1. Avoid contacting them for a while

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If you really want to get your ex back, you need to cut contact for a while. When you have a breakup you're not thinking clearly and the temptation is to keep on messaging them and keep that line of communication open because naturally, you miss them. But if you don't stop contacting them they haven't even got a chance to miss you. You both need space!Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Throw yourself into other aspects of your life

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When we want an ex back and we miss them they are on our mind constantly. And it's not healthy to be so consumed in them and dwelling on them every second of the day. Throw yourself into other hobbies so that you can put your energy into something good and productive. Not only will it help your own mindset you'll also show your ex that you've got yourself together!
3. Work on yourself and being happy alone

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During a break up it's only natural that you start thinking things like 'what will I do without them' because you're stuck in your feelings. So the best thing t do to get them back is to work on yourself and become happy being alone. It's super attractive to another person when you love your own company, you are happy alone and you don't NEED anyone else. Then they'll want to come crawling back...
4. Really assess if they are what you want

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Now before you set about trying to get them back, actually weigh up whether it's what you really want. Think about the pros and cons and make sure you aren't acting on raw feelings. Not only will this help clarify things for you but they'll also realize that you're serious which will make them want you back, knowing that this is something you truly want.
5. Look good!

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It goes without saying that if you look your best your ex is going to want to come back to you. They clearly find you attractive because you were together. So if they see you when you're looking your best they're going to find it very hard to resist you. Wear the outfit that they used to love you in, book yourself in for a hair appointment and have some grooming time!
6. Show them you're having a good time

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What pulls an ex back more than them seeing and knowing that you're having a good time? Nothing. The things that make an ex jealous are when you see them out and about having fun and enjoying themselves because they realize that you can be happy without them and then they want you back. It shouldn't be the case, but it's human nature that we want them back when we see them having a good time without us!
7. When you re-contact them, be casual

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After you've had your time with no contact it's time to reach out. But make sure it's super casual to start with and don't go straight in with the grand gestures and bold statements of 'you're the only one for me' and 'you're the love of my life'. Not only will this person think that they've got you if they want, but you also need to wait and gauge to see what they're thinking first!
8. Make him jealous

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It's a classic method and we all know it works because we've probably been in both situations where we've experienced this on both sides, either making someone jealous or feeling jealous and wanting someone back. Is it a mature way to go about things? Of course, it's not. But it's guaranteed to stir something in your ex which makes them want you back.
9. Don't act on impulse

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If you've ever experienced wanting an ex back then you'll know just how hard it is not to act on impulse, when that's really all you want to do. You want to text them and you have such a strong urge to tell them exactly how you feel in that moment. But one second you'll be angry, the next sad, and 20 minutes later you're thinking much clearer. Impulse can lead to acting in a way that may not be best for you.
10. Come to terms with the fact you can be happy without them

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When we have a break up it's hard to see into the future to a time when we are completely happy without them. But that IS the case, despite how hard it is to envisage it because what you feel right now tells you the opposite. But it's super important to know this. Then, if you still want them back then you can follow your heart and your ex will want you back because they know that you want them rather than need them.
11. Don't be overly emotional with them

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'I'm sat here crying heartbroken because I miss you and want you so much', 'I'm so annoyed with you right now I will pack up your things and leave them outside my door'. Look, all these feelings may be true. But we can't act on pure emotion because it's good to have your head rationally take over in some circumstances where your emotions may lead you astray.
12. Post a picture

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Social media can be our best friend and worst enemy when it comes to our ex. But sometimes we can use it to help get them back. Try posting a selfie where you look completely happy and of course your true beautiful, sexy self. In no time, they'll be messaging you asking to meet up. And if you want your ex back, then it's an easy way to get their attention!
13. Build on the friendship again

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At the foundation of your relationship should be a solid base of friendship, trust, and respect. So before trying to dive straight back into the relationship where you left off, build on the friendship. This will show them that you had a solid base and it will take you back to having a good time with each other and enjoying each other's company before things in the relationship went south.
14. Assess their body language and words

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You both want t be on the same page. If you're ready to put 100% into your ex and put everything into the relationship then you need to know they're on the same page first. Assess their body language and words and match their energy, this way they won't feel like you're not on the same wavelength. And, body language can be way more revealing than their words!
15. Forgive them first

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Before you set about getting your ex back you must forgive them. Sometimes relationships break down not because anybody's at 'fault', but because there are two sides who eventually drift apart. You've probably said things to each other and acted in ways that weren't perfect so if you want to get your ex back first you have to forgive them. They'll appreciate this and should do the same for you.
16. Think about why you broke up

