10+ Body Parts That Will Disappear With Time

By Juliet S 11 months ago
Welcome to a bizarre journey through the vanishing act of evolution! From the once-crucial appendages to the now-obsolete relics, join us as we unravel the curious case of "Body Parts That Will Disappear Over Time." Prepare to bid farewell to some of our most surprising anatomical features as nature continues its mysterious game of evolutionary hide-and-seek. Buckle up, because we're about to delve into the curious and often comical world of disappearing body parts!

1. Toes

Imagine a world where our feet sport a new streamlined look, bidding farewell to the familiar companions of toes. It might sound like a bizarre sci-fi concept, but within the realms of evolutionary theory, this transformation isn't as far-fetched as it seems.
Image source: Reddit
The thought of our toes disappearing from our feet is a little bit strange. But it is thought that in time, through evolution, the purpose of our toes will be unnecessary to humans and instead of toes our feet will end as one whole form. This is because toes in the past ensured balance, whereas now we use shoes for the same purpose.Original content sourced from Femanin.com

2. Appendix

Ah, the infamous appendix—a tiny organ that has garnered quite the reputation for being the "useless" vestige of our evolutionary past. While it's often touted as an evolutionary castoff, consigned to the graveyard of unnecessary body parts, the story of the appendix isn't as cut and dried as it seems.
Image source: Reddit
Now you'll probably have heard that your appendix lost it's function from the past. While this is not entirely true (it helps reproduce gut bacteria), it is by no means necessary for people anymore. In fact, in many cases it is removed when it has caused illness to the purpose.

3. Wisdom teeth

Ah, the notorious wisdom teeth—the late bloomers in our dental lineup that seem to cause more trouble than they're worth. These back-of-the-mouth molars, once hailed as handy reinforcements for our ancestors' tougher diets, have found themselves in a bit of a predicament in our modern culinary landscape.
Image source: Reddit
Wisdom teeth often pose more problems today, than they actually provide uses. In the past wisdom teeth were helpful with the difference in diet. But now, our diets are much softer, meaning that we do not have any necessity for our wisdom teeth anymore, making scientists think that they will cease to exist.

4. Coccyx

Ah, the coccyx, our not-so-friendly reminder of a possible tail-wagging past. Nestled at the base of our spine, this diminutive bone has earned the moniker "tailbone" for its alleged link to our distant ancestors' once-tail-sporting anatomy.
Image source: Reddit
The coccyx is also often referred to as the tail bone, due to it being assumed that this was the place that used to form a tail in the past. But, now we have no use or necessity for the coccyx and perhaps in time we will no longer have tail bones. In fact, some people have to have them removed if they cause problems and pain.

5. Male nipples

The curious case of male nipples—a puzzling adornment on the male chest that serves no functional purpose. These seemingly superfluous structures have long perplexed scientists and casual observers alike. Their lack of utility in the male body raises intriguing questions about their evolutionary fate.
Image source: Reddit
Male nipples are completely unnecessary as they cannot be used to form milk to feed a child. And so, they are a completely useless addition to the male body. For this reason, due to male nipples having no use, it is assumed that eventually they will not exist any longer.

6. Body hair

The ongoing saga of body hair—the evolutionary legacy that often seems more like an annoyance than a necessity in our modern lives. For many of us, the once-protective and insulating cloak of fuzz seems to have lost its place in our daily repertoire, gradually turning into an inconvenience.
Image source: Reddit
For the majority of us, body hair is something completely useless, and annoying! A lot of us remove our body hair, showing just how redundant it's purpose actually is now. Now, we have clothes to keep us warm and so in time our bodies will probably be hairless.

7. Sinuses

The sinuses—a network of hollow, labyrinthine spaces tucked away within the contours of our face, often making their presence known with a resounding "achoo!" or a bothersome case of congestion. These intricate cavities, nestled around our cheeks and forehead, seem to be more trouble than they're worth.
Image source: Reddit
Sinuses are the small internal crevices which lie around out cheek/ forehead area. When we have a virus of some kind they can fill with mucus and they then drain into our nose. But, sinuses are no longer necessary to human existence and in fact they can actually cause a lot of problems as they often become infected.

