Breaking A Mirror - Bury It Immediately!

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Breaking a mirror had long been associated with bad luck, and many people believe that this can bring someone up to seven years of misfortune. To try and break this bad luck, common practices to beat this bad luck include burying the broken mirror or engaging in cleansing rituals.
Seeing A Single Magpie - One For Sorrow, Two For Joy...

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In many cultures, particularly in Europe, seeing a lone magpie can signify some terrible luck for the person who spots them. The rhyme that goes with this includes the line 'one for sorrow' so the only way to supposedly break this bad luck is trying to spot a few more around them.
Walking Under A Ladder - You Need To Backtrack!

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Walking under a ladder is supposedly thought to invite misfortune, in order to break the curse you're meant to counteract this by reversing your path and walking backwards underneath the ladder. I'm not sure quite how this works, but you might want to do it just in case.
Seeing Black Cats - Spitting Will Solve This?

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Black cats are another thing that have long been associated with bad luck, especially when they cross your path. This has been around for centuries and they were associated with witches! To ward off the bad luck you're meant to make the sign of the cross or spit over your shoulder!
Opening Umbrellas Indoors - Get Back Outside!

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Another thing that's recognised as being bad luck in many cultures is opening your umbrella whilst still indoors. You should instantly shut your umbrella and then refrain from opening it until you get outside. Getting out in to the rain is believed to dispel the bad luck.
Friday The 13th - There's No Getting Out Of This One!

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Friday the 13th is always associated with either being a day filled with horror, or a day filled with bad luck for other people. There's very little you can do to dispel this bad luck, although if you're one of the lucky people you might not even believe that the date can affect your luck.
Bird Flying In Your Home - REMAIN CALM!

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Various cultures also frown upon birds flying into and through your home; let's be honest no one wants this to happen anyway! In order to try and counteract this omen you'll want to get the bird out of the house as soon as possible without putting it through any stress or harm.
Walking Over A Grave - Resolve The Distress You Have Caused...

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Although most of us will choose to avoid graveyards at all costs, if you are to walk through one you might want to avoid walking over a grave. just to avoid bad luck. If you unfortunately do so, you need to make a silent apology to the dead and even offer a small gesture of respect.
Seeing An Owl In The Day - Make A Wish!

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We are all used to seeing owls at night (or hearing them) and we are taught from a young age that they are nocturnal animals. For some cultures though, if you spot one of these creatures during the day then you might be in for some bad luck, just make a wish when you see them and you should be fine!
Walking Over A Drain - Protecting Yourself Can Be Easy For This One...

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Some superstitious people believe that walking over a drain can be considered a bad omen and it might bring some misfortune to the person that does so. In order to try and dispel this energy you should be able to counteract the bad luck by just making a wish, this should protect you.
Walking Over Sidewalk Cracks - AVOID At All Cost!

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Stepping on sidewalk cracks is another sign of bad luck you might come across when you're out and about. You might remember avoiding doing this as a child, we all used to make a conscious effort to walk on cracks. Just don't do it, there's no known way to break the curse.
New Shoes On The Table - Do You Believe In This One?

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If you've just been out to the store and bought a fresh pair of trainers then you might want to avoid placing them on your table. No one is exactly sure where this superstition began, although it's believed that if you offer a quick apology then you won't feel the effects of the bad luck.
Breaking A Wishbone - Positive Vibes Only!

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Breaking a wishbone is a tradition that has actually become seen as unlucky, especially if you don't get the result you want from doing so. There isn't a great way to counteract this, except maybe making a wish whilst holding the wishbone and putting all your positive thinking towards it.
Spiders In Your Home - Set Them Free!

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Let's be honest, no one wants to come across any spiders in their home, especially the larger and scarier creatures. The presence of spiders is meant to signify bad luck and arachnophobes would probably agree with this! All you need to do is capture the spider and gently release them.
Unlucky Numbers

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Across many cultures there are numerous numbers that are believed to be unlucky, for example, western culture finds the number 13 unlucky whereas the number 4 is seen to be unlucky in Asia. To avoid some potential bad luck you might want to to avoid using these numbers.
Inside Out Clothes

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Wearing your clothes inside out is also meant to bring some bad luck, so if you're the sort of person who gets changed bright and early without being truly awake, you need to be careful. Pay attention to your clothes in the morning and hopefully you'll avoid any unnecessary bad luck.
Looking At The New Moon Through Glass

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A new moon can be a truly majestic sight to see, many of us will wait up or take images so that we can remember the moment. If you look at the new moon through glass though, then you might bring some bad luck. To break this bad luck, salute the new moon and make a toast.
Shoes On Power Lines

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Hanging shoes on powerlines has been something that's occurred for years around the world, but in many cultures some people believe it is actually bad luck. To break this bad luck, you need to retrieve the shoes from powerlines and get them back on the ground. Be VERY careful though!
Spilling Wine

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Spilling wine is often associated with bringing bad luck to the person who does it and people who spill a bottle of red on the light carpet would probable agree! However, if you make a toast and sip your wine after spilling it then it's meant to reverse any bad luck.
Spilling Salt

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Spilling salt is another thing that could bring you bad luck in the same way that spilling wine can. Weirdly though, the supposed way to counteract this bad luck is to actually then throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder afterwards. This should dispel the bad luck.
Friends And Family Get Ill

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If you're noticing that your friends and family are beginning to get struck with illness then it might signify you've got some bad omens. To try and break this pattern remain positive and focus on some health-conscious practices; you might be able to encourage them to stay healthy too.
Itchy Palms

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This is quite an obscure pattern when it comes to luck, but apparently itchy palms could signify financial losses or gains. If your left palm itches then it's meant to bring you money, although if your right palm itches then it could signify that your money is going. To balance it, rub your itchy palm on a piece of wood.
Things Come In Threes

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There are many people out there who believe that bad events can often come in threes and this can signify some impending bad luck. You have to try and remain positive if this is the case and refuse to dwell on any negatives that might be surrounding your life at that time.
Crossing People On The Stairs

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Evidently, the way you walk and navigate the world can have an impact on your luck and what might happen in your life; crossing people on the stairs is meant to be dangerous! To break this, you need to wait for the person to pass you and give them a friendly enough greeting.
Seeing Your Doppelganger

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Seeing your doppleganger or look-alike whilst out and about in public is actually meant to be a sign of bad luck that might even bring death! You have to remember though that everyone is unique and stay positive, you should be protected from any bad omens.
Seeing A Shooting Star

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In terms of bringing good luck to yourself when you're going through a period of bad luck, you might want to pray to see a shooting star. You should make a wish when you see one and hopefully it would maximize the potential for some positive outcomes to come from your life.
Four-Leaf Clovers

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Finding a four leaf clover has long been considered a sign of GOOD luck. If you are going through a period of bad luck then coming across one of these might be just what you need! You might even want to keep the clover as a charm and keep it with you, this should keep you bringing good luck in.
Cross Your Fingers

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Crossing your fingers is universally recognized as being a gesture that can bring good luck. If you feel as though something is bringing you bad luck then you might want to embrace the practice of crossing your fingers. This might be able to deflect the bad luck from you.
Knocking On Wood

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Knocking on wood is yet another well-known way for someone to prevent bad luck after saying something that might tempt fate. You should supposedly always knock on wood when making statements that could be deemed as optimistic, this should keep the positive energy intact.
Pick Up A Penny

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Finding a penny on the ground is usually considered to bring good luck to the person who finds it. This could be just what you need when you're going through a period of bad luck; just pick the penny up and then keep it with you like you would a clover, it could invite some great fortune to your life.