Life-Sized Children Dolls

image source: DailyMail
If this doesn't scream scary - then I don't know what does. On entering the Neverland Ranch life-sized dolls can be seen throughout the whole estate. These dolls are fully clothed and also look as though they're engaging in conversation with one another.Original content sourced from
Fan Mail

image source: Vice
Here you can see a pile of fan mail that Michael Jackson had received when he was still alive. The stack is quite big, but the one thing that stands out the most is the piece of paper at the top - showing the attorney who tried to convict MJ on top as a devil.
These Creepy Masks

image source: Eternally
There are a total of three copies of what appear to be Michael Jackson's head on this image. It looks as though they will have been moulds of his head pulling different faces and painted gold. Can this be classed as art? Either way, there is no way that you would want this in your home!
Goodbye... For Now

image source: Pinterest
There is actually something quite eerie about this image here. The sign, which is presumably at the exit gate of the ranch, reads 'Goodbye For Now'. There are three cartoon cherubs that are on top of the image goodbye, which reinforces the narrative that he didn't want to grow up.
Kissing Boys Door Knocker

image source: Reddit
This was on one of the main doors of the ranch. Instead of having a plain knocker on the door, he decided that this was appropriate. It looks like a steel knocker with an image of two people kissing on it. This is stuck right in the middle of a light blue door... I wonder where it leads to?
Mannequins In Boy Scout Outfits

image source: Steemit
As previously mentioned, Michael Jackson had a lot of life-sized dolls in his household. Here, you can see two children - on young boy and a young girl. The boy is stressed in a boy scout outfit, and it looks like the young girl has a British police helmet on her head. They are dancing together - creepy right?
A Full Zoo

image source: Sliptalk
If the ranch couldn't get more extravagant, then Michael Jackson decided that he wanted a full zoo in there. And yes - there were lots of animals that had to be maintained on a daily basis. He even actually had an Elephant on the ranch that people used to ride!
Images of Macaulay Culkin

image source: Slliptalk
There are a lot of rumors that circulated around the friendship that Michael Jackson had with Macaulay Culkin. There are multiple times when the pair have been pictured together, and MJ is Culkin's God Father. In the ranch are pictures of a young Macaulay in a black frame.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

image source: Eternallysunny
Here, Michael Jackson is pictured in his Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber. There were a lot of rumors that surrounded what kind of health regime the King of Pop used to undergo. This was stored in his Neverland Ranch so that he could use and access it at any time.
A Robotic Head Of Himself

image source: Throwbacks
Definitely another creepy addition to the Ranch. Throughout the whole ranch there were a lot of things that seemed to be a tribute to himself.. and nothing was too extra. Here is a fully functioning robotic version of Michael Jackson's head. I wonder how much this cost to make?
The Real Edward Scissorhands Hands

image source: Throwbacks
If you had the amount of money that Michael Jackson had, then you wouldn't deprive yourself of anything that you wanted. So, when the Edward Scissorhands props came up for sale, he decided to purchase them and display them in a room in his huge ranch.
A $50,000 Sequin Duvet

image source: i.pinimg
This easily has to go down as one of the most expensive, ridiculous purchases of all time. Michael clearly had too much money to spend - so why not invest in a duvet that is covered in sequins and ended up costing $50,000. I can't imagine that this would have been comfy though!
Infamous Picture Of MJ With A Group Of Children

image source: Ranker
This picture quickly became famous and can also be found plastered all over the search engine Google. It is a sketch that shows Michael Jackson leading a huge group of children along a long, winding road. He is holding hands with one of them and there are doves flying above.
The Golden Throne

image source: Ranker
This was one of the largest things to be found in his Neverland Ranch. This was the infamous golden throne that the King of Pop himself used to sit on. Here, he is pictured on the golden throne with red, velvet material on it. This is another extremely famous image of MJ.
Golden Bath Tub

image source: Stuff
He liked to have the best of everything - which is why it isn't surprising to find extravagant items like a golden bathtub spotted around the ranch. The rest of the bathroom does, however, look quite dated and doesn't seem to fit well with the golden bath.
Life-Size Pixie

image source: Steemit
You didn't have to walk round the ranch for long before you found a life-size doll of something somewhere. Here, you can see that he had a life-sized version of a pixie on the ranch. He always considered himself the man that never grew up, and this only reinforces it.
Life-Size Power Ranger

image source: Sliptalk
We've all seen The Power Rangers when we were growing up. But, Michael being Michael, just had to have one of these in his home. Of course, it's life size! It was the main feature in a whole games room that he had with all sorts of different arcade games in there!
A Fully Functioning Train

