12 Things Everyone Must Do Before Leaving For The Airport

By Rylee 1 year ago

1. Take out the trash

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Why should you take out the trash before you leave on a long trip? I’ll give you two good reasons: bacteria and germs. If those are not enough, I’ll throw in one more. Unless you enjoy your house smelling like the inside of a witches’ cauldron, you’ll want to take out the trash before you head out.

2. Keep your snacks close

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Should I bring snacks on a plane? You should, and you can. The TAS greenlights “solid foods,” as they put it. So don’t be afraid to pack a bag of chips or whatever else tickles your fancy. I have nothing against airplane food, but some airline providers charge you an arm and a leg for essential ingredients.

3. Get weather updates

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You packed a bag of shorts and flip-flops to enjoy the sun and sand. But it rains the entire trip. If you don’t want to spend your time there shivering like a leaf or diverting your budget toward warmer wear, I suggest checking the weather a day or two earlier to know what you’re in for.

4. Pack your passport

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Do not wait until the day of travel to pack your passport. Things happen. Place it in your carry-on bag at least two days prior. You don’t want to hold up a line of angry would-be travelers as you look up a magical answer to “forgot passport at home on flight day.”

5. Confirm your seat

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One time, I booked a flight in a hurry but ignored the seat number. Turns out, my seat was just across from the plane’s lavatories. I had to contend with weird noises- and smells- for the entire journey, and I learned my lesson. So, assess your seating situation well in advance.

6. Download a VPN

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Yay! Free airport Wi-Fi. Beware, though, hackers, phishers, and all sorts of weirdos lurk behind public Wi-Fi. So, hold your horses. Before logging in to check your emails, get caught up on work, or key in any sensitive credentials online, download a VPN for your safety.

7. Tidy up your home

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Do you enjoy returning to a home swarming with fruit flies? Maybe you do, maybe you don’t. Who am I to judge? If you fall in the latter group, remember to clean up before you hit the road. Don’t leave perishables lying about; clean the fridge and sort the dishes and laundry. Thank me later.

8. Put your bags by the door

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Often, a hasty traveler has to dash back home to retrieve a forgotten bag. Sadly, not everyone can run as fast as Clark Kent; hence, many of them end up missing their flights. So put your bags near the door. It’s a sure-fire way to jog your memory. After all, you can’t miss it if you walk right past it.

9. Adjust your routine

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Traveling a few time zones westward? Start adjusting meal times and your sleeping patterns accordingly over time. Unless you don’t mind getting run down from jetlag and needing a vacation from your vacation, you want to make the routine shift early. We’re talking 2 to 3 weeks in advance.

10. Share your itinerary

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No, it’s not a matter of rubbing it into a pal who said you could have the last slice of pizza and then went on to eat it when you took a call. It’s a matter of safety. Share your contact information and travel itinerary with family or someone you trust to cover you in an emergency.

11. Set your alarm

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You’ve woken up early for five months straight, so you don’t have to set an alarm for your early flight, right? Fate has a dark sense of humor. This could be the day that your streak breaks. Set your alarm early enough, so you have time to put your things in order and get to the airport on time.

12. Double-check those reservations

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An 8-hour flight is finally over! You’re tired and only look forward to the warm embrace of rest that awaits in your hotel room bed. But the manager forgot to tell you about the scheduling conflict. And despite his apologies, they’re still out of rooms. Confirm reservations the day before you leave.

13. Bring the moisturizer

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You’ve been tired since 2015, but your moisturizer does an amazing job hiding it. With plane cabins often drier than the Kalahari Desert, you’ll need to moisturize heavily to keep your skin in tip-top shape. Preferably, bring a bottle or two of moisturizer with you.

14. Don’t forget your sanitizer

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The huge turnover of passengers at airports ensures a migration of germs and diseases that you most certainly don’t want to get caught up in. Keep your hand sanitizer with you to disinfect whenever you touch common surfaces or are just feeling a tad suspicious about a handshake.

