1. Laugh together!

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One of the most important things that happy couples do every day is laugh together. Not every day is a fairy-tale, but on most days happy couples have a moment where they laugh together. Happy couples laugh together, and laughing together makes couples happier...so it's a win-win.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Spend quality time with one another

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Quality time is a super important thing happy couples do every day. Just because you are living with your SO or you're around them all of the time doesn't mean that you're actually spending QUALITY time together. This is time put aside when it's just the two of you enjoying each other's company without other distractions.
3. Tell each other all about their day

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One of the best things about being in a happy couple is just the simplest thing of being able to tell someone about your day, what has happened, what you did, who annoyed you or made you smile. A happy couple will run through their day and listen to each other tell them about it, even if it's as mundane as 'I had grilled cheese for lunch'.
4. Be affectionate with each other

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Affection is a symbol of love and comfort and when you love someone you want to give them affection and you crave affection from them. So it's only natural that in a happy relationship, it's super affectionate. Whether it's a hug, a goodnight kiss, a cuddle, or a spoon...affection can come in many different forms.
5. Eat meals together

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It may sound simple or even unimportant, but sitting down together for meals means a lot. It's one of those times when you can sit without being distracted by other things such as work or tv and you can sit and eat together. It's something that most happy couples do and something they make sure they try to do.
6. Appreciate each other

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Appreciating each other is something that can sometimes be taken for granted and this is why in a happy relationship two people have to appreciate each other and tell the other that you do. This way nobody feels taken for granted or unimportant and it can help from resentment building up.
7. Tell each other 'I love you

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The three, most powerful words we can say, are 'I love you'. It should be a part of your everyday language in a happy couple. They might say it when they wake up in the morning when they wave one another off for work, or before they go to sleep at night. Happy couples never let this slide or assume, they make sure they say it.
8. Give each other loving looks

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This is something you might notice when you see a genuinely happy couple. There aren't huge displays of affection and they're not trying to prove to anybody how happy they are, you can just see it in their eyes. They look at each other with love and affection, even if the other isn't even looking back!
9. Get a little bit silly together

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Silliness is how couples keep the spark alive and keep things light-hearted and fun. Sometimes life gets super serious and it can be easy to get bogged down. So in a happy relationship, they'll remain a little bit silly with each other to keep that sense of playfulness in the relationship.
10. Tell each other what's up

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You don't need to know what you're partner is doing every second of every day by any means. But in a happy couple, they would let each other know 'Hey babe, I'll be home from work two hours late tonight I have a meeting'. They let each other know what's going on. And, they let each other know if something's bothering them so they can squash it and not let it fester into something bigger.
11. Compliment each other

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Everyone loves a compliment, it's natural that we feel good when we get a little bit of a confidence boost. In a happy couple, your partner is the person who thinks you're better than anyone else, so they tell each other to let each other know how much they love them, both inside and out.
12. Give each other space

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In a couple, happiness doesn't mean that you're glued to the hip and cannot leave each other's side. A sign of a happy couple is when both people have space to do their own things, see other people, have hobbies and yet also have alone time and quality time with one another too.
13. They let things go
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A sign of a happy couple isn't someone who never disagrees - in fact, this could be quite the opposite, it could mean that things are brushed under the carpet building into resentment and stored up anger. But also, a happy couple doesn't argue about everything, they talk things through and let some of the small things go!
14. They do something they both enjoy, together

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A couple's compatibility is to do with how much you have in common and what kind of likes and interests you share. So a sign that a couple is happy is when they have an activity or a hobby or interest that they love to do together. Whether it's a love of food, a love of nature, or a passion for books it doesn't matter!
15. They LISTEN to one another

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The single most important thing when it comes to a relationship is communication. And this involves actually listening to each other. Not just hearing one another, but actively listening. And when a couple does this it's a sign that they are happy, because they have the ability to communicate well.
16. They agree to disagree

