From sulking cats to melodramatic dogs, the signs of pet depression can be as clear as a rainy day in a cat's mood or as subtle as a goldfish's lack of enthusiasm for its daily swim. As devoted companions, our furry (and scaly) friends often express their emotions in ways that tug at our heartstrings. Wondering if your beloved pet is feeling a little under the weather emotionally? Here are over 15 signs that might just confirm whether Fluffy or Fido is experiencing a case of the pet blues.
1. They Don't Eat Like They Used To
Is your furry friend suddenly turning their nose up at their favorite treats or meals? A dwindling interest in food might signal something deeper than a finicky palate—it could hint at a shift in their emotional well-being. Keeping a close eye on their eating habits is vital.
(Image/ Source: your dog or cat not eating as much as they normally do? A loss of appetite in pets could be a sign of depression, so it’s important to keep tabs on the situation. Try and keep a food diary for your pet to keep track of how they’re doing. And if you have any concerns, make sure you book in to see your vet asap so they can check your little floof over.Original content sourced from
2. Lazy Levels Increase!
Ah, the art of the catnap or the doggie doze—pets have certainly mastered the skill of snoozing in their own delightful ways! Yet, when your typically playful pup or frisky feline starts clocking in extra hours of shut-eye, it might be time to raise an eyebrow.
(Image/ Source: know pets love a good nap- just like their owners! But if your furry friend is sleeping much more than usual, or they appear lethargic, it could be a sign of something else going on. Keep an eye on them if they seem like they lack energy or appear unenthusiastic about things, as they might well be depressed.
3. Clingy Cats & Canines
Ah, the demanding divas and attention-seeking champions of the animal kingdom—our beloved pets! They have mastered the art of vying for our love and undivided focus, especially our canine companions who could give a Broadway actor a run for their money with their performance for attention.
(Image/ Source: – especially dogs – can demand a LOT of attention from their owners. But sometimes, your pet might end up needing more attention than usual, and this is pretty common when your little one is ill or depressed. Be sure to take your pet to your local veterinarian so they can investigate the situation.
4. The Way They Talk To You Changes
Ah, the language of barks, meows, howls, and chirps—our pets’ unique dialects that convey more than just their desire for a treat or a game of fetch. Yet, when these familiar sounds take a curious turn, it might just be your pet speaking in code about their emotional state.
(Image/ Source: you’re looking out for here is any out-of-the-ordinary noises from your little furry friend. Whether they’re yapping, barking, howling or meowing, it’s important to monitor the frequency of these noises. When pets get depressed, this is one of the most common clinical signs that they show to their owners.
5. Furry Friend Gets Feisty
Ah, the occasional grumpy mood—pets can indeed have their moments, displaying a touch of sass or a hint of attitude just like us humans. However, when your once-friendly Fido starts showcasing a Jekyll and Hyde transformation or your normally docile kitty unleashes their inner tiger without warning.
(Image/ Source: your pet becoming strangely aggressive to you, other people and other animals? While pets can get a bit grumpy from time to time (just like humans!), random bouts of aggression aren’t typical. It could be a sign that something else is going on with your pet, so be sure to seek some advice from a professional.
6. Doing Their Business In The Home
Ah, the marvels of successful potty training—a monumental achievement in the life of a pet owner! Yet, when the rulebook of bathroom etiquette seems to evaporate into thin air, it's like your pet's signaling distress through unexpected accidents.
(Image/ Source: owners have got their pets potty trained, so your furry friend won’t generally be going where they shouldn’t be. However, this sometimes goes out the window with depressed and ill animals, and is a common sign of distress. So don’t be too harsh on your pet if this happens- it’s not really their fault.
7. Hide & Seek
Absolutely, our furry friends have mastered the art of disappearing acts, especially when stress or anxiety comes knocking on their doorstep. For some pets, retreating to a cozy hideaway becomes their survival strategy during times of distress. Think of it as their personal panic room.
(Image/ Source:’s quite common for pets (especially cats and dogs) to hide away if they’re experiencing stress or trauma. This happens a lot with dogs when they hear fireworks. However, it’s super important to stay vigilant with your pet at all times, as these changes in behavior may be a sign of depression or even PTSD.
8. Social Situations Become Scary
Pets are social butterflies in their own right, relishing in the company of both their human companions and fellow furry pals. So, when your once-sociable pet starts shying away from social gatherings or avoids interactions like a seasoned hermit, it's time to put on your detective hat and play the role of a pet behavior analyst.
(Image/ Source: some animals are struggling with depression, they can often end up withdrawing from social situations. This is especially worrying if your pet is generally friendly and happy to meet people. Try and look out for specific things that might be triggering them, and talk this through with a vet if you can.
9. Dog Gets Destructive!
Ah, the notorious troublemakers of the pet world—the mischief-makers who could give any mischievous imp a run for their money! We love them dearly, but their penchant for turning furniture into scratching posts or treating pot plants like a game of "demolition derby" can leave our homes looking like a pet-induced war zone.
(Image/ Source: know there are some pets out there that are VERY cheeky and naughty. They scratch and bite furniture, and can destroy pot plants and ornaments at the drop of a hat. But if your little one is playing up a lot more than usual, or becoming destructive out of the blue, they might not be doing so well right now.
10. Playtime Is Over
Playtime is the highlight of any pet's day—a thrilling adventure of chasing balls, engaging in tug-of-war battles, or indulging in some good old-fashioned hide-and-seek. So, when your once-playful companion starts showing less enthusiasm for these joyous activities and opts for a permanent spot on the sidelines.
