grime, and it's so difficult to get to when it's right in the corners. Clothes and sponges can't comfortably get into such a tight space, so you probably ignore dirty fridge seals half the time. Instead, use an old toothbrush with toothpaste and brush the seals.
31. Mark Your Pictures When Hanging Them

Image Source: thefamilyhandyman.comThis is a genius hack for those of you who DIY - you can place a small dab of toothpaste on the hanger and then press it against the template once it's on the wall. That way, you know exactly where it's meant to go and you will not be handing it wonkily.
32. Get Rid Of Pests Smells

Image Source: wikipedia.comDepending on where you live this may not be as useful, but toothpaste can even remove smells as strong as skunk smells. And - while we may not all ave a skunk problem a lot of us have cats. So, use toothpaste to eliminate the terribly strong unwanted odours.
33. Buff Out Vehicle Scratches

Image Source: carcility.comNobody wants a scratch on their car. Especially when it costs hundreds of pounds to fix and repair the paint work. While it's not a perfect fix, rubbing toothpaste will make those little scratches appear less. It's a much cheaper and quicker alternative.
34. Buff Leather Marks

Image Source: protips.comIf your leather furniture needs a little something, whether it's in your house or in your car, try polishing it with a bit of toothpaste and water on a cloth. It will effectively lift off any grime and give it that shine back to give it a new lease of life.
35. Remove Ink Stains From Clothes

Image Source: tonergiant.comThere's nothing tricker to remove than clothes than dreaded ink stains. If you've tried all of the stain removal promising products with no effect then have a go with toothpaste. It's not a guarantee but it's worked for some so it's definitely worth a shot.
36. Freshen Up Your Dingy Whites

Image Source: housekeeping.comWhite clothes get that yellowy look after a while, it's inevitable. But perhaps there's a simpler and cheaper solution than buying a product or buying totally new. Try soaking them and rubbing in toothpaste to the clothes and it SHOULD...make them gleam again.
37. Clean Your Keyboard

Image Source: T3.comThis is your prompt to clean your keyboard. They harbour so much dirt and grime and people rarely remember to clean them despite the fact that we have our hands on them constantly. If you have an old toothbrush take a little bit of tooth paste and give it a brush around. Keep it fairly dry of course!
38. Scrub Up Your Garden Furniture

Image Source: OHMshomestore.comIt's summer time, the garden chairs and barbecues are out. A top tip if you are about to host a garden party of any sort os to get the toothpaste out and start scrubbing away at those plastic white garden chairs to make them look like new again.
39. Stick Your Poster To The Wall

Image Source: pinterest.comThis one definitely sounds unconventional. But sometimes you don't have blu tac lying around the house, but you'll definitely have toothpaste. A little blob will stick the poster to the wall you'll just have to hold it a second while it dries.
40. Keep Insects Away

Image Source: upgradedpoints.comNobody wants a swarm of insects. And especially in the garden around your prized flowers or vegetable patch. A little ring of tooth paste will definitely keep them away because they will not like the alkaline PH of the toothpaste. So be snail and slug free.
41. Clean Your Phone Screen

Think about how much we clean our hands. Then think about how much we use our phones without cleaning the phone screen. It collects a lot of bacteria. Try a little bit of toothpaste and give it a wipe. Not only will it clean it but it will make it shine again.
42. Remove Finger Print Stains

Image Source: Gizmodoaustralia.comRemove you greasy finger print stains with toothpaste, wherever they may be - all over your key pad or all over your window (especially if you have kids). Just wipe a cloth with a dab of toothpaste and clear them away and those stubborn stains should finally shift.
43. Tackle Those Pimples

Image Source / MedicineNetIf you suffer from regular breakouts, or maybe just want a quick solution to an unexpected spot, you can use non-gel, non-whitening toothpaste to try and treat that pimple. The toothpaste should absorb the oil and moisture from the spot and hopefully dry it out by morning.
44. Get The Garlic Smell Off Your Hands

Image Source / Solid StartsCooking with garlic ensures tasty recipes, but it's also bad news for your hands when you've been peeling and handling such a smelly food. Garlic smell can remain on your fingers for a while, but luckily toothpaste can help with that. Rinse your hands with it and rinse away. You can also try this for other strong food smells, like fish.
45. Treat Itchy Bug Bites

Image Source / Noosa Pest ControlIf you've been bitten by a bug and want to soothe it, you can use a small amount of toothpaste to apply directly to the bite and help to cool it down and ease the itching. Perfect if you're out and about, like camping, and already have your toothpaste packed with you.
46. Clean Up Your Makeup Smudges