8. Pinky fingers

Our hands, those remarkable tools at the tips of our arms, have undergone a profound shift in their daily tasks over the course of human evolution. Once the champions of climbing, grasping, and aiding in balance, they've adapted to suit our modern lifestyles.
Image source: Reddit
In the past, we would climb using our hands and use our hands for balance. But now, the uses of our hands is limited to picking up/ carrying as well as exercises. But, the pinky finger is not often needed and we do not need as many as we did in the past due to the drastic changes in our lifestyle.

9. Earlobes

Ah, the unassuming earlobe—an often-overlooked appendage dangling from the side of our heads, seemingly without a clear purpose in our modern world. These fleshy, pendulous lobes have long been more of a canvas for adornment than a functional necessity, especially in today's context.
Image source: Reddit
Earlobes are completely useless in today's world. They are not used at all, apart from decorative purposes to place earrings. But they have no real use, and we definitely do not need them. And so, over time our bodies will have no earlobes, making our ears much shorter.

10. Gall bladder

The gallbladder—a small, pear-shaped organ tucked away in the upper reaches of our abdomen, often silently playing a crucial role in our digestive symphony. Its primary function? Storing and concentrating bile, that potent greenish-yellow fluid produced by the liver, essential for breaking down fats in our diet.
Image source: Reddit
Our gallbladder is a kind of pocket placed in the upper stomach on the right side. Inside it there is a fluid which is what helps us break down fatty foods. But, some scientists suggest that because our diets have changed and include less fats, we will no longer need them and so they will eventually not be there.

11. Canine teeth

Our canine teeth, those pointed guardians of our smiles, have a rich history deeply rooted in our dietary past. For our early ancestors, these robust teeth were more than just a fashion statement—they were instrumental in the daily survival grind, serving as trusty tools.
Image source: Reddit
Our canine teeth exist because of our diets in the past. We used to need sharp teeth to cut through tough surfaces and rip things such as meat. Now, we buy our meat and cook it and have no need to tear. And so, our teeth shape will change again with our canine teeth disappearing.

12. Toenails

Toenails, those seemingly unassuming shields adorning the tips of our toes, have a curious story embedded in the annals of our evolutionary past. These hardened keratin plates, once practical implements in the toolkit of our ancestors, are now often relegated to occasional grooming routines.
Image source: Reddit
So before the disappearance of our entire toes, the toe nails will disappear. Our toe nails are a remnant of our ancestor's past and how they used to pick things up with both hands and feet. Now, we do not do this and so the use of toenails has vanished, as they also will one day.

13. Arrector pili muscles

Ah, the remarkable yet somewhat redundant arrector pili muscles—a set of tiny muscles nestled at the base of our hair follicles, wielding the power to give us those delightful (or annoying) goosebumps. These muscles were once champions in our ancestors' quest for warmth.
Image source: Reddit
Certain muscles called the arrector pili muscles are responsible for our goosebumps when we are cold. They made our hairs stand on end to trap in the heat which was essential for our ancestors warmth int he past. Now we have no use for this as we use clothing instead.

14. Tonsils

Ah, the tonsils—those guardians of our throats, standing sentinel against invading germs and infections. These clusters of tissue, part of our immune system's frontline defense, have long been regarded as the body's loyal soldiers in the battle against harmful pathogens.
Image source: Reddit
Tonsils exist because they are a part of our immune system, there to help stop germs. However, they are not necessary to our survival, and it will not really affect us if we do not have tonsils. In fact, many people live without tonsils and no not feel any adverse affects.

15. Cervical rib

Ah, the elusive cervical rib—a small yet significant anatomical anomaly that has gradually dwindled in prevalence, potentially signaling its eventual fade-out from the human biological repertoire. This extra rib, found occasionally in some individuals, has become a curious artifact in our evolutionary journey.
Image source: Reddit
The cervical rib is a rib that not even everybody is born with anymore. This in itself shows how the cervical rib is already losing it's prominence and is dying out. Soon, it will have vanished from the human form altogether due to it being totally unnecessary.