15. Run a finance check

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Don’t fret. I’m not asking you to do a complete audit that will have you burning the midnight oil. Just a few simple tasks. Check that your utilities are paid off until you return. Coming back to start following up with your electricity company about reconnections when you need to rest is not ideal.

16.  Make sure your pet is in great company

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Can’t bring your furry best friend along for the ride? Too bad. At least ensure they’ll have someone who cares looking over them. These are not the kind of last-minute requests to make to a friend or family member. Therefore, ask about their availability a couple of days prior.

17. Tell your bank about it

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Why would you need to tell your bank that you’re traveling? When you start making purchases in “unusual” locations, this counts as suspicious activity, and your bank could freeze your account – then ask questions later. Save yourself the credit card decline embarrassments.

18. Get an extra supply of prescription meds

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Refill the prescriptions you need early enough. If, for some reason, there’s a delay in the refill process, this may mean having to postpone a flight or risking your health—the latter of which I would completely advise against. Hence, check in with your physician or pharmacist promptly.

19. Carry a water bottle

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Hydration is key on the road. However, paying $8 for a single-use water bottle feels like a rip-off to me. Bring your travel water bottle with you. You can always fill up at airport filling stations when you run out. I prefer to carry my own water because I know where it’s been.

20. Get an airline credit card

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If you are a frequent traveler, an airline credit card may benefit you. With exclusive perks and offers, these cards can help you get more bang for your buck. You might need to pay less for luggage and probably even enjoy priority boarding, so you don’t have to fight over carry-on space again.

21. Turn down the thermostat

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I don’t know about you, but I won’t spend money heating an empty house. If you’re going to be gone for a significant amount of time, turning down the thermostat by a couple of degrees will shave a few bucks off your utilities. That said, I don’t recommend turning it off completely.

22. Unplug your electronics

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In the spirit of saving money, it’s prudent to disconnect your appliances – dishwashers & washing machines are notoriously power-hungry. But it’s not just about pinching pennies. Electronics are vulnerable to damage when left plugged in during electrical storms.

23. Get your driver’s permit

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If you are renting cars to drive yourself places in a foreign country, you may require an international driver’s permit. The processes vary across countries, but these generally take a couple of weeks to complete. Applying early, consequently, might be in your best interest.

24. Show your plants some love

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Are you about to leave to experience the best time of your life? Make sure your plants will be alive when you get back. DIY drip irrigation bottles can provide water for your green roomies for up to a month. You may also cover the soil around the base of your plant with plastic after watering.

25. Create a vacation reply

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Email is a primary communication tool for many businesses and personal matters. Knowing you are not missing out on crucial information while traveling can provide peace of mind. By setting up notifications, you can stay informed about important messages and updates even while you are away from your usual workspace.

26. Back up essential documents

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I was happy to help a homeless man once. I gave him cash and my bag- full of vital documents. However, it was not by choice; he pulled out his pocket knife. Anyhow, I’m not saying you’re going to get robbed. Make digital copies of your ID, visa, passport, etc., just in case you lose them.

27. Seek consent

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Adults do not consent to travel. But if your travel companion is a child, you need consent. If you’re traveling alone with your child, you should know that the other parent needs to provide a green light via written permission. Most people don’t even know this is a thing. You do now.

28. Get offline maps

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Imagine getting lost in a local town on the Dalmatian coast with zero cell reception and natives who can’t understand a word you’re saying. Google Maps has offline versions that can bail you out of such a jam. Download offline maps; they can guide you up to a 200-mile radius.

29. Inform the neighbors

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Are you friends with the neighbors? You might want to let them know that you won’t be around. This way, they won’t assume the hooded figure they saw sneaking into your house last night was you coming back home from a night out on the town. Ask them to call 911 if they see something suspicious.

30. Eat before you leave

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D-day is here, and you can’t wait to get the show on the road. Still, there’s one more thing you need to do. Before you leave, be sure to have a hearty meal. Snacks alone may not be enough to bat away the temptation of over-priced airport food. Don’t take that chance.