(Image/ Source: of our pets love to play. It gives them a chance to let off steam and interact with their humans, as well as their furry companions. But if your pet is becoming much more disengaged, and show little signs of wanting to interact or move, it might be time to take them down to your local vet or animal health center.
11. Anxious Pooches...
Dogs, being the perceptive creatures they are, can experience anxiety in response to various stressors. When anxiety takes the reins, your furry friend might exhibit physical signs that speak volumes about their emotional state.
(Image/ Source:, especially dogs, can end up with anxiety. If they are constantly exposed to stressful situations, they may tense their muscles, lower their back, and hold their ears back behind their head. This anxiety can go hand in hand with depression, so ask your vet to give your little one a thorough examination.
12. Licking Overload!!
Indeed, our furry companions might resort to a peculiar coping mechanism when faced with the weight of depression. Excessive licking, particularly of their own paws, can emerge as a red flag hinting at emotional distress.
(Image/ Source: pets get depressed, they can sometimes end up licking things a lot – including themselves. One of the most common signs is excessive paw licking, which can happen in both cats and dogs. If this is happening on a regular basis with no clear reason as to why, we’d suggest getting some advice from a vet.
13. Our Buddies Seem Bored
Boredom isn't an exclusive human affair; our furry friends can also fall victim to the blues when life gets a bit monotonous. Much like us, pets can experience bouts of mental fatigue and disinterest, especially when they're feeling a bit down in the dumps.
(Image/ Source: like humans, animals can get bored sometimes. This happens a lot more frequently when we’re feeling down, so keep an eye on your pet for any unusual changes in their behavior. If they seem like they’re mentally checking out, try and give them some mental stimulation each day to keep them occupied.
14. Flattening Of Ears
Flattened ears—those expressive flaps that usually perk up in curiosity or perk down in submission. When your pet's ears resemble a folded envelope rather than their usual perky stance, it's akin to them sending an unspoken distress signal.
(Image/ Source: your pet keeps flattening their ears to the back of their head, it’s usually a tell-tale sign that your furry friend isn’t doing ok. It can suggest anxiety and stress, but it can also be a signal of depression too. Try and keep tabs on how often your pet is doing this; if it’s on a fairly regular basis, be sure to get a second opinion.
15. Hyperactive Hounds...
While the stereotypical image of a depressed pet might be one of lethargy and withdrawal, there's another side to the emotional spectrum that demands attention—random bursts of hyperactivity. Picture your usually mellow canine transforming into a whirlwind of energy, bouncing off the walls without warning.
(Image/ Source: a lot of pets can become lethargic and distant, some animals can go the opposite way. Random, out-of-the-blue bouts of hyperactivity can also be a sign of poor mental health, especially in dogs. Make sure you’re monitoring your pet as often as you can for any unusual behavior, as they may be experiencing stress.
16. Frustrated Felines
Just like humans, pets can wear their emotions on their furry sleeves, and frustration can be a prominent symptom of their emotional distress. Imagine your once-patient pooch suddenly losing their cool over minor inconveniences or your usually tolerant pet exhibiting signs of irritability.
(Image/ Source: 121 clicks)As pet depression is pretty similar to humans, they will often share the same set of symptoms. One of the most common ones is a feeling of frustration, which is especially noticeable in dogs. So if your furry friend is less patient and enthusiastic than usual, it might be an idea to take them down to the vet for an examination.
17. They Become A Homebody
For pets who typically relish the outdoors, a sudden reluctance to venture into the world beyond their doorstep can raise concern flags. It's like seeing your adventure-loving pup suddenly turn into a homebody or your explorer cat opt for a permanent staycation indoors.
(Image/ Source: our pets become depressed, they can sometimes lose their enthusiasm for going outside. While some dogs and cats prefer home comforts anyway, it can be a really worrying sign for those that generally love the great outdoors. Make sure you keep an eye on your furry friend to see if they’re doing ok.
18. They Neglect Their Favorite Toys...
You're spot on—every pet seems to have that one cherished toy that's their ultimate source of joy and comfort. But when that once-beloved plaything starts gathering dust in the corner, it's like a silent alarm bell ringing in the world of pet behavior.
(Image/ Source:’s face it- most pets out there will have a favorite toy! But if your little one is starting to show a lack of interest in their toys or teddies, you might need to start monitoring your pet’s behavior more closely. Keep an eye out for other signs of depression in your pet, and keep tabs on how long this is going on.
19. The Self-Groom Cycle
Grooming, that meticulous self-care routine, is a big deal in a cat's world. These furry felines take pride in their grooming prowess, spending hours meticulously tending to their silky coats. However, when the gloom of depression settles in, even the most dedicated grooming aficionados might put their beauty routines on hold.
(Image/ don’t really groom, so you don’t need to worry about them too much with this one. However, cats are VERY big on self-grooming, but become less interested in this if they become down and depressed. So if your furry friend isn’t looking after themselves as much as they usually do, seek some advice from a pet professional.
20. Abandon Their Potty
A pet's change in bathroom habits can be a significant indicator of their emotional or physical well-being. When they start bypassing their designated litter box or area, it's like a neon sign signaling a potential issue that demands attention.
(Image/ Source: your pet isn’t using their litter tray properly, it might be time to pay more close attention to them. Animals can struggle to use this as normal when they’re ill or depressed, so try and keep calm if this happens. Angry owners can often make the situation more difficult for the animals, so you’ve been warned!
21. Struggle To Snuggle!
