1. West End, Grand Bahama Island

Image Source/ Tourism Today
Appropriately named, Tiger Beach, is located just off the Grand Bahama Island and is one of the top spots in the world for seeing tiger sharks. These tiger sharks patrol the shoreline and are EXTREMELY dangerous, second only to the great white shark in reputation. You can take a shark tour, but we would recommend steering clear!Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. The Boiling Lake, Dominica

Image Source/ Amusing Planet
The clue is in the name for this one! The boiling temperature of the lake is thought to be caused by the heat from a magma chamber beneath the lake. The water temperature can reach a whopping 195 degrees F. It's quite an exhausting hike to get there and you won't even be rewarded with a cool dip in a lake!
3. Rio Tinto, Spain

Image Source/ Blog Fuertes Hoteles
The bright red river, Rio Tinto, is a spectacular sight and flows from the Sierra Morena mountains, but it is best kept as a sight to see and not to swim in. The Rio Tinto is extremely acidic, with a pH as low as 1.7! So a dip here will be incredibly dangerous. Not much can live here except dangerous bacteria below the surface so swimming here should be avoided at all costs.
4. Kipu Falls, East Kauai

Image Source/ World of Waterfalls
Any Indiana Jones fan might recognise Kipu Falls from Raiders of the Lost Ark, but we don't want to encourage you to live out your Indiana Jones fantasy. This place is private property and trespassing is prohibited, but it is also a very dangerous area where drowning is common. The waterfall and swimming hole may look appealing on the surface but those who venture in are often dragged down into the depths and drown.
5. Hanakapiai Beach, Hawaii

Image Source/ Hawaiian Islands
The unseen and powerful rip currents on Hanakapiai Beach in Hawaii make it a dangerous destination for swimming. The waves are known to sweep people out to sea and at least 83 people have drowned there over the years. If you do get caught in a rip current, the next closest shore is around six miles away.
6. Gansbaai, South Africa

Image Source/ Trip Savvy
Nicknamed the 'Great White Shark Capital of the World' for a reason. Gansbaai offers cage-diving tours where you can get up close and person with a Great White as they hunt. They are seen here year-round, but we wouldn't recommend going on a self-guided tour in this instance!
7. Chowpatty Beach, India

Image Source/ India Times
This is India's most infamous beach, and not for any dangerous animals and rip currents. The amount of trash on Chowpatty Beach means it is amongst the most polluted beaches in the world. There is waste from Mumbai alongside scraps from salvaged ships. If you choose to get in this water, you will likely find yourself ill when you come out.
8. Lake Victoria, Africa

Image Source/ CNN
The 'world's most dangerous lake' straddles Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Five THOUSAND people are thought to die in its waters every year. The danger here is the unpredictable and erratic weather than can change suddenly. So you might think it looks tranquil and perfect, but the micro-climate here can deteriorate without warning.
9. Citarum River, Indonesia

Image Source/ Pulitzer Center
Java is a tropical paradise that attracts many visitors every year, but the Citarum weather and its hazardous waters are not popular with the tourists. This river is the most polluted on the planet! Devastating amounts of waste are dumped directly into this river every day. We would recommend that you avoid at all costs.
10. Eagle's Nest Sinkhole, Florida

Image Source/ Tampa Bay Times
It may look like just another pond into Florida's tropical swamp lands, but think again. Underneath the surface lies a great tubular chimney, vast caverns and a dizzying amount of passages. This may sound appealing to the adventurous, but since 1981 at least 10 experienced divers have drowned at Eagle's Nest. It is not an adventure for the faint hearted and few people have ever explored and lived to tell the tale.
11. Queensland, Australia

Image Source/ Thrifty Family Travels
The beaches in Queensland, Australia became so dangerous that the government had to introduce a Shark Safety Program. They use nets and drumlines to remove high risk sharks from particular locations. There have been 45 fatal attacks since 1700 and 163 reported attacks in total. Sharks aren't all you have to worry about either as saltwater crocodiles and venomous blue-ringed octopus also live in these waters!
12. Bubbly Creek, Chicago

Image Source/ WTTW News
It sounds like a lovely place to relax on a sunny day! Think again. Bubbly Creek is no place for swimming given its fetid and filthy waters. This creek was once an open sewer close to the meatpacking district, so blood and other extras from surrounding slaughterhouses were once dumped here in their masses. Still up for swim?
13. Hoover Dam, Nevada

