Not Getting Married? Don't Be Ridiculous!

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There comes a time in every long standing relationship when it seems crazy to not get married. You have been with one another for so long, settling down and tying the knot is just the next natural step, and you both feel like it is the right thing to do.
You Start Planning Projects Together

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Everyone has those 5 year goals in mind. We all aspire to be somewhere or someone better in a few years, so if you begin to plan the next few decades of your life around the other person as well as yourself then this is a certain sign you two are ready to settle.
Your Pet Means Everything To You

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When you get your first cat or dog as a couple, they really do mean the world to you and you baby them as if they are a child! If your pet means the most to you and your significant other, then it could be time to have some little babies of your own.
The Fear Of Missing Out Is Gone

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The fear of missing out, or FOMO as it is sometimes known, is a prevalent feeling in your teens and early 20's. As you age, you know what to expect from parties and nights out, so the fear of missing out on something incredible begins to lessen a lot.
Discussing The Future - Not As Scary As You Think!

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For some people, sitting down and seriously talking about the future is actually a little scary. If you or your partner aren't happy to do this, it could be a sign that the relationship is coming to a close. If you are happy to do this however, then you may have found the one.
Stable Finances

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Either individually or as a couple, your finances should be in order. You could have all the bills pre-paid for, and an emergency fund there just in case. Maybe you are saving for your first home and working together to buy something expensive. Either way, saving is a great sign.
Imperfections? What Imperfections?

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When you have been with someone for years and years, you have seen them at their very best and most likely their very worst too. You stop noticing, or rather stop caring, about little hang ups and really love and respect them for who they are deep down.
It Feels Like The Next Step

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You cant force settling down, otherwise it simply does not work. Whether on your own, or in a couple, if just taking some time to relax and settle in feels like it is the natural next step, then do not be afraid, make that leap and learn to chill and relax.
Accepting Your Flaws

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When you begin to relax and settle down a little more, you leave yourself some more time for reflection. This gives you a good chance to take a long hard look at yourself, and work on your flaws. It also gives you a chance to mentally accept the flaws too!
No More Long Distance Driving

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When you first get into a relationship, driving long distance to see the other person is exciting and the drive is filled with excitement. As the relationship wears on, the drive becomes more of a chore, so it could be the time for you two to move in together.
You Are Emotionally Stable

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Working on your emotions is tricky, and can leave you feeling open and exposed. When you feel emotionally mature and stable, then it is a good time to welcome someone else in to your life. It is unfair to burden someone, so work on yourself as a priority.
Finally Becoming Personally Competent

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It might seem like an insignificant thing, but finally mastering the washing machine, clearing away all of your washing up or changing the bed sheets regularly is a sign you are becoming responsible for yourself, and makes you the perfect person to live with.
No Longer Putting Yourself First

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Sometimes, the needs of other people have to come before your own. Of course, you should try and look after your own health, but occasionally to make meaning relationships strong and worthwhile, put someone else's needs before the needs of yourself.
You Cant Imagine Life Anywhere Else

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If you have found the town, city or even the street you know you feel happy and safe on, then it is time to make the move and settle down. Feeling safe and happy on a daily basis is underrated, so if you feel happy, do not be afraid to set out your stall!
This Is The Most Spiritual You Have Felt!

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Feeling connected to some kind of higher being is a sign that you are happy with yourself, and want to settle down deep down inside your heart. Becoming spiritual with your partner or the person you choose to settle down with is a sign you are both fully ready.
Being With Them Is Most Important

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Being with that one person is sometimes all you need, so you know that by settling down together you will get to spend lots of time in each others company. If your relationship is going well, then this is the perfect way to take it to the next exciting level.
You Can Deal With Their Flaws (Mostly)

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Everyone has flaws, it is totally human and it would be strange if someone was totally flawless to be honest. When you can overlook and simply accept a person despite their flaws, it is a sure fire sign that the pair of you are happy and want to settle down together.
No One Else Compares

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We all no that feeling, when you are so deeply head over heels for someone that simply no one else can compare. This is a feeling that only some of us are lucky enough to experience, but if that is how you feel then have a chat with your partner to discuss the future.
Being Noticed By Others Does Not Matter

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When you are young and single, no matter how shy you may feel, everyone wants to be noticed to some extent. When only being noticed by the one you love is all that matters, then you should move in together. This is a great sign your relationship is serious.
Confidence Is Key

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When you make the choice to settle down with someone, certain friends or family members might try to put you off the idea, or talk you into postponing it. In this moment you need to be confident, as you know what you want and you know what makes you happy.

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Responsibility is key when you decide to settle down for good. You are normally out of your parents house, and no longer living with friends or room mates. This is the time to put on your adult pants and start really acting like you know what you're doing (even if you don't)!
You Feel Connected To God

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Granted, religion is not for everyone, but if you feel that you and your partner, or even just deep down inside yourself you feel connected to god, then it is the right time to make that next step. A belief in a higher power keeps you on a straight path too!
30 Is Coming

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As you age, your thirtieth birthday becomes and ever looming dark day. Everyone tries to put you down about becoming thirty, but this is actually when most people say they feel happiest. Sure, you aren't hitting the town every night, but is that even fun any more?
Being Closer To Family

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You might end up moving house in order to settle down closer to family members. This is a selfless thing to do, and a sign that you have really matured. Moving closer to home to care for older family is a great sign that you are ready for a relationship if you aren't in one already.
They Respect Your Opinions

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As an adult, it is 100% acceptable and understandable that some people might have different opinions from yourself. It is what makes the world go round! Accepting these differences shows you are mature and ready to settle down nicely with someone you love.
Spending Time Alone Sucks!

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So even as someone who likes to be alone, you might think that from time to time being on your own simply sucks. As humans, we need interaction with other people, so it is actually human nature to want to find someone who you can settle down with for a long time.
There Is No Social Pressure

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When society just accepts that it is your time to settle down alone or with a partner, it makes the whole situation a whole lot easier. Settling down can feel daunting, but remember, it does not have to be permanent if you don't like the end results.
Meaningful Relationships Only

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As your personality grows, as well as your age, meaningful relationships become more and more special. You no longer have the time to deal with fake friends or people taking you for a ride, so you really value being closer to someone very special deep down.
Respect For Your Life Choices

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We all make choices in life every single day. Some insignificant, some life changing. Some are easy, and some are difficult. Choices are either right or wrong, so when someone respects you no matter what, don't let them go, you have found yourself a good one.
They Are Friends With Your Friends

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When your partner is friends with your friends, it makes life so so much easier. You do not need to hear things you don't want to, and your partner is around more often. This is a sign you have found the one, and should consider settling down together.