16. Palmaris longus muscle

The Palmaris longus muscle—a slender band nestled within the forearm, once a trusty companion in the physical pursuits of our ancestors. This muscle, a remnant of our evolutionary past, was once part of a toolkit designed for tasks requiring manual dexterity and physical prowess.
Image source: Reddit
The Palmaris longus muscle is a muscle in the forearm. Despite the fact that it has been used over time, now there is just no real necessity for it any more. Lifestyles have changed so much, and no we rely much less on a solely physical existence and much of our daily life is helped by technology.

17. Thymus gland

The thymus gland—a powerhouse in our immune system's training ground, orchestrating the maturation of T-cells that serve as immune defenders. This gland, nestled in our chests, plays a pivotal role in our early years, sculpting our immune responses and fortifying our defenses against invading pathogens.
Image source: Reddit
The Thymus gland as we speak has important functions in our early development in helping our immune system develop. But, some experts believe that over time the need for it will stop due to us relying more and more on technology to do the jobs our body once did.

18. Sweat glands

The remarkable sweat glands—those unsung heroes responsible for keeping our internal temperatures in check by orchestrating that timeless symphony of perspiration. These tiny glands, scattered across our skin, are nature's clever mechanism for cooling us down when the heat is on.
Image source: Reddit
Sweat glands of course, exist so that we can sweat, regulating our temperature. But, because the majority of the population now regulate their temperature through heating systems and air controlled environments, sweat glands are useful but also not needed. In fact, some people have them removed for various reasons.

19. Subclavius muscle

The subclavius muscle, a lesser-known player nestled beneath our collarbone, has been a curious anomaly in the human anatomy. This slender band of muscle, often overlooked amidst the complex ensemble of our musculature, has sparked interest.
Image source: Reddit
The subclavius muscle is another kind of muscle which we do not need in the body, a kind of extra muscle which no longer serves a huge purpose. In fact, around 10% of the population are already born without one. Which shows that this muscle is already less common now and over time will disappear.

20. The foot arch

The natural arches in our feet, those elegantly curved contours providing support and flexibility, have long been integral to our bipedal existence. Yet, the landscape of our feet, much like our lifestyles, seems to be undergoing a subtle evolution—one that hints at potential changes in our foot anatomy.
Image source: Reddit
Most feet have some kind of natural arch, more than others. Yet, it is becoming increasingly common that this arch will lessen in time, and it is thought that it could disappear altogether in time. This again is due tot he fact that our lives are much less physically exerted and we no longer need some of the functions of our ancestors.

21. Darwin's point

Darwin's point, that subtle but distinctive feature at the apex of the human ear, has intrigued scientists and evolutionary enthusiasts alike. Named after the eminent naturalist Charles Darwin, this enigmatic fold at the top of the ear is thought to be a vestige of our evolutionary past.
Image source: Reddit
This distinctive tip on the ear is what is referred to as 'Darwin's point', due to his using it to demonstrate evidence of evolution. Some of us still have quite a prominent one, other's do not have one at all. But it is getting less and less common and will soon disappear.

22. The rectus capitis posterior minor muscle

The rectus capitis posterior minor muscle—quite the elusive character in the complex landscape of our musculature. This small yet mysterious muscle, nestled at the back of the head, has been an intriguing subject in the study of human anatomy...
Image source: Reddit
The rectus capitis posterior minor muscle is a small muscle at the back of the head, half of the population do not even have it. You would probably never know if you had it or not, due to the fact that it does not serve a big function. The muscle is already disappearing due to evolution and will continue to do so more and more.

23. Hypoglossal canal

The hypoglossal canal, a small and inconspicuous aperture nestled within the intricate structure of the human skull, has caught the attention of anatomists and evolutionary biologists for its potential evolutionary trajectory. This minuscule canal served as a passage for a crucial nerve.
Image source: Reddit
Similarly, the hypoglossal canal is a bone that is placed in the skull. Yet, now it is excessive to the structures of our skull. Our skulls have changed massively over history, and will continue to di so. On of the first changes will probably be the disappearance if the hypoglossal canal.

