12+ Signs You Need A Vacation

By Sarah M 11 months ago

Extreme Fatigue

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Are you tired of feeling tired? Do you wake up every morning after a solid 8 hours shut-eye and still feel like you need 10 hours more sleep? It's time to recharge those batteries as you may be experiencing the dreaded 'burnout'. Do yourself a favor and book a much-needed vay-cay.

An Increase in Irritability!

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When we are in need of a proper break from work, it can start to negatively affect our mental health. The tiniest inconvenience can make us see red and a poorly phrased piece of advice from a colleague can result in us crying in the bathroom stall. If this is you, start searching for flights!

Can't Concentrate

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Are you usually someone who is complimented on their productivity and excellent work ethic? How about after working constantly for 6 months with no vacation? If you have noticed a drop in concentration, book some time off - even the hardest worker in the office needs time to recharge!


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It's one of the most frustrating feelings in the world - knowing you need to sleep but just not being able to drop off! Some of us experience insomnia year-round but if yours has appeared out of the blue... it may be your body's way of asking for a vacation!

Stress Headaches

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If you find that you are experiencing frequent headaches, it's always best to consult your doctor. However, if you are working long hours in a stressful job or staring at a screen all day, they may put it down to your work-life and advise taking some time to rest.

A Short Fuse

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Are you starting to notice how infuriating your co-workers constant chatting is? Or how loudly they eat their mid-morning snack? If you are finding that previously manageable situations are making you angry or even lash-out at others, take a vacation for the sake of everyone!

Change in Weight

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Any change in appetite or sudden weight gain or loss is something we should be paying attention to. Losing interest in meals is a common symptom of anxiety and comfort eating is often linked with low mood. Take care of yourself and consider booking some time off work.


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We've all walked into a room with purpose only to realise we have no recollection of why we are there. Some of us do it on the daily. If you are making silly mistakes throughout the day and finding it harder and harder to retain information, you might just be in need of a good break.

Tense Muscles

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Have you ever gone for a massage and been told that your back is 99% knots? Stress and anxiety can manifest in our bodies and cause a build-up of tension in our muscles. If you have developed a stiff jaw and permanently tight shoulders, I prescribe a lovely vacation!

Loss of Enthusiasm

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We can't all be excited for life 24/7, but if you have reached a point where you are completely devoid of enthusiasm, something is up! We all need a boost of motivation to be able to get up in the morning and complete our everyday tasks. A lack of enthusiasm may signal that it's time for a break.

No New Ideas

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If your job requires you to think creatively and bring new ideas to the table, it's crucial you maintain a healthy work-life balance. When we are exhausted, our creativity is often the first thing to run dry. Maintain your source of inspiration by allowing yourself time to rest.

A Change In Personality

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Maybe you are usually a peace-loving person but have recently found yourself getting angry at the TV or are normally quick to express emotion but nowadays feel like a robot. The solution to a worrying change in personality could be as simple as a vacation.

No Social-Life

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Can you remember the last time you willingly socialized and actually enjoyed it? For the introverts among us this may be harder to relate to, but if you have found yourself withdrawing from your family and friends, it may be a sign of burn-out. Treat yourself to a vay-cay!

Feeling Cynical

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It's never nice to hang around someone who is always pointing out the negatives in any situation, it can leave you feeling pessimistic about life. If you think you may becoming this person in your friendship group, taking a break to change your perspective will make everyone happier!

Struggling At Work

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It's never a nice feeling to realize you have fallen behind at work; it can leave us stressed and anxious about our job security which in turn makes us make silly mistakes! Sometimes all we need is a vacation to refresh ourselves and come back stronger.

Getting Ill All the Time

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When we are stressed and run down, our immune system can suffer. If you find you are catching every virus your kid comes home from school with or constantly needing a box of tissues on your desk for your runny nose... put down the nasal spray and pick up the phone to the travel agent!

Belly Issues

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Nowadays we are all gaining a greater understanding into the link between our mind and gut. When we are fuelled on stress, it can give us digestive issues or heighten the tummy problems we already have. A proper rest from work could help aid healthy digestion and even decrease bloating.

Constant Daydreaming

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Maybe a few months ago you would find yourself daydreaming about delivering a killer presentation or coming up with an idea that gets you noticed by the CEO. If this has recently changed to dreaming about running away to the Maldives... your brain is trying to tell you something!


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Have you ever got yourself into an 'I can't cope with anything' mindset that you just can’t quite budge? It's the worst right? When we start to find everyday life overwhelming, it can leave us unable to get up in the mornings - help yourself out by taking some time away.

No Interest in Hobbies

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A person's interests and hobbies are an insight into who they REALLY are; they can pick us up after a bad day and make our eyes light up when we are feeling low. When we get depressed, we can lose interest in the things we love. Try a vacation to re-find yourself.

Feeling Numb

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It's worrying when we start to get tearful over little things; it's even MORE worrying when we have no emotional reaction at all. Sometime when we are very very tired, we can subconsciously try to conserve energy by turning off our emotions all together.


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Sometimes the biggest sign that you need a break is that you just can't relax! When we are only giving ourselves brief moments of calm throughout the day, it can actually leave us restless and fidgety. Force your body to chill out by taking it on vacation!

Lack of Hygiene

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One of the most famous symptoms of depression is a disregard for personal hygiene. If life has got so overwhelming and stressful that you can't prioritize brushing your teeth or showering, it's time to take action. Book in with your therapist then book in with a hotel!

Aches and Pains

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Do you ever feel like you have aged overnight? Has the usual spring in your step been replaced by creaky joints and an achy back? You are not alone! Many of us experience changes in our physicality when we are exhausted. I suggest stretching your tired body out on a sun-lounger!

Feeling Anxious

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Anxiety can feel like part and parcel of being a human in 2023, we all seem to be experiencing heightened worries and panic from time to time. However, if anxiety has become a part of your everyday life you need to take action - I suggest starting with a well-earned rest!


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Isolation quickly became the norm in 2020 but in present day, feeling lonely and disconnected from society is not something you have to put up with. If you find you have purposefully isolated yourself to conserve energy, you need to give yourself the gift of a vacation!

No Joy

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If you can't remember the last time you were truly happy, something needs to be done! We can very easily fall into the routine of work and sleep and can forget the importance of experiencing joy! Attempt to re-find your happiness on a dream vacation!

Being Over-Critical

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It can be hard enough to catch a break in this life without you being overly self-critical. Beating yourself up won't make you achieve, in truth, it will probably stop you reaching for opportunities in the future. If you are weighed down by negative self-talk, give yourself a break!

Feeling Trapped

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Do you feel imprisoned by your own life? Do you find your dreams revolve around breaking out and escaping? It sounds as though you need to take a step back from your work life and examine what isn't working for you. I recommend doing this on a sunny beach resort!

You Are Owed One!

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It's time to stop making excuses - if you need a holiday and you haven't yet taken one, you know what you have to do! Remember, the key to a happy and healthy life is to work to live NOT live to work! Now, email your boss and get planning your dream vacation!