
Image Source: Reddit
XL bulldogs are known for their loyalty. They are fiercely loyal and known to defend their owns at whatever cost, so if loyalty is what you are after then an XL bulldog might make for the perfect pet. They promise to always do their best and always stay loyal.
Good Exercise

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Having a pet dog is a great way to get out for multiple walks per day, and a bulldog will love to come with you for a wander. Due to their short legs, you may need to walk a little slower, but this breed love to get out and about for a wander around.
Plays With Other Dogs

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Although due to their sheer size, XL bulldogs can be a bit rough, the love to play with other dogs. It is important to pair them with dogs of similar size and strength, as they may accidentally injure smaller dogs when they get too over excitable during play.
Guard Dogs

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If you are looking for an imposing guard dog, then an XL bulldog might by the dog for you. They are large and muscly, meaning that any potential robbers will be put off by the size and dangerous look of the dog. This is perfect for people who live alone.
Chilled Out

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For the vast majority of the time, you will find your XL bulldog curled up in a ball asleep on the couch (or stealing half of your side of the bed). Their naturally chilled out nature is what draws many people to this breed, as they are happy to look after themselves.
Big Babies

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Although they might look dangerous, and recent news reports show that some dogs have been prone to attack, they are actually big babies. XL bulldogs want to cuddle and feel small all of the time, so don't be surprised if they are more affectionate than you first thought.

Image Source: Dog Forum
There is no denying that the XL bulldog puppies are super cute. An XL bulldog puppy is also worth quite a lot of money, so if you are hoping to get into breeding then this could be a good option. They are becoming more and more popular, which is raising demand.

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Sometimes the XL bulldog is too smart for their own good, outsmarting owners in cheeky ways. The XL bulldog is known to open doors and riffle through kitchen cupboards to get themselves a snack, so make sure to keep a very close eye on them just in case!

Image Source: Forbes
If you are going for a certain tough guy look, then you need the dog to match the vibe. The XL bulldog looks like a chunk of muscle, and is synonymous with looking aggressive. This makes them popular with criminals and bikers due to their tough guy attitude.
Love Their Brothers & Sisters

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XL bulldogs often come from large litters of puppies, and they love to play with their brothers and sisters. As a puppy, their days consist of just eating, sleeping and playing. This results in XL bulldogs being really well socialized from a young age.

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Believe it or not, but XL bulldogs learn how big and heavy they actually are once they grow out of their playful puppy stage. This means that they try and be super gentle around smaller dogs and young children. They really are like canine gentle giants.
Loud Bark

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If you are worried about home intruders or thieves, then the bark of the XL bulldog is mighty impressive. You may have heard the phrase the bark is worse than the bit, but in the case of the XL bulldog, the bark and the bite are just as vicious and scary.

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When they aren't sleeping or defending your home, the XL bulldog really is like a big silly puppy. It really doesn't matter how old or slow they become, the XL bulldog is silly at heart and deep down they want to play and make you smile whenever they can!

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What could be better than coming home to see a big beaming slime staring back at you. The XL bulldog is known for its big toothy grin, and this is their way of showing that they are happy to see you. This smile is unlike most other breeds of dogs. So cute!
Happy With Other Dogs

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The XL bulldog is more than happy to be on its own, but they love to live and play with other dogs. They play really well, and look after the other dogs that they may share their home with. If you are worried about your other dog, they don't be, they'll love them.

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Patience is a virtue, and due to their high level of patience you can train an XL bulldog to do some impressive tricks. This level of patience is what makes the XL bulldog good for younger people, as they are aware of their surroundings and peoples ages.
Travel Well

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If you are worries about going in the car with an XL bulldog, then don't be. Ideally, you will need to have a car with a large backseat or dedicated area for the dog, as they can take up a lot of room. Other than the size, they travel really really well.

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If you are a dedicated breeder, then the XL bulldog is one of the most wanted dogs at the moment. They are high in demand, so prices are high. Pedigree pups are most wanted, so if you invest in a pair now then you will see a healthy return on investments.
Love To Cuddle

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If you own an XL bulldog then you will know that you can not sit down without your dog wanted to snuggle up for a cuddle. These dogs are large and heavy, but still insist that the must sit as close to you, or preferably on top of you, whenever they can.
Not High Maintenance

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Your XL bulldog is quite happy to chill out on their own in bed or sitting by a warm fire. They do not need loads of walks, or to be out for a long time. They are quite happy to sit inside with you all day and curl up to watch a movie or chill out with a book.
Try's New Things

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Any dog owner will have tales of times when their dog was too scared to do something completely normally. It could be their first time trying cucumber, or their first time walking on grass, The XL bulldog takes this in their stride and is never scared.

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XL bulldogs are very calm for the vast majority of the time. For most of the day they will just be chilling and napping by your feet on on their favorite blanket. They don't tend to bark at cars or people walking by, so never really disturb the peace and quiet.
Stops Thieves

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Sometimes a burglar or a thief may make their way into your property to engage in criminal activities. If they come face to face with an XL bulldog, chances are they will run off before anything happens, but if they choose to fight the thief doesn't stand a chance.
Like To Be Pampered

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Xl bulldogs love a bath and pamper session, so if you like to treat your dog like a big baby then this could be the breed for you. XL bulldogs love to be babied, so if you have a doggy dressing gown or like a pamper session yourself then you have found a new partner.
Mans Best Friend

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XL bulldogs are known for being mans best friend. They are super loyal, and want to do all they can to please you. This makes them the ideal candidate to be mans best friend, and many people have welcomed them into the hearts as just that.. Mans best friend!
Pure Breed

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The XL bulldog breed is a pure breed, meaning it hasn't been tampered with too much. This makes them desirable to breeders and means they are often up to win many awards. If this is important to you then you wont go far wrong with an XL bulldog in the house.
Good For Big Dog Lovers

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Some people love tiny dogs, and some people love absolutely massive dogs. You can't really get a dog much bigger than an XL bulldog, and you certainly wont find a heavier one. This means if this is the kind of dog that you like, all your boxes will be ticked.
Good For Allergies

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Due to their short hair, the XL bulldog does not really malt too much. The dog hair particles in the air cause some people to have allergic reactions, so because the XL bulldog has short hair this shouldn't be a problem. Perfect for dog lovers with allergies!
Easy To Keep Clean

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An XL bulldog wont often run into puddles of much, and due to their short hair they are easy to wash and dry off if they do get a bit mucky. If you want your dog to be low maintenance, then the XL bulldog is one of the most easy to care for and clean dogs.

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Last but not least, the XL bulldog is super friendly. They have a bit of a bad reputation, but ask any XL bulldog owner and they will tell you how friendly their dog is. This level of friendliness is the reason most people decide to get their own XL bulldog.