24. Small bones in our hands and feet

It's quite fascinating—our hands and feet, these intricate appendages, are marvels of anatomical complexity. Within these structures lie a myriad of bones, each playing a role in our dexterity and mobility. Yet, the story of these bones goes beyond mere numbers...
Image source: Reddit
You'll probably be familiar with the fact that our hands and feet proportionately contain the most bines in our body, due to the intricate nature of their structures. Yet, you'll probably not be aware of their uses. And that's because some of these small bones have lost their function and will disappear over time.

25. Some facial muscles

Our faces, expressive canvases reflecting a myriad of emotions and thoughts, are adorned with an intricate web of muscles orchestrating a symphony of movements. Yet, the evolving nature of our lifestyles and habits is thought to be subtly altering the landscape of these facial muscles.
Image source: Reddit
Some experts believe that some of the muscles in our faces will completely disappear, because of the difference of how we use our facial muscles. For example  our ancestor's used different facial muscles in different ways to us. Now, we have a much different range of facial movements, rendering some muscles redundant!

26. Third eyelid

Ah, the enigmatic third eyelid, an anatomical curiosity found in various mammals, including our beloved furry companions. This semi-transparent membrane, known as the nictitating membrane or third eyelid, has long captured the intrigue of scientists and evolutionary enthusiasts.
Image source: Reddit
The third eyelid is often apparent in mammals such as cats and dogs, but some humans also have it. However, scientists believe that this will also disappear through evolution - not just in humans but also in animals. The need for it is no longer strong meaning that through time it will vanish.

27. The pineal gland

The pineal gland, nestled deep within the recesses of our brains, has long been revered for its role in regulating our sleep-wake cycles, often referred to as our circadian rhythms. This small yet significant gland, shrouded in mystery and fascination, has been a key player in syncing our biological clocks.
Image source: Reddit
The pineal gland is a gland placed inside our brains. It helps to control out sleep cycle and wake cycle. In the past our cycles were very much determined by our bodies. Yet now, again we rely largely on technology. Also, due to the inconsistency of people's sleep patterns and changing cycles this gland may be obsolete through time.

28. Extrinsic ear muscles

Ah, the extrinsic ear muscles—a fascinating but increasingly vestigial part of our auditory anatomy. These muscles, which some people possess and can use to independently move their ears, have an intriguing history deeply rooted in our evolutionary past.
Image source: Reddit
Extrinsic ear muscles are now totally unnecessary in our modern lives. Some people do not have them. Those people who can move their ears independently from their head have these muscles. Historically they were used to hear approaching predators, however, these will disappear.

29. male prostates

The idea of humans potentially transcending the need for biological reproduction and relying solely on technological means for procreation is indeed a thought-provoking and contentious concept—one that sparks contemplation about the future course of human evolution.
Image source: Reddit
Now this one is pure speculation at this point. And quite a controversial thought. But some scientists believe that in time, we will no longer rely on our bodies to reproduce. They believe that our reliance will become so heavily placed on technology that we will no longer need reproductive organs.

30. Uterus

The notion of rendering the uterus obsolete through technological advancements in reproduction is a speculative yet thought-provoking idea that explores the potential evolution of human reproduction and its intersection with advancing technology.
Image source: Reddit
Similarly, another speculation of the same wave of thinking is that we will no longer use the bodily reproductive system, so that the uterus will not be necessary because it's job will be done by technology instead. This is not thought to be an immediate change, but somewhere way in the future of evolution.

31. How will humans change over time? It's likely we might live longer

Absolutely, the trajectory of human lifespan has been a fascinating journey through the annals of history, and the strides made in modern medicine hint at the potential for even longer lifespans in the future. If we cast our gaze back to eras before the marvels of modern medicine, the average human lifespan was notably shorter.
image source: reddit.com
While we haven't extended the human lifespan at the moment - and some people seem to be testing that theory on a daily basis if TikTok trends are anything to go by - it's likely that we could actually live longer in the future. Think about how many newborn babies were likely to die back in the day before modern medicine, and now look at us.