Image Source/ Smithsonian Magazine
Between 2007 and 2017, 275 people are known to have died whilst trying to swim across the Hoover Dam. In fact, no one who had attempted it actually survived until a drunk British man managed to make it across. His survival was put down to the fact that 9 out of 10 of the hydroelectric turbines were not operational that day. Even if you do attempt this and survive, the police will be waiting for you on the other end.
14. New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Image Source/ News 13
New Smyrna is known as the shark attack capital of the world! Floridian sharks are known to attack humans so be very careful if you're going in the water here to swim or to surf. Common sharks seen at New Smyrna beach include tiger sharks, blacktips and spinners.
15. The Amazon Basin, South America

Image Source/ Rainforest Trust
The dangers in the Amazon Basin are countless. It is known as the deadliest river on Earth and rightly so. It's brown waters are becoming increasingly polluted due to the amount of waste being dumped here. Not to mention the strong currents and creatures that live here. Arapaima (a huge carnivorous fish), anacondas, electric eels and poisonous frogs just to name a few...
16. Horseshoe Lake, California

Image Source/ Mammoth Lakes California
A stunning location with trees and mountains all around. Yet first impressions can be deceptive. Horseshoe Lake can be found in the hills of Lassen Volcanic National Park where swimming is technically permitted but we would recommend that you avoid. Carbon dioxide has leaked from the bubbling magma below and has polluted the soil, meaning nothing grows here now and the gas is still leaking into the lake.
17. Beqa Lagoon, Fiji

Image Source/ Diveplanit
EIGHT species of shark live in the waters of Beqa Lagoon in Fiji. Local people still swim here amongst the predators and worship the shark god, Dukuwaqa, who is thought to keep them safe. With tiger sharks and bull sharks patrolling the waters here, would you be brave enough to enter with just a prayer to protect you?
18. Jacob's Well, Texas

Image Source/ Treehugger
Jacob's Well is a popular place to take a dip and cool off on a hot Texan summers day. However, there are dangers that lurk beneath the surface here. It's crystal clear waters are eye-catching but it has a sheer vertical drop that goes some 30 feet down before the passages tunnel away totalling around 120 feet below the surface. If you are thinking this sounds like an adventure then think again, as most people never find their way out again.
19. Gulf of Thailand

Image Source/ Vexplore Tours
The Gulf of Thailand has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world, no wonder you would be tempted to swim here! Located in the South China Sea, boxed in by Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia, the waters here are home to some seriously dangerous creatures. It has sea snakes, lionfish and poisonous jellyfish. Not to mention it's dangerous rip currents near beaches that don't have lifeguards.
20. Samaesan Hole, Thailand

Image Source/ Adventure Herald
It's not just swimming from the beaches in the Gulf of Thailand that is dangerous. The Samaesan Hole is one of the world's deepest diving sites and therefore one of the most dangerous. The bottom is almost 300 feet below the surface. It's not just the challenging depths here, it is also a busy shipping lane with huge oil tankers you have to navigate around. It was also once a military dumping ground so who knows what hazardous waste and explosive material was left behind...
21. The River Nile, Africa

Image Source/ Wild View
One of the most famous rivers in the world and also one of the longest. Now also one of the most dangerous! 4.5 million pollutants make their way into the river every year making a highly unsanitary cocktail in the water. It is also full of deadly snakes, spiders and crocodiles that patrol the banks here reading to get anyone trying to invade their territory.
22. Blue Lagoon, UK

Image Source/ Manchester Evening News
The Blue Lagoon and it's lovely turquoise waters sounds very appealing, especially on a hot summer's day. The problem with those waters are the invisible toxins. Once described as 'toxic soup', the lagoon located in Derbyshire is a former quarry with a pH of 11.3, not far from ammonia at ph 11.5. Over the years, people have dumped all sorts of garbage here including cars! Making the lagoon a little less lovely.
23. The Ganges, India

Image Source/ The National
The Ganges is a scared place and local people have bathed in its waters to be cleansed from sin for centuries. The truth is, India's great waterway is polluted and dirty. Domestic sewage is emptied into the river every day and even corpses of families who cannot afford funerals have been dumped here. You can only imagine the amount of disease in these waters, so you're taking a huge risk to your health by swimming in here.
24. Reunion Island, Indian Ocean