Image Source / PinterestApplying makeup can sometimes be a messy endeavour, especially when mascara or bright, durable lipstick comes into play. It's easy to get stubborn makeup marks on your hands, as well as your mirror or any counter tops. You can apply toothpaste to wipe away the marks easily.
47. Keep Your Nails Strong

Image Source / WIREDWant to keep your fingernails strong and clean? Toothpaste can help with that. Get a separate toothbrush to brush toothpaste on to the top of your nails and scrub gently. This is a good regular routine for healthy nails - but it might irritate if you already have cracked or dry nail problems.
48. Tend To Poison Ivy Stings

Image Source / The New York TimesIf you're out in nature and come up against a poison ivy sting, it's handy to have toothpaste on you as this could help. You can apply to the sting and leave on for around 10 minutes before washing away with clean water. This can help to soothe the irritation until you can treat the sting properly.
49. Reduce The Appearance Of Bruises

Image Source / Verywell FitBruises always seem to arise when you least expect, and if you're worried about a bad bruise being exposed, you can mix toothpaste with skin cream or lotion and apply to the bruise. Wrap with a bandage or cover with a band aid so that you can comfortably leave overnight without it getting wipes off. Wash off in the morning, and repeat until the bruise appears to fade.
50. Get That Gum Out Of Your Hair

Image Source / The MirrorWe've all had gum in our hair at some point, and you may even be contending with a young child who has it stuck. Spread some toothpaste over the section of hair containing the gum - this will help to break down the sugar in the gum, and soon it should easily pull out.
51. Clean Up Hair Dye On The Skin

Image Source / Daily ExpressEven when the greatest care is taken, it's always likely you'll get a bit of hair dye on your skin when you're trying to do an at-home job. You can then dab small amounts of toothpaste around the hairline on the stains to clean up.
52. Use To Clean A Horse Bit

Image Source / Horse HoundIf you're a horse owner or work with horses, toothpaste can be great for cleaning horse bits, tackling that built up of grime and saliva. Just be sure to rinse away all the toothpaste completely before its put in the horse's mouth, as fluoride in toothpaste can be harmful to horses.
53. Care For Die-Cast Models

Image Source / GAMING TRENDDie-cast models can be really tricky to clean, especially when they're so small, which is where toothpaste comes in. Especially if you use a toothbrush, you can easily get into those cracks and crevices to give your model a nice clean up.
54. Manage Those Stray Hairs

Image Source / Good HousekeepingGel toothpaste can work in the same was as hair gel, which is why it's perfect for a quick fix for any stray hairs. If you have those pesky strays that just won't stay down on your head, apply some gel toothpaste to help keep the hair in place. Plus it will smell nice!
55. Use As A Nail Varnish Remover

Image Source / The GuardianIf you'd prefer a more natural nail varnish remover that doesn't stink the place out, then you can mix toothpaste with water and lemon for a solution you can soak your nails in. You can then begin buffing away the polish for a great varnish remedy.
56. Soothe Minor Burns

Image Source / eMediHealthThe cooling properties in toothpaste can help to bring relief to minor burns. Simply apply non-gel toothpaste to the affected area (after you've soaked it in cold water, of course) to help ease the irritation. But remember this is only for very minor burns like touching a hot plate!
57. Help Irritated Skin

Image Source / Glamour UKThere are many types of skin irritation, especially when you're out in nature. This could be stings, bites, general itchy or maybe your skin gets drier in warmer weather and is more easily irritated. You can apply toothpaste to your skin to help reduce the discomfort.
58. Get Rid Of Permanent Marker

Image Source: Stain Removal 101If your child has stepped up their game from crayon on the wall and switched to permanent marker - or maybe you just had an accident yourself - the good news is that toothpaste contests the 'permanent' quality of the marker. You can use to remove the marker from walls.
59. Keep Hair Accessories In Place

Image Source: Jenn FalikAs mentioned, gel-based toothpaste can act just as good as hair gel, which is also extremely handy if you have awkward hair accessories that just won't stay in place. So whether this is a hair bow on your baby's head or a clip, gel toothpaste can help it to stick in place.
60. Clean Away Brake Dust

Image Source: TorqueBrake dust can easily coat your vehicle's wheels over time, making them look dirty and lacklustre. But a solution of toothpaste and water can easily be applied to your wheels and wheel trim to help clean away that dust build up.
61. Use It As A Tippex Substitute

