Don't Tell Them Where You're Going

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That is correct, you actually don't have to tell cops where you are off to. So this means if you get pulled over on the way to work or heading back from a biddies house, you don't need to tell a cop this information. They might use it against you as well!
Answering Questions

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Everyone has heard the phrase, 'you have the right to remain silent'. The thing is, when questioned a lot of people do not choose to use this right to their advantage. By keeping silent and waiting for a lawyer, you wont get yourself into any trouble, so zip it!
Showing ID When You Aren't Driving

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The only time you will ever need to present your ID to a cop is if you are driving a vehicle. This means if you are stopped by an officer when you are walking around, they can not expect you to present them with some form of identification, like a drivers licence.
Pulled Over For No Reason

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If the cops could pull everyone over whenever they liked, no one would get anywhere! In order for them to pull you over when they are driving, they need to have a reason for doing so. It needs to be a valid reason, and can't just be that they don't like the look of you.
Constantly Coming To Your House

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If a member of the public kept on coming onto your property for no reason, it would be seen as harassment. The same rule applies to cops. They can't keep on coming to your house just to pester you for no reason, so feel free to kick them out of your house.
Damaging Your Vehicle

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When conducting a search, if the police damage your property or vehicle then they need to pay to replace it or get it fixed. They also can not purposely damage anything that belongs to you, but the law does take into account the fact that accidents do happen.
Entering Your Home Without A Warrant

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Without a warrant, the police can come on to your property but they can not enter your home. You are well within your rights to keep your doors and windows closed and tell the police to go away and not come back until they have a warrant to search your property.
Bringing You In For Questioning

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Similar to searching your home, the police cannot arrest you and bring you in for a line of questioning without a warrant for your arrest. This means that if they do try and bring you in without a warrant, their whole case against you could be thrown out of court!
Searching Your Phone

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Although it is not physical property, your phone contains a lot of personal information and intellectual property. Therefore without a warrant, the police can not search through material on your phone. They can however confiscate it and keep it safe.
Taking Your Phone Without Consent

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The only way that the police can search your phone without a warrant is if you give them your permission. Of course, if you do not give them permission then they can't do anything, so maybe hold off until you speak to a lawyer or your attorney first!
Showing You An Arrest Warrant

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Similar to the rule about pulling you over, the police can not just arrest you for no reason, they need to have a probable cause to arrest you. The only exception to this law is if they have a warrant to arrest you without a reason, so make sure that they do!
Recording Without Permission

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Many police officers now wear body cameras, both for their own protection and the protection of the public. If the police do wear these body cameras or record you another way, then they need to make it clear and let you know that they are filming you.
Evidence Before You Have Heard Your Rights

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The first thing the police need to do when they arrest you is read you your rights. If the police do arrest you and gather evidence before they have read you your rights, then this information can not be used if a court case is brought against you in future.
Passenger ID

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In 6 of the 52 states, passengers in a vehicle do not need to show their ID to cops if the driver has been pulled over. This can be state dependent, so make sure to check with your local sheriff's office to see if this rule applies to the state that you live in.
Opening Your Car Door Without Permission

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If you do get involved in a roadside traffic stop, the police will come to your window. They will normally ask you to roll down the window for conversation reasons, but they can not open the door. Feel free to lock if you feel more comfortable like this.
Opening The Door Without A Warrant

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The police may come to your address and come on to your property. This is totally legal and they are well within their rights to do this. However, unless the police have a warrant you do not need to open your door, meaning you can just talk to them through a window.
Telling Cops To Leave Your Property

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If the police do come to your address, then they are allowed to scope around your property without a warrant. This rule is flipped on its head however the second you ask them to leave. When you ask them to leave, they legally need to get off your land.
Entering Property Without Permission

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If you are the owner of private property like a warehouse or a shop, then similar rules apply to that of property owners. The police can not enter a private premises without a warrant, and if they do not have one then one needs to be obtained before they come back.
Seeing The Arrest Warrant

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When the police do arrive with an arrest warrant, they are normally within their rights to search your property or vehicle. Before they commence the search, you have the right to see and read the warrant before they begin the search begins or before your arrest.
Following A Cop

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If you are driving or on foot, then you legally have the right to follow a cop. They might ask what you are doing or lead you back to a police station, but you are well within your rights to do this. To be honest though, this might be one that's is best to avoid.
Leave The Car If Asked

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The only time you need to get out of your car in a routine traffic stop is of the police specifically ask you to. This means that unless asked, you can remain seated. Normally police will leave you in the car as it is safer than standing on a busy road.
Defending Yourself Against A Cop

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Altercations with the police are rare but do happen. If you find yourself in an argument with the police and it becomes physical, you can not defend yourself. If you attempt to then this could be another offence that is added to your arrest record, so watch out!
ID Yourself To Police

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Giving the police your ID is not a legal requirement, however you must identify yourself when asked by a police officer. In theory, you could give the wrong information when asked, however the police will likely find out and this could be held against you.
Keep ID On You

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When you are out and about, it is illegal not to have some form of identification on you. Most people carry a driver's licence, but if you are heading to work then some forms of corporate ID cards can be used. It is best to carry something just in case.
Show Your ID When You Are Driving

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Driving a vehicle is a privileged, not a right, so when driving a vehicle it is crucial that you bring your identification with you. When you are pulled over, the police will ask for your ID and you actually have to legally provide it by the road side.
Comply With Police Orders

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Sometimes for the safety of you, the police or members of the public a police officer will give you orders or instructions to follow. It is actually against the law not to follow these orders, so make sure that when asked you listen carefully and do what you are told.
Police Don't Have To ID Themselves

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In an arrest the police will ask for your name and identification, but they do not need to identify themselves to you. Many police officers will give their name and badge number when asked, but this is not to be expected and is just them being polite.
You Can Be Detained Without Knowing Why

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Although the police can not officially arrest you without telling you why, they can detain you. This might involve putting on handcuffs, but this does not mean you are under arrest. This makes it easier for them to let you go, as it doesn't involve as much paperwork.
Let Go And Arrested Later

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The police might detain you, but then come back for you to make an arrest at a later date. This may seem convoluted, but the police are legally allowed to do this. If this happens it is best not to resist arrest and speak to a lawyer as soon as possible.
Telling A Cop To F Off

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Yeah, this one is pretty obvious. To be fair, you shouldn't spend your days telling anyone and everyone to f off, but the police don't tend to take too kindly to this kind of language. They can actually arrest you for using bad language, so watch your mouth.