1. The Great Pyramid Of Giza, Egypt

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Pretty much everyone on the planet is fascinated by The Great Pyramid. It is a massive structure, and to this day, people cannot figure out how it was built. According to history, the pyramid can tell time and was used a tombs for pharaohs. The mysteries it holds are seemingly endless. Recently, there were actually particles from OUTER SPACE found in the Pyramid! Pretty wild!Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Machu Picchu, Peru

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Many places in South America have a deep religious connection and history. Machu Picchu is no exception, and it might be the most famous of all. It's said that this place was a sacred religious site for the Incan people. Many people still go to explore the ruins today and say it's a spiritual experience.
3. Sedona, Arizona

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There are strong energy vortexes in Sedona, Arizona, making it a popular spiritual location. There's a lot of scenic views with red rocks that glow under the morning sun. The town is also considered to be very mysterious. The story goes that there are spots in this town where the earth's energy is very concentrated. Thus, people have reported this energy to be healing for both the body and the mind.
4. Cape Reinga, New Zealand

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This area is sacred to the Maori people. It's also known as the "leaping place of the spirits." The people believe that deceased Maori use Cape Reinga as the spot to depart this earth and enter what lies beyond. The cape itself is beautiful and considered enchanting by all who see it. However, because it's on sacred ground, you should not eat on the land or disturb it in any way.
5. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

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Angkor Wat is a group of temples that have been around since the 12th century. It is the largest spiritual complex in the world. The temple originally started off as a Hindu temple, but over time, it became a Buddhist temple. People who visit say you can feel the energy radiating off of the place and that you leave with a sense of healing.
6. Camino de Santiago, Spain

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This is a world famous hiking trail that was originally a route for pilgrims to reach the city of Santiago de Compostela where Saint James is buried. The route later became popular when Christians believed taking the route would save them from purgatory. Spiritual people frequent the trail still today as it tests mental and physical strength of all who cross.
7. Lourdes, France

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Back in 1958, the story goes that the Virgin Mary appeared to a young schoolgirl on her walk home. These visions occurred over 18 times, and shortly thereafter a spring was discovered near the area of the sightings. Because of this, many people journey to the spring each year, because they believe the waters are healing.
8. Mecca

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Mecca has become a way to describe the ultimate spiritual destination. This is where the center of the Islamic world lies, because it's the birthplace of Muhammed. When Muslims pray, they turn to grace towards Mecca, regardless of where they are in the world. They also make an annual pilgrimage here to worship.
9. Varanasi, India

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India is a deeply spiritual country with thousands of deities that they hold in high regard. There are multiple religions in the country, but all of them consider Varanasi to be a spiritual epicenter. It's considered sacred and holy ground. There are numerous temples to visit and a lot of opportunities to learn new ideas and spiritual practices.
10. The Western Wall, Israel

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The Western Wall is a piece of the temple King Herod built that has remained staining. It's one of the most spiritual sites in the entire world for those of Jewish, Christian, or Muslim faith. It's also known as The Wailing Wall and people come here each year to pray and leave their prayers at the wall.
11. St Peter’s, Vatican City, Italy

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St. Peter was a martyr, crucified upside down and his remains were buried where St Peter's currently stands. It's also home to Vatican City, the Catholic church epicenter. It's considered a spiritual destination for many, and thousands of people flock to this region every year.
12. Byron Bay, Australia

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Byron Bay is the furthest east point of the continent. It's the first place in the entire country to see the sunrise. The area boasts incredible surf, which all who partake know to be a spiritual experience. There's a magnetic pull beneath the surface, giving it a spiritual atmosphere. Many travel here for ritual and enlightenment.
13. Delphi, Greece

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Delphi was a popular religious area in the ancient Greek world because this is where they hosted Pythia. Pythia is an oracle of Apollo, the Greek god. According to the prophecies, Greek people consulted the oracle when it came to making big decisions, especially those regarding the state. The oracle is held in high regard, thus even today, you can visit the temple and ruins.
14. Chichen Itza, Mexico

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Chichen Itza boasts Mayan pyramids as well as underground pools. These pools were sacred to Mayan gods - a place of sacrifice in times of hardship. Many people visit during the spring and fall equinoxes, because there is a specific shadow that's cast on the area. It's said this shadow represents the Mayan serpent god. There are also a lot of natural stones that project energy to all who enter.
15. Source Of The Ganges, India

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It's said that back in the day, The Ganges was a mere trickle coming from the Himalayas. It's now considered India's holiest river. The source of The Gange is held in high esteem by Hindus. Many set out to hike along it in a 25km pilgrimage as a ritual of spiritual redemption.
16. Mount Shasta, California

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Outdoor lovers and spiritual seekers alike are drawn to Mount Shasta, which is located in Northern California. It's an ice-capped volcano, and its legend and mystery runs deep. There are spring waters and many say it's home to transcendental spirits. The views alone will awaken your spirituality.
17. Stonehenge, United Kingdom