Image Source: freecodecamp.comReached for the Tippex and it's as dry as a bone? Don't panic as your toothpaste will do the same job. It may take slightly longer than Tippex to dry but, when it does, you can safely write over the top of it, in the knowledge that toothpaste is a great alternative.
62. Seal An Envelope

Image Source: WikipediaSome people hating licking an envelope to stick it down and it's annoying when it just won't stick, how ever much pressure you apply. Of course you could use sellotape but why not put a little blob of toothpaste on the gummed area for a great result.
63. Use As A Sewing Aid

Image Source: YouTube.comIf you have ever been sewing, you'll know how hard it is to get such a thin piece of cotton thread through the eye of a needle. It can take ages and make you lose your patience. For a quick tip, run a tiny piece of toothpaste over the cotton, with your finger, for the thread to stay firm and easily push through the eye of the needle.
64. Use It To Measure The Height Of Your

Image Source: DumnDIY.comWhen your little one is growing up, it's useful to measure their height and write the date next to it. Doing it with a ruler means marking the wall with pencil so press a little toothpaste there instead and you can easily wipe it off afterwards.
65. Use As A Scent For Candles

Image source: PinterestThere was a massive surge over lockdown where many people started making their own candles. If this is you and you love making them, you could be racking your brains for what scent to use next. Got it - try peppermint toothpaste as one of your ingredients.
66. Smooth Bumps Out Of Wood Splinters

Image Source: WikipediaIf you have a small wooden item that you wish to paint, you would probably sand it down to even it out. Forget the sandpaper and smear some toothpaste over it. It will smooth down the rough bumps and splinters and will dry hard enough for you to paint over.
67. Seal The Edges Of A Frame

Image Source: DIYwiki.comIf you have a little box or frame that you want to paint but it has those annoying little gaps, seal them over with toothpaste - it's as easy as that! Nobody will ever know because they'll be smooth and you will be painting right over them. No need for all the fancy DIY tools...
68. Use As A Decoration

Image Source: YouTube.comIf you want to spruce up a card or a picture frame, you don't need a load of art and crafts stuff to undertake the task. If you take a paint brush and place the toothpaste in the pattern you require, for example a flower, then wait for it to dry and just paint over the top of it.
69. Use It In Soap

Image Source: myfrugalhome.comSoap making is rewarding but is harder than it looks. It's worth it though as it makes a lovely, personal gift. If you want a minty smell then all you have to do is add a little toothpaste during the making process and it will have a fresh, peppermint odour.
70. Freshen Up Your Plastic Bags

Image Source: TheSaturdayEveningPost.comPlastic bags never smell good after a few uses and we all know we shouldn't be throwing them away. There is a solution to this minor issue. Add toothpaste to soapy water and rinse the bags out. Once they've dried, they will be oozing with freshness!
71. Freshen Your Laundry

Image Source: Fudzilla.comSome people are obsessed with the scent of mint and if you are one of those individuals, add about an inch long strip of toothpaste to your dirty laundry when it's in the washing machine. The result will be very pleasing, fresh and minty.
72. Help Dirty Rooms Smell Good Again

Image source: PinterestHave you got a room or a space in your house which, if you're honest, smells a bit iffy? If so, then this one is just for you. Leave a little blob of toothpaste in a couple of areas where you can't even see it, say behind a radiator. The scent will start to penetrate through the unwanted smell, freshening it up nicely.
73. Stick String Together

Image Source: notonthehighstreet.comIf you need to tie up some string ends, smear a little bit of toothpaste over the pieces when they are together and they will stick without budging! It's actually less messy than using glue and dries quicker s no reason not to try it!
74. Steaming Your Face

Image Source: KWTtoday.comIf you ever steam your face at home it's a but uncomfortable when yu first do it but can actually be quite relaxing as it clears the airways. For more of a spa experience, add a blob of toothpaste to the water and your skin will feel great afterwards.
75. Learn Which Is Your Left And Right

Image source: YouTubeIt's quite common not to be able to tell which is your left and which is your right hand - and it's not just children that have this issue. If you ever need a reminder, pick a side and leave a tiny little toothpaste mark on that hand. No one else will notice except you.
76. Smooth Surface Of Spots

Image source: Healthy.comWe already know that toothpaste is great for drying out spots but sometimes, if you've popped one (sorry), you can't apply make-up straight on top of it as it will still have a bit of a head. By putting a tiny bit of toothpaste on it, you'll find it easier to apply concealer.
77. Apply An Accessory To Your Pet