Image Source/ France.fr
Reunion Island is a little spot of paradise in the Indian Ocean. You can see whales, dolphins and beautiful exotic fish here. However, beneath the surface lurks a great number of dangers. There has been a rise in shark attacks here, many of them fatal. So if you really do want to swim here, we recommend you only go with a guide.
25. The Strid, UK

Image Source/ Atlas Obscura
The River Wharfe is a scenic spot in the UK with its tree-lines banks, but do not be fooled by its appearance. Many people have died in this Yorkshire paradise. The Strid is the most dangerous section where the river narrows dramatically and powerful currents rage below, dragging anyone foolish enough to enter down into the water and never letting them back up again.
26. Bolinas Beach, California

Image Source/ Beach Searcher
Big Sur is a famous stretch of California coastline that is home to a number of incredible beaches. The ocean here is home to a thriving marine habitat with fish, seals and many other creatures. However, this means the sharks are never far away... Bolinas Beach is popular with surfers but also with great whites, so going into the water here is always a risk.
27. Victoria Falls, Zambia

Image Source/ Kuoni
Described as the ultimate infinity pool, Victoria Falls is a spectacular sight. The powerful Zambezi River plunges 100 meters down onto the rocks below. Its currents and great drop make it a very perilous place to swim. 500 million litres of water cascade over the falls every minute! This doesn't stop some thrill-seekers from exploring but it would certainly stop us!
28. Potomac River, USA

Image Source/ AZ Animals
Swimming in Potomac River is actually illegal and will get you into big trouble, but that aside, the hazards in this water should be enough to put you off anyway. Deadly bacteria pollutes the water here from overflowing sewage pipes that feed into the water. So do not be fooled but it's beautiful appearance! As beneath the surface it is anything but beautiful.
29. Condado Beach, Puerto Rico

Image Source/ US Travel News
"Very nice, but very dangerous" according to TripAdvisor. Would you visit? Rip currents, big waves and a strong underflow scare people off from swimming here. There are huge rocks on either side of the beach too, so if you did lose control in the water there is a high chance of some serious injuries.
30. East and North Coasts of Barbados

