1. He wants your opinion on things

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Whether it's something like which picture he should post or what you think of his friends, if he's asking your opinion it means he cares what you think. It also means that he respects your opinion. He's showing that he values what you have to say, whether it's big or small.
2. He learns your details

Image Source: Reddit
If a guy starts to notice all the little details about you, like the face you make when you're upset but pretending you're not, or your very specific coffee order, then he is attached to you! He wants to learn everything he can about you and make you feel seen and known.
3. He depends on you

Image Source: Pinterest
When a guy is emotionally attached to you and in it for the long haul, he'll reach out to you. Whether he's venting about work, asking for advice or filling you in on his day, it means he trusts you and wants you to be part of his life. People, especially men, don't open up with people they don't feel attached to!
4. He interacts with you on social media

Image Source: Reddit
This in and of itself isn't the strongest sign, but if he starts liking your Instagram photos, there's a chance he's VERY interested. If he sends you memes or videos he knows you'll love, this is also him showing interest in you and wanting to communicate with you further.
5. He celebrates with you

Image Source: Reddit
If you're his go-to person to celebrate the big wins, then he's definitely not going anywhere! Sharing good news with you, whether it's a great restaurant or a big promotion, is a good sign, because he knows that you'll be proud of him and he's excited to tell you!
6. He tells you he wants to be more committed

Image Source: Reddit
Yeah, this one is kind of obvious. But if he is really wanting to be with you and he expresses that in words, then believe him! It's not always easy for guys to talk about that stuff, so he's showing you that he's making an effort. The same goes for if he tells you he misses you or wants to see you.
7. He's not afraid to make future plans

Image Source: Reddit
A good sign that he's not planning on going anywhere is if he plans with you in advance. Especially if it's a month or more, he sees you in his future! Not only that, if he tells you about his plans (i.e. family vacation), where he might not be as available, he's still wanting to make sure you know where he is and that he cares about you.
8. He spends a lot of time with you

Image Source: Reddit
Guys invest in the things they care about. So if he's hitting you up to spend his free time with you, this is a huge sign he's going to stick around. He's catching feelings and wants to be with you. Even better if he's not only coming around for sex and just wants to hang out or do something you both enjoy.
9. He's comfortable around you

Image Source: Pinterest
If a guy feels like he can be himself around you, he's more likely to get emotionally attached. If he's showing you his truest self, for better or worse, then he's probably planning to stick around. He feels safe with you and enjoys being around you. This is a good sign!
10. He follows through

Image Source: Reddit
Of course, no one is perfect. So there will be times that your partner is going to let you down. But by-and-large, if this man is doing everything he can not to let you down, then he cares about you immensely. He can also admit when he's wrong! Hopefully you can do the same for him!
11. He is invested in your life

Image Source: Pinterest
If a guy is taking time to meet your friends and family, then this is a great sign that he's ready to get serious. Men don't do this with women they're not emotionally attached to. If he offers you a key to his place or brings up moving in together, he wants things to keep progressing.
12. He loves to show you off

Image Source: Reddit
While every couple has different boundaries when it comes to social media and real life, you should NEVER be made to feel like a secret. If a guy seems embarrassed of you, that's not a good sign. A guy who wants to go the distance will want to show you off to the people in his world.
13. He takes time to check in with you

Image Source: Reddit
A great sign that a man plans to stick around is when he chooses to check in on you when you're not together. This shows that he's thinking about you and wants to know how you're doing. If he messages to make sure you got home safe or tries to help you with your problems, then he really cares for you!
14. He shows you his emotions

Image Source: Reddit
A lot of men (not all men) are hesitant to cry in front of people. Some don't have an issue with it. But either way, if a guy cries in front of you, he's showing you his vulnerable side. It could also be a specific look, touch, or hug where you can literally feel what he's feeling. This guy wants to be with YOU.
15. He doesn't like it when you leave

Image Source: Reddit
We don't mean this in a creepy way! But one of the cutest things a guy does when he wants to stick around is not wanting to leave your presence. Maybe this means he hugs you a little tighter before he goes on a trip or he chooses to stay the weekend with you rather than go out with the boys. You make him happy!
16. He worries about you

Image Source: Reddit
This does not come out of a place of feeling insecure or needing attention. When your man checks on you or worries about you when you're sick, it's because he cares about you. This is a great sign that he's emotionally attached to you and wants you to be happy and healthy.
17. He takes your feelings into consideration

Image Source: Reddit
If a guy cares about you, then he won't intentionally do something that hurts your feelings. Or if you're having a bad day, he will feel that too. He will take your feelings into consideration when he's making decisions. This shows that he's probably ready to commit to you!
18. He makes sure you're eating and drinking water