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It is important to address the huge, stomping, elephant in the room - the reason you broke up in the first place! There was obviously something wrong, and without addressing this first you cannot get your ex back because both of you will know deep down that this thing, whatever it was, could still cause issues. So really think about the reasons why and whether these reasons are still an issue.
17. Find out where their head is at

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Yes, you want your ex back that's perfectly clear. But do they want YOU back? Maybe they're happy alone. Maybe they're moving on already. Or, maybe they're sat at home thinking about you wanting you back too. But without finding out where their head is at, you are totally in the dark and don't have a clue about how they feel. So first, if you want them back, checking where they're at is super important.
18. Remind them about the good times

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What you need when you've broken up with someone is to remember the good times. And you need to remind your ex about them too. Right now, images of the breakup may be fresh in their minds and they may be focused on the negative aspects. But you should remind them of all of those times when you were in love and happy and having fun together. This is a sure way to remind them why they should get back with you!
19. Be super flirty

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Often when a relationship lasts for some time some of the initial aspects of it, such as the flirtatious side, goes away. So now that you're broken up you can take a step back to the dating phase, when it was fun and flirty. Show them the side of you that they haven't seen in a while and remind them what they're missing. Flirting is fun and a great way to bring back the spark and passion!
20. Ask them on a date

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Dating has to be one of the most fun phases of the relationship, before the fully-fledged relationship, where you're wining and dining and out to impress each other. So one of the best ways to get your ex back is to ask them out on a date, plan something fun and romantic, and act like it's your first date all over again as though you're setting out on a fresh leaf and journey.
21. Be there for them

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Another way to get your ex back is to show that you are truly there for them. Show them how much you love and care for them so that they know you'll always be there if they need you. Because this is the kind of thing that you cannot replicate. When someone shows they truly love you it's difficult to ignore that or to have your emotions and feelings stirred up inside of you.
22. Date other people

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Think about the shoes being on the other foot. What's the new thing that you desperately don't want to see? What's the thing that would make you think 'I want them, and I certainly don't want anyone else to have them'? Dating. If you're dating other people they're going to suddenly realize just how much you want them back! And, you can test f the grass really is greener.
23. Pick up a new hobby

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There's something super attractive about someone who has hobbies and passions. And, it's also so good for you as an individual to have hobbies which you love and find interest in. It can make you feel more fulfilled and satisfied with your personal life. And it will take your mind off your ex for a second, long enough to get your thoughts together and know what you truly want and how to get them back.
24. Don't post soppy quotes online

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If you've been a culprit of this you'll probably look back and cringe. It's not the way to go about things. Everyone knows exactly to who and what you're referring to no matter how cryptic you're trying to make it sound. And no matter how much the quote resonates with you... it's certainly not going to be a deciding factor in whether they want to get back with you or not.
25. Practice self-love

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Self-love is all about growth and being happy in yourself, and confident with who you are. Self-love is important for your mental health and it makes you stronger as a person. It also allows you to realize who the people are that add to your life, who you are totally yourself around, and who you want to spend your time with. When you love yourself, it's much easier to find true love in a romantic partner.
26. When you start talking again, take it slow

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When you meet up with your ex again the easiest thing ever is to go from 0 to 100 and resume exactly as you were before you ended the relationship. But this isn't the way to getting them back. Take it slow, show them that this time you want to make it work and start gradually, building up so that neither of you makes the mistakes you did last time.
27. Show them how things would be different

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Despite the fact that you both clearly have a lot of love for one another, sometimes what stops people from getting back together is the fact that they don't want it to be a repeat of last time ending up in the same heartbreak. So you need to show them that this time it will be different so that you can avoid going off track. This will help get them back to you!
28. Deal with unresolved issues before moving on

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If there's an issue that kept coming up in your relationship and perhaps resulted in the failure of your relationship, there's absolutely no point trying to get back together unless your resolve this issue. So if you really want your ex back first you need to resolve this issue with them. Only then will they realize that you both have a potential future together.
29. If you decide to move on, both wipe the slate clean

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Now another hugely important thing in getting your ex back is wiping the slate clean. Whatever they have done, you need to draw a line under it t move in. If you haven't and they know you've not forgiven them or moved on, they know you'll never work. So accept what you need to to be able to move on and then stick to it. Otherwise, it will never work even if you do initially get them back.
30. Be patient!

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Patience is key when it comes to getting your ex back. You can't expect them to fall back into your arms as soon as you say you want them. And to show that you really do want them back and it's not just a whim you have to show that you're willing to be patient. Plus, being too pushy about trying to get them back will have the opposite effect and make them turn away.