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Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument that is considered one of the world's biggest mysteries. While we've been able to determine approximately when it was constructed, the purpose of it remains unknown. Many people believe it was a religious or burial site. It's one of the biggest tourist attractions, even today, as people go to seek out spiritual guidance.
18. Manitou Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

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Manitou Lake is considered the Dead Sea of Canada. The lake has underground springs and was named by a medicine man. It's an acknowledgement of the Great Spirit, because it's believed that the lake has healing powers and energetic significance. Come here to float your spiritual cares away.
19. Mount Arunachala, India

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If you're looking for a place to retreat and meditate, this is it. During a full moon, you can witness thousands of people circling the mountain. It's said that this ritual will clean your karma of anything negative - both in past and present lives. There are temples around the mountain, and people say the cosmic vibrations are very strong here.
20. Uluru, Australia

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Uluru, Australia is a place of mystery and deep spirituality. There's a destination called Ayers Rock in Uluru. The rock is a red color that seems to glow magically during sunrises and sunsets. Because of this, Uluru is considered the spiritual heart of this country. Aboriginals believe that the rock is alive and that it serves as a resting place for those who have gone before.
21. Hill of Tara

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The Hill of Tara has deep roots in myth and legend, as does much of Ireland. It's sure to stir both your eyes and your soul. There are significant moments of green mounds, and it's said that you can't look upon its beauty and not be moved. Many say it's overwhelming to the eyes and senses.
22. Assisi, Italy

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Assisi is one of the most popular destinations for those of the Christian faith. The city is connected with St. Francis who was so humble and kind that he's remembered as one of the most beloved saints. You can follow the St. Francis Way from Florence all the way to Rome with various spiritually significant stops along the way.
23. Tulum, Mexico

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Tulum has been considered a spiritual destination for thousands of years. It is a location that contains an energy vortex, so people believe that it has the ability to restore balance in your life by just visiting. Many spiritual seekers visit Tulum in search of a spiritual journey of restoration.
24. Bodh Gaya, India

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Prince Siddharta once meditated under a bodhi tree for three nights. After this, he experienced enlightenment. Today, many people visit this site, and the temple is a sacred place for visitors. The area is quite tranquil, perfect for meditating and finding inner peace.
25. Mt Athos, Greece

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This one is unfortunately only for the men. You must be male and over the age of 18 to visit this Holy Mountain. Located on the Halkidiki peninsula, the area has a community of monks and a self-governed society. This spiritual mountain is perfect for a pilgrimage of the soul.
26. Sandunóvskie Baths, Moscow

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Bathing has long been considered a spiritual act in many culture. This bathhouse in Russia is culturally significant to its people. They believe that evil spirits can cling to your clothes, so you should bathe in the nude to release all inhibitions. People repeat a bathing ritual of shower, steam, and beating the body with juniper branches to benefit the soul.
27. Borobudur, Indonesia

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Asia is a very spiritual continent, and Indonesia is no exception. There are many destinations in Asia that boast a spiritual journey, but Borobudur is unique for a few different reason. The largest Buddhist temple in the world finds its home here. The area also has a lot of religious monuments, and tourists say you can feel the spiritual atmosphere.
28. The Dead Sea, Israel & Jordan

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Did you know that the Dead Sea is actually just a big lake? The water in the lake is over ten times more salty than normal seawater. The air around the sea also contains more oxygen. Even though the water is undrinkable and unable to sustain life, it's considered the most healing place on earth. The water is full of minerals and salts to help soothe your body and soul.
29. Temple Circuit, Japan

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This area, also known as the 88 Temple Pilgrimage, is a loop around the island of Shikoku. People believe that if you journey through this circuit and visit the Buddhist temples on the way, you will leave enlightened. There are approximately 10,000 people who visit this area each year from all walks of faith.
30. Nazca Lines, Peru