image source: Content
As you can already tell by now, he didn't do things by halves. In fact, he had a fully functioning train that would make its way around the whole Neverland Ranch estate and pick up passengers to take them wherever they wanted to go. Not a bad way to get around your own home, is it?
A Statue of Three Girls Sat Over A River

image source: Stuff
Again, there was something about having life-sized dolls in his home that Michael became quickly obsessed with. All of the images taken in his home show these life-sized dolls. Here, a group of three girls are sat on a little bridge over the river - is this weird, or a totally normal water feature to have?
This HUGE Clock

image source: Sliptalk
This huge clock has connotations from many different Disney movies - especially the likes of Alice in Wonderland and Beauty and the Beast. It is pocket watch, but looking at the size of it it would probably stand at the same size a human. I wonder if it actually worked?
A Batsuit

image source: Throwbacks
As you already know, he was obsessed with different movie memorabilia. In from of a painted image of Michael with a crown on - looking almost regal - stands a full Batman Suit. It looks as thought this has been protected in a glass box, which indicates there must be some value to it.
A Peter Pan Statue

image source: Scotthaefner
Always known for likening himself to Peter Pan - the boy who never grew up - it will come as no surprise that there was yet again another life-size doll, but this time of Peter Pan. He appears to be almost guarding the actual house and looking out into the distance.
This Marking On The Front Drive

image source: Throwbacks
It looks as though he had a lot of bespoke art made for the Neverland Ranch. He even had images like this spray painted onto the ground for people to see wherever they were walking. It looks as though it could be an image of Michael Jackson with the words 'Neverland' printed above.
An Old Cash Register

image source: EternallySunny
Again, another solid gold feature in his home. Here, this cash register looks extremely old and antique - it wouldn't be a long shot to suggest that this could actually be made out of gold... especially with all the money Michael had. I wonder if this was fully functioning or not?
A Full Theatre

image source: Pinterest
Obviously, he had enough space on the ranch for a full theatre. With over 30 chairs in the theatre, this room in the ranch is almost the same size as a normal theatre you would go to at home! No doubt that the screen will have covered the whole side of the wall!
$57,000 A Year On Gardening

image source: DailyMail
With there being a whole ranch to maintain, it isn't so shocking to learn that he spent an eye watering $57,000 a year just on the gardening for the properly. He had 'Neverland' written in flowers around the grounds and it appeared to always be so lush and green. Wow!
A Signed Basketball From Michael Jordan

image source: Telegraph
The normal person would be willing to do anything to get themselves a signed basketball from the one and only Michael Jordan. But, I can't imagine that Michael Jackson had to do a lot to get his hands on this. I bet that this would be worth an absolute fortune if it was ever sold now!
Candy Outside The Theatre

image source: Pinterest
A trip to the movies would not be complete without giving yourself a headache from all the candy you can get there. Michael really thought of everything and was quick to install a full candy store for any visitors that would be making use of the theatre room he had set up.
3D Art Of Cinderella

image source: Pinterest
Within his theatre room, there were different scenes from movies that were displayed as artwork throughout the room. Here, you can see there's a hole in the wall where a full scene from the hit Disney film Cinderella is on display - it's extremely detailed, including the infamous pumpkin!

image source: Pinterest
Obviously, with a estate so big it comes as no shock that there was a whole room that was just dedicated to the CCTV in there. This room shows a whopping 16 televisions on the wall which were all presumably linked up to a different CCTV camera on the ranch. That's one way to keep your eye on everything at once!
A Fortune Teller

This life sized fortune teller robot found in the ranch. One of the reasons people think that Jackson's house represented basically a fun fair for children is because people theorise that he was trying to recreate his childhood and have everything in adulthood that he had not had as a child.
More Statues Of Children Playing

The children statues we saw previously were definitely not the only ones around the ranch.In fact it is clearly one of his favourite ways to decorate the outdoors of his villa. There were many statues of little children, just as we know he loved to have children visit his ranch.
And Even More Again...

The statues of children in Jackson's ranch are always happy and playing. See here these six children, a mixture of girls and boys all holding hands and dancing around. He was clearly trying to create the idyllic child's world, continuing the theme of the entire Neverland home.
A Comfy Interior

Aside from all of the extravagant and whacky things that Jackson filled his ranch with...we rarely ever get to see inside of the normal interior of the ranch. Which in this room is pretty normal if we ignore the statues of two male children...kissing?
This HUGE Castle

Who doesn't want a huge castle that's bigger than a person inside their house. This is pretty cool. It as windows and tiny details. It's so big that this must have its very own housekeeper. And we can understand why Jackson had so many people visiting his house, especially children.
A Grand Entrance

It is only fitting that a home as grand as Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch, it has to have a grand entrance. These gates which guard it from the outside world say 'Neverland' and 'Once upon a time'. This just begins the narrative that you are entering the world of Peter Pan and children's dreams.
The Golden Carousel

Michael Jackson did not just have a huge carousel built in his garden - but he had it lined in gold too.As we can see, people are on the carousel and Jackson is looking very happy. He was in his element living his childhood dreams out in his very own home.
This Very Creepy Artwork...