Social butterflies among our furry companions bring endless joy with their playful antics and love for making new friends. However, when these outgoing pets start exhibiting a sudden aversion to social interactions and seek solitude over company, it's like seeing the life of the party leave early without a word.
(Image/ Source: your pet normally the life and soul of the party? Do they normally like to make friends with other pets and animals? It’s great when our pets are social, but unfortunately, animals that are depressed shy away from these situations. They often prefer to spend time on their own rather than interact with others.
22. Pottying Party!
Changes in a pet's litter box habits can swing in various directions when they're experiencing emotional or physical distress. While some pets may struggle to use their litter box properly, others might surprisingly spend more time frequenting this area, signaling a subtle cry for help.
(Image/ Source: some animals tend to struggle using their litter tray when they don’t feel great, others can go in the opposite direction. Our pets may actually end up using their litter tray far more often than usual, which is typically a sign of stress, depression, or illness. Make sure you ask your vet for some advice!
23. Pets Paws...
Excessive paw licking, especially in dogs and sometimes in cats, can indeed be a behavior associated with emotional distress, including depression. When pets are feeling low or anxious, they might resort to repetitive behaviors like excessive paw licking as a way to self-soothe and find comfort.
(Image/ Source: to vets, dogs (and sometimes cats too) end up licking their feet a LOT when they’re feeling depressed. Why? Because it apparently gives them comfort, so they use it as a calming method. However, it can also be a sign of illness in your furry friend, so make sure you’re keeping tabs on them on a regular basis.
24. Stirring Up Your Slumber
Nighttime adventures with our furry companions can sometimes feel like a surprise wake-up call, especially when they decide it's playtime or seek comfort during the wee hours. While occasional disruptions in sleep due to pets are common, a sudden increase in nighttime awakenings can be a sign that something isn't quite right emotionally for your pet.
(Image/ Source: our pets can wake us up in the night- and give us a huge fright while they’re at it! While this can generally be quite normal (especially in cats), animals that are starting to struggle with their mental health can end up waking their owners up far more often than usual, as they want comfort and attention.
25. You May Catch Them Creeping
When our furry friends seek refuge in unusual hiding spots or secluded areas around the house, it's like they're trying to find a quiet corner to escape from the world. These sudden withdrawals to unconventional places can indeed be a sign that your pet is feeling sad, stressed, or emotionally overwhelmed.
(Image/ Source: your pet keeps disappearing or withdrawing to odd places around your home, it may be a sign that they’re feeling sad or stressed. Common places include under beds, wardrobes and drawers. So try and bring them out of this sadness by playing a game with them, or giving them some comfort and attention so they feel more relaxed.
26. They Become Chunky!
Changes in appetite and activity levels in pets can manifest differently, even leading to weight gain in some cases when they're feeling down or stressed. While a decrease in appetite is more commonly associated with pet depression, an increase in food intake coupled with reduced activity can lead to weight gain, affecting their overall health.
(Image/ Source: it’s generally more common for our pets to lose their appetites when they’re depressed, a few of our furry friends actually end up gaining weight instead. They may be eating (or certainly demanding) more food than usual, or not wanting to play or walk as frequently, which inevitably impacts their health.
27. Cravings Kick In
Pets, much like humans, can seek comfort in various ways when feeling sad or stressed. Changes in their appetite and preferences for specific foods can be indicators of emotional distress, potentially signaling their need for extra attention and care.
(Image/ Source: our animals start to feel sad, they go into comfort mode. Which means hugs, attention, and picky appetites. If your pet is craving certain foods, or will only eat certain foods at certain times, it might be a good time to get them examined by a professional veterinarian to make sure everything is ok.
28.Picking & Pulling!
Fur pulling, also known as fur chewing or barbering, can indeed be distressing and is a common behavior seen in rabbits, especially during times of stress or emotional turmoil. When rabbits experience sadness or stress, they may resort to pulling tufts of hair out of their coats.
(Image/ Source: pulling can happen with all manner of pets, but is especially common with rabbits. If they’re sad or stressed, they can start pulling tufts of hair out of their coats, which makes it look like they’ve been attacked. This is a tell-tale sign that your bunny is not ok, as it’s classified as a self-destructive behavior.
29. Naughty Nibbling
While some level of nipping or biting might be considered normal behavior in certain situations, a sudden increase in biting frequency or attempts to bite people they'd typically be calm with could indeed signal an underlying issue with your pet's well-being.
(Image/ Source: know all animals can bite- and some more than others! But you know your pet better than anyone, and if you’re finding that they’re biting more than usual (or trying to bite people they are normally calm with) it might be a good idea to consult a professional to make sure everything’s okay with your furry friend.
30. Pacing With Panic
Pacing or repetitive movements, often seen in zoo animals experiencing distress, can also manifest in our beloved pets, especially in cats and rabbits. Though less common in dogs, some can display similar behaviors when feeling anxious, stressed, or emotionally overwhelmed.
(Image/ Source: you ever seen animals pacing up and down their cages at the zoo? Well, this is a sign of depression in animals- and our pets can end up doing this too. While it’s much more common in cats and rabbits, your dog may end up displaying this behavior from time to time, so be sure to give your little ones lots of love and affection to help them feel better.
31. Use Your Instinct
Pet parents often develop an incredible bond with their furry companions, understanding their behaviors, moods, and subtle cues better than anyone else. Sometimes, it's this intuitive connection that alerts you when something seems amiss, even if there aren't overt physical symptoms.

