1. Falling On The Stairs

image source: reddit.com
We don't always notice the dangers in our home until it's too late, and accidents on the stairs are all too common. So common in fact, that more than 700 people die per year due to falls, and over 43,000 people are injured. Remember this next time you're haphazardly running down stairs wearing only socks!
2. Poisoning

image source: reddit.com
We're not sure when it became the norm to store all cleaning products under the sink, but it seems that everyone followed suit. Having potentially poisonous substances this close to the ground is just asking for a child to get at them, resulting in catastrophe. If you have children then either gets locks for your cupboards or store these products elsewhere; it's not worth the risk.
3. Sharp Objects

image source: reddit.com
Unfortunately we probably couldn't remove all sharp objects from our home, so they're always going to be a hazard. What we can do, is store them away safely so we don't add to the 350,000 accidents caused by kitchen knives every year. Ensure you are using them properly when cooking, and keep them away from children.
4. Falling Out Of Bed

image source: reddit.com
Falling out of bed may be caused by what's called a "hypnic jerk", which is when you wake yourself up with an almighty jump! These can be caused by dreams or happen just randomly, and they're sure to wake your bed-fellow. If you do this regularly then be careful which side of the bed you sleep on - almost a thousand people died in the US over a 10 year period from falling out of bed!
5. Flushing The Toilet

image source: reddit.com
Every time you flush the water in the toilet spits out dirty water, filled with disgusting bacteria. The water droplets may also contain viruses which subsequently land wherever they fall, which could include directly onto your toothbrush! As you'd imagine, this could lead to a very nasty sickness which could be avoided if you flush with the seat down.
6. Faulty Outlets

image source: reddit.com
There are safety regulations regarding outlets and where they should be placed in your home, so injuries should be kept to a minimum so long as they're used correctly, but this doesn't stop them from being a hazard. Sockets can become faulty and put you at risk, therefore it's important to be mindful of how they're functioning in order to solve any issues as they arise.
7. Your Faucets

image source: reddit.com
Faucets seem to be far away from danger as they sit over your sink, but did you know they can be hazardous to your health? If they aren't cleaned regularly, bacteria can build up and contaminate your water. Not only that, if water sits stagnant in your tap for a while then it can cause Legionnaires Disease which often needs hospital treatment.
8. Doors Slamming

image source: reddit.com
As you walk in and out of your doors daily you may forget that they can cause you almighty pain. If you slam one and don't realize your hand or foot is still in the alcove, you may well obtain a nasty injury. Doors are also known for coming off their hinges; let's hope you're not standing there if this happens!
9. Flammable Building Materials

image source: reddit.com
House fires can be absolutely devastating. Not only do they damage property but they can be fatal, so it's important to take every precaution necessary to avoid this happening to you. 50% of the house fires in America per year start in the kitchen, so ensure to be safe whenever you're cooking.
10. Granite Worktops

image source: reddit.com
It's something they don't tell you when you're buying granite; it looks nice and it's practical, so what's the risk? They're radioactive! Yup, you read that right. Granite contains elements that break down and release particles of radon which is linked to lung cancer. Perhaps not the best choice for the kitchen, then!
11. Scattered Shoes

image source: midlifecrisiscrossover.com
If you live in a house with more than one other, then the chances are you've probably fallen over their shoes. People have a habit of kicking off their shoes wherever they walk, leaving a death trap behind for the next person. We know it's hard to force people to use the shoe rack but they'd be avoiding this risk if they did!
12. Electric Shocks

image source: reddit.com
Unless you live way in the past, your house is probably full of electrical goods. You can get electric shocks from anything using electricity, so watch out when you're using the hairdryer on wet hair! We don't appreciate the risk of this commodity as it's become our every day, but the danger is there and we deal with it regularly.
13. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

image source: reddit.com
Carbon monoxide is a silent killer making it all the more frightening if you are at risk. If you're affected you may present "flu-like" symptoms, meaning you may pass it off as a simple illness. There are ways to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning; not grilling indoors, not having an open fire and using a CO detector, just to name a few. If there's anything in your house that can produce carbon then always follow safety procedures - it might just save your life.
14. Smashed Glass

image source: reddit.com
It'd be odd if you'd never smashed a glass in your house; even the least clumsy have their moments! It can be quite difficult to clean up every shard, especially if the glass has smashed into a million pieces. This means that your kitchen floor is always a hazard as there may be remaining splinters left behind.
15. Falling In The Bathtub

image source: reddit.com
It's not just the older folk who slip in the bath - it can be a very dangerous place! It's important to take it easy when getting in and out as the soapy water leaves behind a slippery residue, which when fallen on, can cause terrible injury and a broken bath. Neither of which are pleasant.
16. Choking