Now this is one of the strangest things inside the ranch. This is a piece of artwork. But why Jackson would want this in his home is another question. It is a pair of hands trying to escape a block of concrete, they have specks of blood painted on...the whole thing is pretty horrifying.
And A Full Theme Park

We have seen the golden carousel, but that wasn't the half of it. He has an entire theme-park and fair ground in his garden. A mini rollercoaster, the dodgems... you name it Michael Jackson had it built. Many famous faces came to visit and spend the days here.
More Pictures Of Jackson With Children

One piece of artwork commissioned with Jackson surrounded by children was strange enough...but here's another that was displayed on his wall. People have said that it is akin to the Pied Piper, who has a line following him leading the children. This is exactly what is happening in the photo.
Another Very Realistic Life Sized Doll

We know that Jackson collected life sized children dolls. But this doll is so realistic that it takes a while to realise that this is not a child. Which, makes it a lot scarier. The doll is a little girl with red hair dressed in a green dress and she's smiling...and looking sideways at something.
And Again...

It's not just the fact that his house is full of dolls (which yes is very strange in itself), or that he has a lot of them, it's the fact that they are all put into positions and dressed so realistically which makes the whole thing seem a little bit more creepy...
His Peter Pan Themed Bed

Peter Pan is the main theme of the entire ranch. So it makes sense that it carries on through to the interior, and even to the bedroom. There is a pair of Peter Pan pillows that say 'Neverland'. Allegedly this is one of the rooms that Jackson would use for guests when they stayed over.
A Secret Closet

There have been man strange things found inside Michael Jackson's home, and another thing that was discovered was a secret closet. Inside it was packed full of things such as these books. And lets just say that some of the books were very questionable...
Disney Memorabilia

Let's have a look into this Disney collection found in the Neverland ranch. There is of course...a Peter Pan book. And, there's a lot more kid's books besides as well as pictures of characters. We aren't sure why or for who Jackson had such a collection. There are also pictures of children amongst the Disney memorabilia.
A Sega Games Control

This Sega Games Control is a huge throw back to the first editions of gaming. And, being a child at heart this was amongst his massive and eclectic game selection that was inside the Neverland Ranch. The huge size of it and the miniature screen is evident of how far electronics have come.
Huge Collection Of Cars

One thin that was also found at Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch was a huge collection of cars. And not just your typical car collection, but also very old fashioned and traditional vehicles such as this one. The collection as a whole was worth a LOT of money.
A Life-sized Darth Vader

We know that Michael Jackson is a fan of everything life sized, especially when it comes to children's toys or figurines. Here he has a life size Darth Vader carrying a light up red light sabre. It is a little bit creepy... This was amongst many others found in his ranch.
Early Morning On The Ranch

Image Source / Daily MailIt almost looks like a shot from a fantasy movie, doesn't it? A ray of morning light here reveals the drawn over the Neverland ranch, with a still starry sky, altogether supporting Jackson's vision of this being a place of fantasy and wonder.
A Wreath Of Roses For Jackson

Image Source / Daily MailNeverland Ranch has remained in popularity even after Michael Jackson's passing. At the ranch, people would still flock and mourn to pay respects after his death. Here is a wreath of white roses hanging at the front gate.
Flowers At The Front House

Image Source / Daily MailThe Neverland Ranch is known for its extensive and amazingly wonderful gardens, and one of the wonders to see includes the blankets of flowers, too. Here, infront of the main house, is a field of flowers, a riot of red, purple and green.
Inside The Main Entrance

Image Source / Daily MailLooking a little different than it did when Jackson was still living there, here is what you see when you step right inside the main front door. The entranceway is lined with the beautiful floor, the stunning chandelier and the staircase leading up to get this shot.
The Main Room At The Ranch

Image Source / Daily MailThis stunning room, decorated in the same way as the entrance hall with the chandeliers and dark floor, was used as the main room of the house. You can see the wide windows and the brickwork, while the door to the right leads off to the kitchen.
The Massive Kitchen