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All pet parents will know their fluffy children inside and out, and you don't usually need any other symptoms to tell you that
you just know something isn't quite right with them. Your gut feeling may be telling you that your pet is off, seeming sad or is struggling with something, even if they're not showing physical signs of pain.
32. Here's How They Let You Know...
When your pet starts displaying vocalizations or behaviors seemingly out of nowhere, such as softly whining or being unusually vocal without an apparent reason, it can be puzzling. This unexpected increase in vocalizations, especially when there's no apparent stimulus or clear reason, can be a subtle sign that something might be bothering your pet.

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This might often be at what seems to be thin air, too. Your pet could just stand in the middle of the room and start softly whining, and not necessarily whining in your face to get your attention. You've noticed they're just being more vocal than they ever have been, with no real stimulus that you can see when they do this.
33. Staring Into Space
A sudden change in your pet's behavior, such as staring at nothing or fixating on a specific spot for prolonged periods, can be a subtle yet significant indication that something might be off emotionally or psychologically.

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Is your pet sitting on the sofa and staring at the opposite wall? Are they standing off to the side of the room and just staring at nothing? Not staring at you, but just looking across the room as though their mind is elsewhere? Especially if you've never really noticed them staring this much before.
34. Prominent Puppy Eyes
Certain breeds of dogs, like those with droopy or saggy facial features, might inherently have a sad or mournful appearance. However, beyond their natural facial structure, dogs are masters at using their expressions to communicate their emotions.