image source: reddit.com
Most people eat the majority of their meals within the home, so choking is a risk we take every day. The likelihood of choking has actually increased over the years due to their being more available food textures and busier lives. We may rush our meals if we have something to do or somewhere to be, so make sure at least one person knows the Heimlich Maneuver!
17. Pictures Falling Off The Wall

image source: reddit.com
If you haven't hammered in your artwork properly, or there's a dramatic earthquake, then picture frames can quite easily come off the wall causing harm to anyone standing close-by. Most frames include glass, so you wouldn't want them falling and shattering as you pass them!
18. Bleach

image source: reddit.com
Bleach is a substance we use regularly to clean our homes, but were you aware of its danger? Not only will it ruin you clothes and irritate your skin, it also can heighten your chances of getting cancer if you breathe it in for long enough. Only use the product when necessary, don't use too much and wear protective clothing!
19. Suffocation

image source: reddit.com
This is a hazard more associated with babies and children, as they can suffocate on all sorts around the house! We don't say this to scare you, but just be mindful of the dangers surrounding plastic bags, incorrect bedding and toys that have found their way into cots as they could pose a serious risk.
20. Disorganized Fridge

image source: reddit.com
"What's so dangerous about a full fridge?" We hear you cry. Well, they can be associated with all sorts of risks! Imagine you've stuffed it so tightly that everything flies out upon opening. You get a busted foot from where something heavy has fallen, and you end up crying over spilt milk. Not what you envisioned when you did a restock!
21. Detergent Pods

image source: reddit.com
There are some ridiculous challenges floating around the internet, including one which includes detergent pods. They essentially dare one another to eat the toxic substances and the outcome can be fatal. Phone monitoring has never been more crucial in the age of social media; these kids are just causing extra hazards within the home!
22. The Little Step In Your Doorway

image source: reddit.com
Some doors have a tiny little step you have to stride over to get to the other room, which if missed can cause terrible pain. They're so small in fact, that they're not always obvious, so unless you know it's there you're likely to trip. Make sure visitors are aware of this hazard otherwise they'll be limping home!
23. Leaving A Stove On

image source: reddit.com
It's terrible when you realize you've left the stove on. Your mind starts racing with all the 'what-ifs' as you imagine the unimaginable! Leaving heat on in this way is, at worst, a fire-risk and at best, a very expensive bill. Check the stove every night before you go to bed to ensure you haven't forgotten to turn it off.
24. Candles

image source: reddit.com
Candles are lovely to have lit; they smell good and create a calming ambience, unless they're used unsafely and you end up burning your house down! Candle fires make up 3% of all house fires in America, so please make sure you don't become a statistic.
25. Fryer Fire

image source: reddit.com
It seems that the biggest hazards within your home are those that could start fires, so if you have a deep fat fryer then be sure to use it safely. If a fire does ignite in this area, then what's required is a special fire extinguisher to put it out. You will make it worse using a generic extinguisher or any other method, so maybe the fryers are best being left in McDonalds!
26. Damp Issues

image source: reddit.com
It can be hard to keep the damp away, especially in the winter months, but it's crucial to if you want a long-lasting home and healthy lungs. Having damp in your home could cause asthma, so make sure to have a good aeration system within your home, all year round.
27. A Dirty Shower Head

image source: reddit.com
Don't forget to clean your shower head when you clean your bathroom, as not doing so could lead to a buildup of bacteria that may cause you a lot of harm. Some of the bacteria found in dirty shower heads is known to cause eye infections, digestive conditions and skin infections - gross!
28. Vinyl Flooring

image source: reddit.com
Vinyl flooring can be a neat addition to your home. It helps to keep the heat in, looks stylish and is easy to clean, but did you know it could be dangerous? If anything spills on this kind of material it becomes slippery like an ice rink! Not only that, it could peel away and cause a trip hazard so ensure to maintain it property and always clean up spills.
28. Cross-Contamination

image source: reddit.com
It's too easy to cross-contaminate in your home kitchen. Even if you're a chef by trade, all training goes out of the window when you become too lazy to switch knives or chopping boards. It's important we have the same standards at home to avoid getting ill, so consider how you may be contaminating products in your everyday life.
29. Overfilled Shelves

image source: reddit.com
You may think you're being space efficient by carefully piecing things on a shelf like a game of Jenga, but what happens when you need to reach for an item at the back? You knock a jar and the load comes tumbling down, potentially leaving you injured whilst messing up your kitchen. Shelves could do with a sort every once in a while so try not to hoard things you don't need.
30. Mold

image source: reddit.com
Although you may not realize it, there may be mold growing in your home making yourself and others very ill. If you already have mold in your house then it's essential that you treat it. To prevent it coming back, get to the root cause of the damp problem and fix that, then you should never see mold there again!