Image Source / Daily MailMichael Jackson definitely had an amazing taste in decor, which each room matching seamlessly - and the kitchen is no different. This huge kitchen features a massive centre island and further brickwork to the back.
The Master Bedroom

Image Source / Daily MailNow empty and unused, here is just the shell of Michael Jackson's former master bedroom. Stationed in the main house and once used by the King of Pop, the bedroom continues the dark wood theme, with stunning windows and a big fireplace.
The Master Bathroom

Image Source / Daily MailAnd every good master bedroom needs a master bathroom, too. I don't think I'd feel comfortable taking a bath in there with all those windows around, but obviously Jackson trusted his Neverland privacy.
The Stunning Hallway Leading From The Master Bedroom

Image Source / Daily MailThere's no doubt that the Neverland Ranch is huge, but even this hallway alone seems gargantuan. Leading from the master bedroom, the hallway is lined with windows, filled with lots of natural light, and doors leading off to other rooms. How many bedrooms does this place have?
Inside The Poolhouse

Image Source / Daily MailAmongst the many buildings on the ranch was the pool house, and here you can see the extensive staircase inside leading to more than one level. When Jackson was actually living at the ranch, this room was chock full of arcade games.
The Wine Cellar

Image Source / Daily MailThe wine cellar was located under the pool house. Even though it's completely innocent, it does sound a bit creepy, doesn't it? I don't think I'd want to fetch a bottle of wine from there in the dead of night. The room is floor to wall stone and wooden roofing, making it feel a bit closed in!
The Loft In The Train Station

Image Source / Daily MailThis spiral staircase led up to a special loft and overlook room inside the train station itself. This certainly would've revealed spectacular views from a high vantage point over the ranch and out on a sunny day.
The Iconic Train Station

Image Source / Daily MailFeels a little like Disneyland, doesn't it? The iconic train station here with the legendary Neverland clock stands behind the amazing flower display in white and red on the front steps.
The Train Track

Image Source / Daily MailHere you can see the Neverland train track behind the train station itself, here viewed from an upper window which also gives fantastic views of the Californian countryside and hills beyond. Almost looks like the track goes on forever.
Jackson Seen Enjoying A Dodgem Car On The Ranch

Image Source / Daily MailNobody loved the amusement rides and attractions of Neverland Ranch more than Michael Jackson. Here he's seen driving one of the dodgem cars during a weekend party he was hosting in 1994 for underprivileged children.
Michael And Ex-Wife Lisa Marie Presley

Image Source / Daily MailMichael Jackson was married to Elvis Presley's daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, and here the pair can be seen on the grounds of the ranch to welcome young people in for the World Children's Conference back in 1995.
The Secret Room

Image Source / Daily MailNeverland Ranch no doubt had a host of secret twisty turny halls, rooms and doors, and here is one of them - the interior of a private room shown to have three deadbolt locks. This is apparently where Jackson stored very valuable items.
A View To The Back Grounds

Image Source / Daily MailThe ranch is full of spectacular views no matter where you turn. Even just looking out of this door from the main entrance reveals the lavish and wide-spread back grounds of the ranch.
One Of The Rooms In The Main House

Image Source / Daily MailWhat's clear is there's always something interesting to see in these rooms, even when they're enter. All of them seem to have their own vibe. This one has a relaxing water, tree and rock mural pictured on the far wall, with walls lined with shelves - could it have been a library retreat?
The Lofted Chandelier

Image Source / Daily MailThere's so much to see even in the now-empty ranch - looking up might sport you an amazing shot like this one, seeing one of the chandeliers hanging down from the lofted ceiling, like this one in the main entrance hall.
Fancy Some Outside Dining?

Image Source / Daily MailAt first glance it might look like a catwalk, but here, nestled under a tree on the grounds by the main house, is a massive banquet table - perfect for those extravagent meals at sunset or by candle light. To make it even more relaxing, it's right by the water feature.
The Driveway On The Grounds

Image Source / Daily MailTo say 'driveway' might sound normal and mundance for such a fantastical range, but you need a place to park too, after all. Here you can see the driveway for the main house from an upstairs window view.
The Bronze Statue Of A Child Watches The Road

Image Source / Daily MailDriving the road to the main house, you'd no doubt catch a glimpse of this bronze child statue overlooking the road. Another of Jackson's many child statues scattered around the ranch, like Peter Pan's Lost Boys.
And You'll See More Child Statues Along The Road

Image Source / Daily MailYou'll see lots of different child statues all along the road right up to the main house. This pair is close to the main doors, a young girl and a young boy, in dungarees displayed infront of the driveway and entrance doors.