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There is a desert in Southern Peru called the Nazca desert. They say that this area has strange designs and holds a lot of mystery. There are Nazca lines, which is a group of geoglyphs that can take different and sizes. You may just see straight lines, but some see plants, animals, and other geometric shapes. No one knows who created them or what they represent, so it's considered to be spiritual in nature.
31. Devil's Tower, Wyoming
image source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
This site of worship is a natural rock tower also known as 'Bear Lodge', and it's a healing spot traditionally for Native American tribes. Now a US national monument, the story goes that when a group of young girls was chased by a pack of bears, the Great Spirit made the rock rise from the ground to save them, so that the bears couldn't reach them. It's side the lines down the side of the rock are the bears' claw marks.
32. Washington National Cathedral, Washington, DC
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This cathedral in Washington, DC, is a peaceful spot for many different people of different faiths. Officially the cathedral is part of the Episcopal Church, and now it hosts spiritual prayer services for Christians, Muslims and Jewish faiths. It's definitely one to visit in your lifetime.
33. Temple Square, Utah
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This Salt Lake temple is the largest temple belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The temple itself is off limits to anyone who isn't Mormon, but you can still visit outside the temple and take a walk around the peaceful gardens of Temple Square.
34. Majorville Medicine Wheel, Canada
image source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
Located in Alberta, Canada, this historical and spiritual site is a stone circle structure created by Native Americans known as a 'medicine wheel'. It's not fully known what the stone circles were for, but some believe the stones were placed to align with the heavens and was a site used for healing. This one in Canada is 5,000 years old!
35. Our Lady Of Guadalupe Shrine, Mexico
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This basilica is one you'll want to visit, but it's what's inside that's more important. The basilica is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in the world because of a relic stored within: a cloak that was believed to have been given to a peasant, Juan Diego, by the Virgin Mary.
36. Saut-d'Eau, Haiti
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Speaking of the Virgin Mary - in Haiti, Erzulie is a Vodou spirit which is believed to be associated with the Virgin Mary. The Saut-d'Eau waterfalls host thousands of Haitians who travel to this spiritual location every year to ask for healing and for other favors.
37. Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
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This beautiful lake is actually hiding an ancient Mayan city. Around 250 A.D, the lake rose to completely submerge the city, and it's believed that the city itself was an ancient religious pilgrimage site due to the religious items discovered in the submerged buildings.
38. Salt Cathedral of Zipaquira, Colombia
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This is a Catholic cathedral with something you don't see every day - it's actually located 500 feet underground. Not only that, but it's located inside a salt mine. The cathedral features a host of sculptures for visitors to see, which have been cut from both salt and marble.
39. Christ The Redeemer, Brazil
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This one is a very famous landmark, and one that a lot of people have on their bucket list to make that phenomenal climb! Christ the Redeemer is a statue of Jesus Christ measuring a whopping 98 feet in height. It can be found surveying the city of Rio de Janeiro.
40. Easter Island, Chile
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The stone giants located on Easter Island are surrounded in mystery. The statues - called moai - are 13 feet high, and are created from volcanic ash. It's believed they may have been created by inhabitants of the island as far back as 1400 AD to honor ancestors and tribal chiefs.
41. Sagrada Familia Cathedral, Spain
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This has to be one of the most iconic buildings in Spain, and it's also one of the most spiritual and well-visited. The Sagrada Familia, which is also known as the Expiatory Temple of the Holy Family was created by Antoni Gaudi and is actually an ongoing labor of love, not expecting to be completed until 2026!
42. Abbey Of Le Mont Saint Michael, France
image source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
Mont Saint Michael in France is actually a Benedictine abbey, and was built sometime between the 11th and 16th century. The abbey is a must-do spiritual visit, but you have to time it right, because the abbey is surrounded by water and is inaccessible during high tide.
43. Saint Michel D'Aiguilhe, France
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In the French village of Le Puy-en-Velay is this chapel, which is actually built sitting on the top of a volcanic core! Guaranteed to be able to see it from no matter where you are in the village. The chapel is in honor of the Archangel Michael, who is believed to appear on mountaintops.
44. Meteora, Greece
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This structures of rock are also known as 'columns in the sky', and started being explored by monks in the 11th century, where they used them as retreats and spiritual refuge. In this region there are actually as many as 24 monasteries, which include ancient frescoes.
45. The Great Synagogue, Hungary
image source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
This beautiful place is actually an historical Jewish place and it's known for being the largest in the world (outside of New York City). It was originally built in 1859 as a synagogue, but now it's actually a Holocaust museum. The architecture of the building is influenced by the Moorish.
46. Spanish Synagogue, Czech Republic
image source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
It might be confusing to have a place of worship called 'Spanish' when it's actually in Prague in the Czech Republic, but the Spanish name comes from the Moorish architecture and design. It was built in 1868, and was actually built on top of a 12th Century Jewish worship site.
47. Hagia Sophia, Turkey
image source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
This beautiful building has gone through a lot of changes over the years. Known also as the 'Church of the Holy Wisdom', it was originally a cathedral that had been built on top of a pagan temple in the sixth century. It was then changed into a mosque in the 1400s, but finally becoming a museum - which it still is today.
48. Sultanahmet Mosque, Turkey
image source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
Also known as the 'Blue Mosque', this stunning building and place of worship was built by Ahmed I (the Ottoman sultan) in the early days of the 17th century. Outside you can see six towers, while inside it is filled with blue tiles, giving the mosque it's name the 'blue' mosque.
49. Saint Basil's Cathedral, Moscow
image source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
This is perhaps one of the most recognizable buildings in the world - even if you're not 100% where it is, it's likely you've seen those colorful turrets before! This is Saint Basil's cathedral in Moscow, which is a church that was commissioned by Ivan the Terrible, and is now a symbol of Russian culture.
50. Stone Circles of Senegambia
image source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
The name 'Stone Circles of Senegambia' actually includes four different spiritual sites, which are based along the River Gambia in both Gambia and Senegal. The sites are ancient monuments, 93 circles in total and over 1,000 stones. The stones are believed to contain ancient burials and artifacts.