32. We might also be taller

Absolutely, the correlation between nutrition and human height has been a compelling aspect of our evolutionary journey. The potential for increased height in future generations stems from the profound impact of nutrition on growth during childhood and adolescence.
image source: reddit.com
The reason that it's likely people will get taller over time due to evolution is because of the growth or healthy eating and good nutrition habits in children. In years gone by, such variety of food and nutrition wasn't available for growing children - but now it is, and it'll only improve.

33. Apparently we'll all have 'golden retriever' personalities

The notion of evolving towards more amiable and affable personalities akin to our beloved canine companions is a fascinating and optimistic projection into the future of human behavior and psychology. Human personality traits have always been subject to evolutionary pressures shaped by societal changes.
image source: reddit.com
Step aside golden retriever boyfriends, because you need to share the spotlight if the future of evolution is anything to go by. Apparently it's predicted humans' personalities will develop to become less aggressive and more friendly and joyful - like a golden retriever!

34. We also might have smaller brains

The relationship between human brain size and our evolving personalities is a topic that traverses the realms of anthropology, neuroscience, and evolutionary biology. One school of thought suggests a potential connection between brain size and shifts in human behavior and personality traits.
image source: reddit.com
Is this because we need less space to fill up with all that aggression we won't have? This theory is a bit hit and miss, as some people believe the human brain is likely to be shrinking, while other studies have shown that the human brain has never changed in size over thousands of years!

35. It definitely looks to be the end of 'natural selection'

Absolutely, natural selection, often described as "survival of the fittest," was a dominant force in shaping the lives and traits of our ancient ancestors. In those bygone eras, life was an arduous battle for survival against formidable challenges that are markedly different from the relatively secure environments many of us experience today.
image source: reddit.com
If you weren't fully familiar with what natural selection means, back in the time of our ancestors, natural selection was very much 'survival of the fittest' in that people were faced with predators, with hunger and with other threats that we simply don't have on the same scale anymore. We don't have to worry about fighting a sabre tooth tiger with a club for our food.

36. We might have smaller jaws

The fascinating evolution of our teeth and eating patterns across epochs provides a captivating narrative of how human diets and dentition have undergone remarkable transformations. In the ancient past, when our ancestors relied heavily on a diet primarily composed of raw, tough foods their teeth were adapted to handle.
image source: reddit.com
If there's one thing we can say about evolution, it's how the teeth as well as our eating patterns have changed. During the time of our ancestors when meat was the only option, our teeth needed to reflect that. In the future, it looks like jaws might be smaller with the possibility of softer food choices that don't need as much chewing!

37. Our brains aren't likely to get any bigger

The intricacies of childbirth and the size of a baby's skull in relation to the birth canal have long been a topic of interest in discussions about human evolution. The process of childbirth involves a delicate balance between the size of the baby's head, the dimensions of the birth canal, and the biomechanics of delivery.
image source: reddit.com
While there's still that raging debate over whether our brains will actually be smaller in future, one thing that's more certain is that they shouldn't get any bigger. This is in reference to the size of a baby's skull and the amount of room needed in a person's birth canal. With a bigger brain comes a bigger skull which simply won't be able to be pushed out! Ouch.

38. If body sizes got bigger, the shape of the body would need to adapt

Indeed, the perception of the "ideal" body shape has shifted across various cultures and time periods, and there seems to be a contemporary trend towards a preference for a larger, more muscular physique. This trend has sparked discussions and speculations about the potential evolution of human body shapes over time.
image source: reddit.com
There has definitely been a rising trend over the years to this 'bigger', more muscular body shape, so much so that some people believe the natural evolution of human bodies might be for them to end up bigger. But the shape of the body and the skeletal structure would need to change to accommodate for that naturally.

39. Thumb size could change

The integration of technology, particularly video games, into the daily lives of many teenagers has led to intriguing discussions about the potential impact on physical development, including the adaptation of body parts due to repeated use. Studies have indeed delved into the effects of prolonged video game usage.
image source: reddit.com
"You kids and your video games". We've all heard that used negatively by some person or another, haven't we? Well it turns out studies have been done into teenagers who actually ended up having underdeveloped thumbs because of playing so many video games.. so smaller thumbs could be the future!