Image Source: Reddit
When a guy cares about you and your well-being, he probably makes sure you're getting enough sleep, that you didn't forget to eat, and that you're drinking enough water. He'll probably tell you to text him when you get home. He is concerned for you and wants to take care of you by making sure you're taking care of yourself.
19. He talks about you to his friends

Image Source: Reddit
If you're in a situationship or with someone who doesn't see you as a long-term partner, he probably doesn't talk to his friends about you. If you hear him saying he was telling his friend something about you, or if he takes time to introduce you to his, then he wants to keep you around!
20. Fights are always resolved

Image Source: Reddit
Fights are bound to happen, even with the best couples. In fact, no fights might actually be a sign of a bigger issue. But if he's in it for the long term, then these fights are probably fair and they resolve relatively quickly. You guys fight on the same team rather than against each other and work to find a solution.
21. He's protective of you

Image Source: Reddit
If a guy is looking out for you, then he really cares about you and you're important to him. This isn't a jealous or insecure protection. For example, if he wants to drive you somewhere in bad weather or he double checks for cars before crossing the street or carries your bags, he's looking out for you and trying to make your life easier!
22. He shows interest in your hobbies

Image Source: Reddit
When a guy is truly attached to you, then he will take interest in the things that interest you. However you spend your free time, he'll want to know what you do and why you like it. Some of it, he may even want to do together! But ultimately he's trying to understand you better and be part of your life.
23. He's vulnerable with you

Image Source: Reddit
If a guy opens up to you about his feelings, then this man is HOOKED. He trusts you with his biggest emotions and things he's probably used to keeping private. In fact, he may not even be sharing these things with his closest friends. He knows he can trust you.
24. You guys talk about the big stuff

Image Source: Reddit
When a couple starts talking about bigger life issues... religion, political views, etc. these are examples of deep and meaningful conversations that can shape your life together. Guys don't do this with someone they don't see a longer term situation with. They discuss the complex issues with people why care about.
25. He shares more details of his life

Image Source: Reddit
We've already said that good sign a man plans to stick around is if he introduces you to family and friends. But beyond that, if a man starts to explain relational dynamics and the good and bad parts of his family, then he wants to make sure you understand him better. If he brings you around for big family events, even better!
26. He talks a lot about the future

Image Source: Reddit
This goes beyond making future plans. If your man is talking about the future in terms of years, future dreams, kids, where he wants to live, and you're in it... he's showing you that he's invested in a life with you. Maybe he asks questions about where you see yourself and if you guys align. This guy is planning for the long haul with you!
27. He's not seeing anyone else

Image Source: Reddit
When a guy has his full focus on you, then he won't be paying attention to other girls. Maybe you've had a conversation about exclusivity, or maybe he's mentioned it in passing. But he's focusing on his feelings for you and wants to get closer to you. His loyalty is a sign that he wants to take things further.
28. You catch him daydreaming about you

Image Source: Reddit
When you're around your man, if you ever see him with a faraway wonder type look in his eyes, then he's probably thinking about you and feeling pretty lucky! When a guy stares at you in wonder, he's wild about you! Smile at him, and he'll probably blush and smile back.
29. He's respectful about sex

Image Source: Pinterest
If a guy is just looking for a fling, then he probably isn't super considerate of you sexually. If a guy has deep feelings for you, he will be respectful of you and he won't pressure you. It will be a conversation that you both have to make sure you're both comfortable!
30. He tries to impress you

Image Source: Reddit
When a guy decides to go above and beyond what he normally would and bring you little presents or do other small things to try to impress you, this is a GOOD sign that he's hooked on you. He's trying to show you that you're on his mind and that he's paying attention to your favorite things.
31. If he has to cancel, he makes it up to you
image source: reddit.com
Signs that someone is in it for the long haul doesn't mean that they always show up every single time - things happen, after all, that's life. What matters more is how they handle it, so you know you're onto a winner if they always make sure to reschedule and make it up to you if they do have to cancel.
32. He has basic manners, like holding doors for you
image source: reddit.com
If he does these things without thinking because he's a kind person, rather than doing it on purpose to impress you, it shows that he's a kind person. Basic things like holding doors open for you, saying please and thankful, being respectful to strangers.. it's all a good sign!
33. He's open and willing with money
image source: reddit.com
This doesn't mean that he has to pay for every single thing for you, but what matters more is that he's open to discuss and share money. Finances are one of the biggest things that can make or break a couple long-term, so if he's easy-going when it comes to sharing bills, paying for stuff and talking about expenses, that's a great sign!
34. He actually calls you, or picks up when you call
image source: reddit.com
The majority of people prefer messaging in this day and age, but when you're in a relationship, the odd phone call really helps to connect. If he calls you simply because he wants to hear your voice, picks up when you call, or calls when he promises he will, that's brownie points!
35. He has you covered emotionally, mentally and physically
image source: reddit.com
A partner who is truly invested in you and the relationship for the long haul will make sure that all avenues are covered when it comes to supporting you. A person can think they're being the perfect partner if they cover you emotionally, but it's about so much more than that. The right person will stick around for your emotional, mental and physical needs.
36. He knows your love language
image source: reddit.com
Not only has he taken the time to learn your love language, but he's making sure that he communicates that way, too! Knowing each other's love language is key to showing understanding in a relationship, so whether yours is gift giving, acts of service or anything else, he has you covered.
37. He arrives on time