Image Source/ The Travel Bunny
The South and West coasts of Barbados are where you should be visiting if you want to swim and snorkel. The East and North coasts are much more dangerous due to the large waves and strong tides. It is not recommended to swim there. The cool winds make it a nice beach to sunbathe and relax on, but do NOT get in the water.
31. Skeleton Coast, Namibia
image source: farandwide.com
Just in case the name alone doesn't put you off, here are the reasons you shouldn't go there! This coastline is victim to a strong current - the Benguela Current - which is violent enough to cause shipwrecks, meaning you can definitely find the remains of one or two ships on the beach. If that wasn't bad enough, the coastline's waters have not one, but
eleven species of shark swimming in it! If you think you're safe from these predators while on the beach, and can cope with an abandoned shipwreck, think again - because there are hyenas and even lions prowling the sand...
32. Cape Tribulation, Australia
image source: farandwide.com
Once again, this beach is doing us a favor by giving it a name that should deter you - because you'll definitely find tribulation on this beach! Found by the coast of Queensland, don't let its nice sandy beaches and crystal clear waters fool you: this isn't a place you want to be! The good news is that you can actually swim in the water (if you want to), but you're recommended to wear a 'stinger suit', to protect you from the swarms of jellyfish that call this water home. But that's not all there is to it - there are also saltwater crocodiles that your suit definitely won't protect you from.
33. Fraser Island, Australia
image source: farandwide.com
Australia is home to some beautiful beaches, so all the more reason to go to one of those and stay away from Fraser Island! The reason this beach is a danger is because it offers a double threat: both in the water, and on land. If you're in the water, then you'll be at risk of irukandji, a venomous jellyfish which now swarm these waters - and if you get stung by one, you can expect at best vomiting and pain, at worst hypertension or even cardiac arrest. If you're staying on land, then you'll have to be careful to avoid the huge packs of dingoes roaming about.
34. Utakleiv Beach, Norway
image source: farandwide.com
The beaches located in Norway's Lofoten Islands are dangerous for a couple of reasons - because of their threats, but also because tourists still persist due to the allures of being able to catch the Northern Lights from there, and their unique aesthetic. The beaches on these islands are close to the Arctic Circle, which means the waters can get freezing cold. The Cold Water Safety center puts anything below 60 degrees Fahrenheit as life-threatening - and these waters are 46-57 degrees Fahrenheit! Which should be enough to deter you.
35. Boa Viagem Beach, Brazil
image source: farandwide.com
Brazil has some glorious beaches, but this is certainly not one you'll want to put at the top of the list. The Recife region of Brazil used to be a hot spot for surfers - used to be - and Boa Viagem Beach in particular should now be avoided due to having one of the biggest shark attack percentage in the world. There have been a total of 56 attacks in the course of 20 years, a lot of them being fatal. You're not safe in the shallows, either, as these sharks like to hunt in the shallow waters. Due to an increase in development in this area, too, it's disrupted marine life and meant the sharks are out looking for a new snack...
36. Bikini Atoll, U.S. Marshall Islands
image source: farandwide.com
So technically, this beach is open to the public, but there aren't a lot of reasons - if any - to want to visit this beach. It doesn't have any sharks to worry about, or any predator pacing the sand - instead, it has a disturbing history in that the U.S. army used this location for nuclear testing. During 1946 to 1958, these nuclear tests were carried out at on this island in the South Pacific. These days, you can still expect contamination from the radiation, which means anything growing on this island is unsafe to consume.
37. Playa Zipolite, Mexico
image source: farandwide.com
The beach of Zipolite town, which is located in the southern area of the west coast of Mexico, is a stunning location to visit, and it's easy to see why tourists want to visit this rugged coastline and catch a glimpse of the beach and hillsides. But this beach has very dangerous riptides, which is why you wouldn't want to swim here. The beach is even now nicknamed "Playa de Los Muertos", which means "Beach of the Dead" - which pretty much sums it up. If you did want to risk it, the beach is also one of Mexico's nude beaches - so there's that!
38. Kilauea Beaches, Hawaii
image source: farandwide.com
The beaches located in this area of Hawaii are beautiful, there's no doubt about that - but they are placed uncomfortably close to the Kilauea volcano, found on the Big Island. The volcano isn't dormant, either - it's been erupting on and off for around 35 years, which means the lava spill has gone right into the ocean waters, making the water boil and reach temperatures of around 100 degrees. The Kilauea volcano was also infamous for its eruption in 2018, when part of Hawaii's Volcanoes National Park had to be closed due to the destruction.
39. Staithes Beach, United Kingdom
image source: farandwide.com
The UK is known for its temperamental weather, but it actually does have some stunning beaches, especially in the south. Unfortunately, Staithes Beach isn't one of them - and you probably wouldn't want to go there anyway. This particular beach is strewn with garbage. It's on the EU's list for swimming prohibited beaches because the water can be polluted at a dangerous level, as well as sewage drains spilling into the harbor. On top of that, if you did swim in the water, you could be victim to illnesses like hepatitis A, typhoid or E. coli.
40. Dumas Beach, India
image source: farandwide.com
The reason you might want to avoid this beach isn't because of garbage on the sand, or sharks lurking in the waters - it's actually because it's said to be one of the most haunted beaches in the world. This is because the beach used to be a cremation site, and it's now said the spirits of those who died stayed on the beach to roam the sand. To make it worse, there have actually been an uncomfortable amount of reports of people going missing from this beach. To top it off, you also have king cobras and their poison to worry about.