Image Source: baxterboo.comAs is the case with babies and very young children, we cannot go clipping things and applying bobbles to our dogs or cats. If you have a little decoration that won't irritate your pet, you can stick it with a little bit of toothpaste and the animal won't feel it pulling on their fur.
77. To Lighten Your Hair

Image Source: brightstuffs.comWe've heard of lemon juice to lighten your locks...but add a little bit of toothpaste into the mix - literally and we think you'll find it really effective in lightening your hair. You may have to do this a few times before you notice the difference.
78 . To Exfoliates Lips

Image Source: globalnetwork.comThere are many homemade lip scrub remedies on the market but one that appears to work well. Place toothpaste over your lips, feel the area tighten and harden until it cracks. Then carefully scrub it off and the dead skin cells will also be removed. Your lips should be left silky soft.
79. Stick Gems To Your Face

Image Source: pinterest.comSticking diamonds and gems on your face is a great idea but easier said than done. If you attempt to do it with Vaseline, the gems could slip off and face glue could cause an allergic reaction. Toothpaste is less harsh than glue and once it dries, your face decorations should stay secure.
80. Give Extra Texture To Crafts

Image Source: pinterest.comIt's arts and craft time and you want to create a textured painting as opposed to your usual paper mache ornaments! Add toothpaste to your paints. It's buildable and easy to paint over. It also dries well so perfect for those days when you feel like expressing yourself.
81. Deter Cats From Weeing

Image Source: carpetcleaning.comIf you've experienced this before you'll know exactly what we're talking about! Sometimes, house training pets doesn't always go to plan and your four-legged friend might have a certain spot at home where they prefer to have a wee! Dot around a few blobs of toothpaste and the fresh scent will deter them from their usual habits.
82. Prevent Waxing Rash

Image Source: wordrash.comWhen you go and get your eyebrows threaded, you feel you can be seen in public again and not mocked for having a mono-brow. Only thing is, a rash could develop after the threading but don't despair. Dilute a blob of toothpaste and dab gently around the affected area. It could help calm it down.
83. Clean Your Drains And Sparkle The Plug Hole!

Image Source: southernliving.comCleaning your drains is a pretty disgusting job but you can make it a bit more bearable by diluting some toothpaste with a little water, swilling it down the sink and leaving it for an hour. After this time, you may notice that unsavoury odour is nowhere near as bad it it was previously. All around the sink hole should be nice as shiny as well!
84. Clean Your Toothbrush Holder

Image Source: huffpost.comOk so we see the irony here - the cause of the mess is actually also the cleaner of the mess! Our toothpaste holders end up getting bits of crusty, hard toothpaste in them. Take some MORE toothpaste and use it to clean the holder. You'll be pleased you did!
85. Car Spray

Image Source: carbuyer.comIf you fill a spray bottle full of water and add a small amount of toothpaste to the solution, giving it a good shake so it mixes well, you've got yourself a minty car spray. The musty odour will be replaced by a fresh minty one with little to no effort!
86. Remove Watch Scratches

Image Source: watchuseek.comApply a little bit of toothpaste, with a small amount of water, on to a soft cloth and gently buff the face of the watch. It should help reduce the appearance of those fine but annoying scratches that can't be avoided if you wear your watch every day.
87. Help Clean Up Dog Poo

Image Source: K9ofmine.comYou may be wondering how toothpaste could ever help when clearing up dog mess or any horrible and smelly substance for that matter. The trick is to dab two tiny dots of toothpaste under your nostrils and then all you'll be aware of is the smell of mint rather than the alternative.
88. Assist In Hair Removal

Image Source: cosmopolitan.comNow this is something we never expected toothpaste to be useful for! Mix the juice of half a small lemon with a teaspoon of white granulated sugar and an inch long blob of toothpaste. Apply to the place where you wish to remove body hair and over time, the hairs could reduce in that particular area.
89. Help Reduce Dark Spots

We are aware that toothpaste can be used to help reduce spots and blemishes but the teeth cleaner can also be used to possibly fade dark spots as well. Apply it in the same way and after some time you may notice that the darkness of the spots begin to fade.
90. Reduce Wrinkles

Image Source: pinterest.comIf anyone has wrinkle remedies we want to know! So you are saying we should try toothpaste. We should dilute some toothpaste and pat it over the face, leave it on for a few minutes. We should repeat this twice a week and in time, we may notice a difference. It's got to be worth a try!