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Some animals, especially dogs, will have naturally 'sad-looking' faces, especially those breeds of dog with particularly droopy faces. But you also just know when your dog is pulling a 'sad' expression - when their puppy dog eyes are giving off extra levels of 'feeling sorry for self' and their whole face and head just looks droopy.
35. Random Rooms & Spooky Spots
Sudden changes in your pet's behavior patterns, especially if they're known to be affectionate or typically stay close to you, can be concerning. If your pet starts displaying unusual behavior like isolating themselves in areas they don't usually frequent, such as sitting on the bathmat or choosing secluded spots, it might raise questions about their emotional state or well-being.

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If this is normal behavior for your pet, then that's nothing to worry about - if it's not normal behavior for your pet, and usually they're cuddled on the couch with you, or at the very least in the same room with you, then it's a bit weird why they're suddenly doing this. Are they suddenly disappearing through the living room door only for you to go find them sat on the bathmat?
36. Following Your Path
A sudden change in your pet's clingy or attentive behavior, particularly if they're typically very attached to you, can be a telling sign that something might be amiss with their emotional or physical state. Pets often form strong bonds with their owners and enjoy being close and attentive.

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If your pet is usually very clingy or tailing you no matter which room you go, you might have noticed they're suddenly not making much of an effort to do this anymore. If you're walking around the whole house and they're staying in one spot not paying attention to you like they usually would, it might be a sign they don't have the energy to bother.
37. Walks Don't Wag Their Tail
A sudden lack of enthusiasm or interest in going for walks, especially in dogs who typically love walks and exhibit excitement before outings, can be a noticeable red flag indicating something might be troubling them.

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With dogs, no matter how lazy they're being any other time or if they're seeming 'off', you can usually count on them to get even a little excited to be going on a walk. You should expect them to walk with more of a spring in their step, or run laps if they're off the lead. So are they suddenly lacking interest at all for walks?
38. Suddenly Sleepy
Changes in your pet's energy levels and mobility can be indicative of underlying issues, especially if they suddenly display lethargy or struggle with movement. While it's natural for pets, especially older ones, to have moments of rest or sleep more frequently, a sudden and noticeable increase in lethargy or a significant reduction in activity can be concerning.

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All pets will go through that stage in the day when they're winding down and act more sleepy, and older pets especially will sleep more often. But if this change is sudden and every movement they make just seems like a huge effort, or they're moving around in a slow and lethargic way, this could be a sign.
39. Cat Cuddles?
Just like humans, pets can respond to depression or emotional distress in different ways. While some might seek extra attention and become clingy, others might display behaviors indicating a desire for solitude or space.

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While depression in pets might result in them being extra clingy with you and needing more fuss and attention, it could also go the opposite way. Maybe they're distancing themselves from you and minding their own business at the opposite end of the sofa, acting as though they need their space?
40. Nonsense Noises
Paying attention to changes in the sounds and vocalizations your pet makes can be a crucial way to understand their emotional state or potential distress. Pets often communicate through various vocal cues, and alterations in their usual noises or the emergence of new or unusual sounds can signal emotional or physical issues.

Image source: dog gone problems
When you have a pet, you get to know the type of noises they make, and what each one means. You can usually tell their 'I'm hungry' whine and their 'take me on a walk please' bark, but are they suddenly making noises you haven't heard before? Have their whines gone more higher pitched, more urgent, or maybe they're making noises you didn't think were even possible?
41. Is Your Pet Grieving?
Pets can experience grief and mourning when they lose a companion animal they were close to. If your pet is spending an increased amount of time in areas where they used to hang out with their departed friend or in specific spots associated with the deceased pet, it could indeed indicate a sense of missing or longing for their lost companion.

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If your current pet has recently had a friend, brother or sister that passed away, are they spending a lot of time in the areas that they used to hang out with the other animal, or maybe areas specifically where the animal was? It could be a sign that they miss them and they've become sad about the old pet no longer being around.
42. They Suddenly Don't Like Being Around Other Animals
Changes in your pet's social behavior with other animals, especially if they've previously been sociable and friendly, can be indicative of underlying issues affecting their emotional state. If your pet suddenly displays grumpiness it might signal a shift in their mood or emotional well-being.