41. Second Beach, South Africa
image source: farandwide.com
Located in Port St. John's, this particular beach is another known for a serious amount of shark attacks. There's a very specific breed of shark known to hang around this beach's waters, too: the bull shark. While great white sharks are bigger, and the ones you generally think of when you're worried about shark attacks, bull sharks are actually the ones you need to watch out for because of their aggressive tendencies. On this beach, bull sharks have been responsible for eight deaths up to this point. So it's not really worth a swim!
42. North Sentinel Island Beach, India
image source: farandwide.com
This island, though idyllic, has developed an infamous reputation, due to the fact that it's home to a group of indigenous people who most definitely do not want you to visit. The island, which is lush with forest, is the home of one of the last indigenous groups to avoid contact and integration with the rest of the world. As you can imagine, some people have tried to travel there before and make contact, but the indigenous tribesmen are known to kill people on sight if they even get close to the shore. Best advice to take: just leave them to it!
43. Schitovaya Bukhta Beach, Russia
image source: farandwide.com
This beach and its water is a little bit of a bum deal, because it's actually known to be one of the top surf spots not only in Russia, but in the world - but there are hardly any surfers who actually want to visit and ride the waves. This could be due to the military facilities that litter the area around the beach - which is intimidating enough - but the real issue (and the reason surfers or swimmers don't even want to bother) is that under the water, there are old nuclear submarines lying on the seabed. They're not just sitting there, though... they're actually giving off radiation at a slow pace.
44. Darwin, Australia
image source: farandwide.com
Australia is known for its popular beaches in terms of surfing, but this beach in Darwin offers nothing other than reasons not to go there. Located along the northern coast of Australia, it's considered one of the most dangerous places you can swim in the whole continent. This is due to box jellyfish that call these waters home, prevalent between October and May, as well as crocodiles. You won't even get a safe window from the crocodiles, because they're there all year round. You think that doesn't sound as bad as sharks? Sorry, there are sharks too!
45. Copacabana, Brazil
image source: farandwide.com
The story of this beach is tragic because it's such a beautiful beach that nobody should even visit! Such a waste. This beach is so dangerous not because of any predator or dangers in the water, but unfortunately because of human beings! This idyllic spot at Copacabana is one of the most well-known places in the area for petty crime. So if you're going for a relaxing day at the beach and for a swim, you'll only be worrying about your valuables getting stolen. Even if you don't take any valuables with you, it's not really worth it for the anxiety you'd feel while you're there.
46. Red Triangle, California
image source: farandwide.com
If you want to go surfing in California - which, of course, many people do because it's one of the best places to surf in the world, and the surf hotspot of the USA - you're best off doing it at any beach which isn't within the area known as the Red Triangle. The Red Triangle spans around 200 miles, leading from Today Bay to Big Sur, and within this space is where you can expect a fair few shark attacks. Around 40 percent of all shark attacks from a great white have happened in this area, and 11 percent of shark attacks in the whole world take place here!
47. Cairns, Australia
image source: farandwide.com
In North Queensland, you can find Cairns, known for being a lead-up location to the Great Barrier Reef. Although the Great Barrier Reef is on most people's bucket lists in terms of a nice swim, the water isn't all it's cracked up to be - this is due to the 'stinger season' that takes place here, between November and June, where you can expect to be stung by quite a lot of jellyfish. And these aren't some small stings, either - the species of jellyfish in these waters include the Irukandji and the Chironex fleckeri, both of which have a potentially-fatal sting.
48. Mindanao Island, The Philippines
image source: farandwide.com
The good news is, if you're planning a trip to the Philippines, there are some beautiful beaches you can visit without worry. But you'll want to avoid this one - and by this one, we mean the whole island and not just a single beach. That's because Mindanao Island has been a war site in recent years, between government soldiers and Muslim militants. You definitely don't want to be a tourist in the middle of that, not least because of the general dangers, but also because tourists have been known to be kidnapped from this area, unfortunately.
49. Cable Beach, Australia
image source: farandwide.com
Cable Beach in Broome, Australia, is one of many beach sites in the western part of Australia that you'll want to be wary of. It basically has everything you'd want if you were looking for your worst nightmare, both on the land and in the sea. On the sand, you can expect poisonous snakes as well as spiders - and when you flee from them into the water, you'll then be up against box jellyfish, great white sharks and saltwater crocodiles! One of these would be bad enough, but all of them? Yikes! The months between November and March have been known to be the most dangerous for fatal encounters.
50. Manaus Beaches, Brazil
image source: farandwide.com
If you were planning on heading to the beaches in Manaus, Brazil, you might want to change your mind. You don't need to worry about sharks, jellyfish or crocodiles - rather, the high crime rate that's known on these sands. You'll want to leave every valuable at home if, for some reason, you still want to visit here, and definitely don't visit after it gets dark. It's advised to carry only a small amount of cash, which you'll inevitably have to give over to thieves anyway if it comes to that. There are many other safe beaches in Brazil to visit instead!