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Look, no two people are ever the same. And even in the happiest of relationships, you can't agree on everything. But the key is to accept this, and not to dwell on it. Agree to disagree. You may not agree on the house decor, and you might have different views on serious topics, but if you respect each other's view and know that it's okay to disagree then it's a sign that the couple is comfortable with one another and happy to accept one another fully,
17. Flirt with one other

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Being flirty shouldn't be something that fades after the honeymoon period is over. Flirtiness helps to keep the passion and spark alive. It's a sign you; 're both attracted to each other which is also a sign that you're happy. Flirting is fun and keeps the element of fun in the relationship!
18. They go to bed at the same time

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Happy couples go to bed at the same time more often than not. In a relationship, bedtime is super important and it's also often the time of the day when you're both the most relaxed and actually have some alone time just for one another. It's one-way happy couples maintain intimacy too!
19. They are patient with one another

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Patience can be hard to maintain. But when a couple is happy, one of the reasons for this is because they are patient with each other. We can all test each other's patience at times, but when you have patience for each other it means that they feel secure enough in the relationship to not always be perfect.
20. They encourage one another

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Everyone loves to be encouraged, it really helps boost your confidence and morale and after all, in a couple, you should be each other's biggest cheerleader. So happy couples will be the ones to encourage their partners to fulfill their dreams and do what they love!
21. They tell each other the best, and the worst parts of their day

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Honesty in a relationship keeps it real and keeps communication open. So in a happy relationship, when someone's had a bad day they'll open up about what went on! It's the same as when something good happens, they want to be the first person to hear all about it.
22. Have some cozy time

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There's nothing better than the cozy time when you're in a relationship and happy couples prioritize this. Getting cozy and having a cuddle creates security between the two of you and helps maintain your closeness and bond. So happy couples definitely won't skip this part!
23. Do something nice for each other

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To be in a happy couple it doesn't mean that you have to make grand gestures or surprise one another with a tip to the Maldives or a Louis Vuitton bag. Sometimes this can be for show and more superficial than meaningful. Happy couples will do nice things for each other like take a cup of tea to bed or buy them their favourite chocolate bar from the store.
24. They'll talk about future plans

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Future plans don't necessarily mean that each and every day a happy couple has to talk about serious future plans like marriage or moving house. Future plans could literally be what you both want to do at the weekend, what takeaway you want to order, or what movie you'll pick for movie night. These are all signs of happy couples who enjoy each other's company and look forward to the little things together.
25. Smile at each other

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A smile is so easy, so simple, but SO meaningful. A smile can literally change your whole day. From experience when we see unhappy couples they just don't seem to genuinely smile at each other. In a happy couple, they will look at each other and smile with genuine happiness and affection.
26. Help each other out

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As a partner in a couple you're going to have to help out your partner. In fact, each and every day you'll probably help one another out maybe even without realizing it. It's something happy couples just do without question, and certainly without keeping a tally of 'all the things I have done for you today.
27. Split the chores

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Couples should be as equal as possible. Each couple has a different setup that works for them, but a happy couple will be balanced. For example, it doesn't matter what kind of chore or household job each other is responsible for, as long as the couple has come to a balance in which both people feel the help is being reciprocated.
28. Support each other emotionally

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Relationships are full of ups and downs and happy couples are always there for each other emotionally. They'll support each other every single day and they'll both know that their other half is willing to be there for them emotionally. This is a sign of a strong and happy couple!
29. Spend time together outside the house

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Being in a couple doesn't just involve living with each other and being around each other. When a couple is truly happy they don't just want to spend time together inside the house, they want to go out and do things together too. So a sign of a happy couple is when they spend a lot of time together outside of the house.
30. They start the day together
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Starting the day off right is a big thing when it comes to being a happy couple. If you wake up and barely speak to each other, it's not a good sign. A happy couple will probably wake up, have a kiss or a quick cuddle, and make each other a coffee before rushing off to work or whatever the day entails.