Ignorance Is Bliss
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Is the reason we are constantly overwhelmed maybe just because we know too much? In recent interviews at a medical conference, several neurosurgeons revealed that they don't watch the news as it effects their mental health. So maybe our immature friends are right to stay ignorant of current events!
Lower Expectations

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We all know the feeling; you've put so much time into envisioning and planning towards your birthday party that when it arrives you can only be disappointed! Immature people are less likely to plan ahead and more likely to live in the moment when the big day arrives.
Living In the Moment
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Speaking of taking each moment as it comes, immature people are excellent at this. It's something the rest of us work our whole lives to get close to, a complete and unforced sense of mindfulness. Forget yoga to become more aware, try being a little less mature!
Less Stress

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If you are anything like me, your day is fuelled by a low level of stress and anxiety. Worries about responsibilities, plans for the future or upcoming work deadlines are things that keep me up at night. I could do with being a little less mature and take the stress out of my everyday!
Look on The Funny Side

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The health benefits of having a really good laugh are well documented, it supposedly boosts your immune system and increases your endorphin levels to name just a couple. Immature people are quicker to find the humour in a situation and reap the rewards of a good laugh!
Less Self Conscious

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Especially in the era of social media, we are fuelled by other people's perceptions of us and have had to learn to live with a constant level of self-consciousness. Immature people are less aware of the judgement of others so don't need to experience this.
Disinterested in Your Judgement

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Why do we all care so much about what others think of us? We can end up changing our entire look, our personalities and even our core values just to avoid the judgement of others. Immature people are too self-focussed to care and they are happier for it!
Risk Takers

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When you don't fear failure you are much more likely to take risks. Due to their willingness to be risk-takers, immature people are constantly moving out of their comfort zones, learning new skills and opening the doors for exciting new opportunities!

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As we get older we are less and less likely to do something or go somewhere without a lot of planning ahead. People who remain immature are able to retain this youthful spontaneity and live a life of unplanned adventure and exciting new experiences.
No Need to Conform

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When we became adults with jobs and responsibilities, we can feel we need to conform to society's expectation for us. We are much less likely to ask ourselves what we want and more likely to do what everyone else is doing. Immature people are more likely to do what they actually want.
Simple Pleasures

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Immature people are much more likely to enjoy the small things and put less pressure on needing expensive possessions or big experiences to experience joy. They are still able to experience the child-like wonder of the world around them without needing to splash the cash.
Open To New Experiences

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We may find it easy to judge our immature friends for always being off doing something new and not committing to anything but is that maybe *whispers* because we wish we could do the same? Less mature people are much more likely to give lots of new things a go.
No Financial Responsibility

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Now, this is not me saying immature people are right not to focus on saving money and financially planning for the future, but it certainly takes a lot of weight off of their shoulders. When you aren't focussed on saving every penny you are able to invest in the moment.
Childlike Wonder

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Children have the amazing ability to focus on what is in front of them and not worry about the future, they can find curiosity and wonderment in the everyday things which leads to a playful and care-free attitude. Our immature friends can benefit from this same outlook.
Less Pressure to Achieve

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Immature people may not feel the same pressure to achieve certain milestones or to focus on educational goals but what they do achieve is a life of small, unexpected victories. When we aren't constantly aiming for hard-to-reach goals we can discover new skills in our everyday.
Reliance on Others

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As we get older, allowing ourselves to rely on others can become increasingly more difficult and even feel embarrassing or like some sort of failure. An immature person wouldn't care about this and allows others to take some of this weight off their shoulders.
No Need to be A Role Model

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'What will the children think?' How many of us think this when we consider treating ourselves to a fun day out or trying out a new passion? An immature person has no need or desire to be someone that others look up to but instead focusses on being their true selves.
Less Pressure on Your Love Life

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When we enter into a new romantic relationship, how quickly do we start to think about making it a long-term commitment? About whether they fit into your family setting and whether they want the same goals as you? Stop being so mature and start enjoying every moment with your new fling!
No Regrets

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Immature people must be big fans of the French songstress Edith Piaf as they certainly have 'no regrets'. When you live in the moment and don't spend time dwelling on your past decisions, life is much lighter and more joyful. Why be weighed down by the past?
Bounce Back Ability

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It's a horrible feeling when you just can't get over something. Even when weeks have gone by since that disappointing interview or relationship set-back, it can be hard to get back to normal. Like children, immature people have an amazing ability to bounce back.
No Aging Worries

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Is that ANOTHER new fine line? Time to unnecessarily worry about the fact you are old now for the next few hours. Why oh why do we dread aging so much? Well, maybe immature people have it right, their lack of worries for the future mean that aging is something fun not a big concern.
Life Is Exciting

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When we wake up every morning at the same time, go to the same job and follow the same routine, life can feel very mundane. It's time to lose some of that maturity and start putting some excitement back into your life! Their openness to make new connections and try new things makes life fun.
No Anxiety for The Future

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Not knowing what tomorrow holds can cause us a lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety. We all find it easy to spend today thinking ahead to what might go wrong next week or month or year. An immature person has the ability to leave tomorrow's problems in the future.
Easy To Make Friends

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As we grow in life it can become difficult to make new connections. It can feel vulnerable to put yourself out there to potential new friends so it's easy just to stick to who you know. Immature people have a much more open attitude when it comes to meeting new people.

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Immature people are much more likely to try pursuing new hobbies and interests. Life can drag us down and our evening time is easily spent in front of the TV. A more childlike person is more likely to give something new and fun a go, gaining new skills in the process!
Amazing Imaginations

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Isn't it wonderful to watch children playing? Their imaginations are so expansive and free, it's like they can create whole new and exciting worlds for themselves. An immature person can still access this same openness to playful daydream thinking.
Creative Genius

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If you want to expand your mind, get your energy back and become better at your day job you need to take a leaf out of your immature friend's book and get creative! A more childlike person still has access to their creative mind which makes life a lot more interesting!
Happy to Grow Old Disgracefully

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There is something very joyful about seeing an older person living a confident and wild life. Their friends may consider them immature, but they are able to retain the desires of their youth and will feel a LOT younger for it! Bring on the 90-year-olds with pink hair and piercings!
Less Worried About Consequences

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The key to maturing is the sad realisation that our actions have consequences and we have to consider them. Boring right? Well, an immature person would think so. It could get you in a lot of trouble but a lack of worry for consequences can make you feel a lot more free!
Happily Selfish

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We are taught at a young age that selfishness is wrong (and of course this is true!). But there are some benefits to focussing on yourself first. An immature person thinks solely of number one and so can achieve their dreams much quicker and isn't weighed down by what others want from them.