image source: reddit.com
Partners who care about your time and respecting your schedule will always make sure they show up on time. Partners who don't care will likely run late, bail or make excuses. So it's always a good sign he cares about being with you long-term if he shows up on time, every time!
38. He goes the extra mile for the people in your life
image source: thetorontostar.com
It's one thing to always go the extra mile for you and make sure he's being thoughtful, but going above and beyond for the people in your life you care about, like friends and family, shows all the signs of him wanting a long-term commitment. If he's invited to family dinner, he might buy extra gifts he thought your family members might like, or ways to impress them!
39. He makes you feel at home at his place
image source: reddit.com
If you're not living together, you can usually tell if someone wants to stick around by how they treat you in their own space. People not looking for commitment might be reserved or private about their home, whereas this guy might make you feel right at home by offering you a drawer, wardrobe space, thinking of your preferences for food, drink etc.!
40. He makes you feel safe
image source: reddit.com
It's so important to have a partner who makes you feel safe, happy and protected in every single way. So if he makes sure that you always feel safe, it's because he wants you to feel that way with him forever - because he's definitely sticking around! You just feel relaxed and at ease with him.
41. He keeps your secrets
image source: reddit.com
Trust is so important in a relationship, but it's about a whole lot more than trusting they're committed to you or not doing anything behind your back - you also need to be able to trust them with what you tell them in private, or that they'll keep your secrets if you ask them to.
42. He still takes you on real dates
image source: reddit.com
Date nights are really important for any couple, but especially ones who have been together a long time and got past the honeymoon phase! If he still bothers to take you on proper dates and makes you feel special every time to make sure you still feel the magic, that's a great sign!
43. He takes care of you when you're sick
image source: reddit.com
Being with someone means you're bound to have the experience of being really sick with them for the very first time. You suddenly worry about them seeing you with the flu, but even when you're hauled up in bed feeling like death they'll be there for you - and still think you're the most beautiful person in the world!
44. And he doesn't give you a hard time for it

image source: reddit.com
There's a reason that traditional marriage vows say 'in sickness and in health', because to take care of someone even at their worst means you truly love them. When someone isn't truly committed they might sulk or complain when they have to 'deal' with you when you're sick - someone who loves you won't mind at all!
45. He's been completely honest with you from the start
image source: reddit.com
Some people might tell little white lies when they're dating because they're nervous or trying to impress - other people might tell big whoppers which means they can't be trusted. But him? He's never lied to you once, been straight with you from the start and you always know where you stand with him!
46. He'd always drop what he's doing to help you

image source: reddit.com
You never, ever feel like an inconvenience, and he never, ever makes you feel like one! If you really needed him, he'd be there for you no matter what, even if he's in the middle of something or needs to change his plans for you. If he does this, you best believe he's sticking around!
47. You're never scared to tell him anything

image source: buzzfeed.com
If you have this gnawing feeling deep down that there's some things you can't tell your partner, or you're scared about telling them because of what their reaction might be, this can be a red flag. You shouldn't feel worried about telling your partner anything. With him, you can trust him with anything!
48. He never stops surprising you!
image source: reddit.com
You know him better than anyone and you've been with him for a while, but he still manages to surprise you! This just means that he's excited about being with you and that he's truly invested, so he's always thinking of new and creative ways to make you happy!
49. He's never tried to change you
image source: reddit.com
You should never try to change someone you love, and should love them just the way they are. It's a good sign if he's never, ever tried to change a single thing about you, because it means he knows exactly what he's getting and still prepared to be with that person (you) forever!
50. He makes you a more confident person
image source: reddit.com
The perfect couples will truly bring out the best in each other, and when a partner is supportive, it can make the other person feel more confident in their decisions, and in themselves! He always makes you feel like you can conquer the world, and that's the kind of energy we definitely need!