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Has your pet always been a social animal when it comes to other pets, only to now act very grumpy or strange when it comes to being around other pets? This doesn't necessarily have to be aggression, but it could just be them lacking any enthusiasm or excitement when approached by another animal, especially if they usually play with them!
43. Or Other People
Sudden changes in your pet's behavior towards people, especially if they've been sociable and friendly previously, can be an indication of an underlying issue affecting their emotional state. If your pet starts displaying disinterest or lack of engagement with people, it might suggest a shift in their mood.

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Same goes for people - has your pet always loved fuss and attention from every person on the street, only to now walk right past and act as though they can't even see them? When people come round, do they should little or no interest in the person, and go about their usual routine as if the new person isn't there?
44. Putting Up A Fight
It seems like your pet's sudden change in behavior regarding bedtime or their morning routine might signal something worth considering. If they're now effortlessly complying with going to bed or following their usual routine without needing coaxing or encouragement, it could indicate a change in their overall energy levels, motivation, or even their emotional state.

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Is getting your pet to go to bed usually an hour-long fight with them, trying to tempt them with treats or talking in a cute voice to try and make them stand up? Do you usually have to ask them nicely to quickly do a morning pee so you can start getting ready? And are they now just doing those things without bother and without paying you any attention, like walking straight to their bed without being asked?
45. Out Of Sight, Never Out Of Mind
If your pet is seeking out secluded or hidden spots where they are not usually found, it could suggest they're exhibiting a desire for solitude or privacy. Pets, like humans, may retreat to secluded places or seek hidden spots when they're feeling anxious, stressed, or unwell.

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This isn't some fun game of hide and seek, and more that they keep going into places that you can't see or find them, or acting like they want to go out of sight. You may find them in rooms with the lights off, squished behind the sofa or the back of a chair, or maybe even when you're on walks they might sit behind a tree or go off out of sight.
46. Social Stress
If your dog suddenly displays signs of being on edge or appears uncomfortable in environments that were previously enjoyable, it could indicate stress, anxiety, or discomfort. If your dog usually enjoys socializing with other animals or people at places like a dog park but now seems reluctant, anxious, or agitated in such settings, it might signal a change in their emotional state.

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If you take your dog on a walk that has a bunch of other animals and people around, like a dog park, rather than a quiet country lane, are they acting more on edge suddenly? Are they acting like that's the last place in the world they want to be right now, when usually they'd be fine on a walk like that?
47. No Need For New Toys
A sudden disinterest in toys, especially those your pet used to love or the introduction of new toys failing to garner any attention, could indicate a shift in their overall enthusiasm or mood. Pets often find joy and stimulation in their toys, and a loss of interest can suggest changes in their emotional or physical state.

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Not only is your pet not interested in their original favorite toys that they always used to love, you can't even entice them with a new one. If you've come home with a brand new toy, have they not even bothered to look at it or even sniff it, and just point blank ignored it? No matter what you do, you can't get them interested in any toys.
48. Always Alert
A change in your pet's nighttime behavior, such as increased restlessness or pacing, can be a noticeable shift from their usual sleeping patterns. If your pet is exhibiting behaviors like getting up repeatedly throughout the night, pacing around, or showing restlessness when they previously slept soundly, it might suggest discomfort, anxiety, or restlessness.

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They might not actually come and disturb you or try to get you to give them attention, you might just hear them pacing about, especially if you sleep in a different room. Do you hear them get up from their bed or the couch ten times a night, walk around a bit, and then go back to where they were? When usually they sleep straight through?
49. Stopped Scoffing...
A sudden and complete loss of appetite in pets is a concerning sign that should prompt a visit to the vet. Animals generally have a strong natural drive to eat, so a refusal to eat altogether can indicate underlying issues that need immediate attention.

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While lack of appetite - or even putting on weight - can be a sign, so is stopping eating altogether. In fact, this is the more worrying one. It takes a lot to make an animal not want to eat a single bite, so this is definitely a sign you should take them to the vet. Aside from depression, it could also be a sign of another health issue.
50. Excitement Is Extinct!
A noticeable lack of excitement or enthusiasm in a pet that's typically expressive or reactive can be concerning. Pets often have their moments of excitement or joy throughout the day, whether it's when you come home, during mealtime, or when engaging in activities they love.

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No matter your pet's usual temperament or age, there's got to be at least one time they get a bit excited throughout the day, whether that's a tail wag when you get home, or an excited meow when they see you put their food down. But can you not even remember the last time you saw your pet get excited about anything at all?