40. We're becoming more alike

The historical practice of selective breeding or mating within specific cultural or societal groups was indeed prevalent in various cultures across different epochs. This practice aimed to perpetuate certain traits or characteristics deemed favorable within those groups.
image source: reddit.com
There was a time when 'breeding' was done based on cultural groups, or breeding with two people with certain characteristics to hopefully get a 'strong' child. These days, everybody is mixing with each other, everyone is breeding with anyone (that sounds bad, but you know what we mean!) so humans are becoming more and more alike.

41. A hunched back is likely

The increasing reliance on technology and the prevalence of desk-bound jobs have indeed brought attention to the potential impact on posture and musculoskeletal health. Prolonged periods of sitting and hunching over screens or desks can lead to postural imbalances and musculoskeletal issues.
image source: reddit.com
The unfortunate fact about technology these days is that, although it's revolutionising and amazing, it's sure done a number on our posture! If we're going to continue to be hunched over technology and desks for more and more desk jobs, then it's likely the hunched look might become an evolution thing!

42. You might have a 'claw' hand

The prevalence of handheld devices and the increased use of smartphones have indeed led to a notable shift in hand positioning and usage. The sustained habit of holding devices in a certain "claw-like" grip, often referred to as a "smartphone grip," has prompted discussions about the potential impact on hand musculature and dexterity over time.
image source: reddit.com
There's also so much more done these days with your hand in a claw shape - we don't mean you'll develop claws like a bird with evolution, we just mean hand shapes might change this way. Think how long you spend with your phone in your claw-shaped hand position!

43. You'll have a 'tech neck'

The prevalence of "text neck" or the habit of tilting the neck downward to view handheld devices for extended periods has raised concerns about the potential long-term effects on neck posture and musculoskeletal health. Repetitive tilting of the head forward to look at screens, especially smartphones, can exert strain on the neck muscles.
image source: reddit.com
Most of us already have this even now, so this doesn't bode well for the future. Humanity continues to tilt their neck done for very long periods of time to look at their phone instead of up around them, so over time this might become a permanent body change.

44. Elbows leaning to 90 degrees

The prevalence of desk-bound jobs and sedentary lifestyles has significantly influenced our body postures, including the positioning of our arms and elbows for extended periods. The 90-degree angle at the elbows, commonly observed during desk work or while driving, is a position that might exert prolonged stress.
image source: reddit.com
In the same vein, sitting at desks for jobs and pastimes are more and more common these days, which means your arms and elbows are pretty much permanently at the 90 degree position. Even when you're driving to and from your desk job, how are your elbows positioned? Yep.

45. A second eyelid to tackle screen time?

The potential for human adaptation in response to increased exposure to artificial light, particularly the blue light emitted by screens, is an intriguing area of speculation. Constant exposure to screens, especially before bedtime, has raised concerns about disruptions to circadian rhythms.
image source: reddit.com
This ones a bit freaky, but hey, needs must when it comes to the human body! Because we spend so much time on those screens we just mentioned, it's possible our bodies might adapt to better tackle those harmful blue light rays and the bright techy lights by producing a different set of eyelids!

46. Will obesity be on the rise?

The increasing prevalence of sedentary lifestyles due to technological advancements and changing work patterns has indeed contributed to concerns about rising obesity rates in many societies. Prolonged periods of sitting, coupled with reduced physical activity, can lead to a higher risk of weight gain.
image source: businessinsider.com
With all this sitting down on the couch on our phones or spending all day every day at a desk job, it's also likely that obesity will be on the rise even more than it is now in the future. Humans might just become more fat as a species if technology continues to provide everything we'd usually do by, you know... getting up.

47. The whole outer ear might be obsolete

The outer ear, often referred to as the auricle or pinna, indeed plays a role in capturing sound waves and guiding them towards the ear canal. Its unique shape helps in localizing sound and improving our ability to discern the direction from which sound is coming.
image source: reddit.com
When you actually think about it, what does the outer ear do? You might automatically just think of it as 'the ear', but hearing takes place inside and the outside is really just a type of amplifier that we don't necessarily need. So this could be a body part no longer really needed. Except if you need to wear glasses, of course. Speaking of...

48. Could bad eyesight be more of a thing?

The increased use of screens and prolonged exposure to digital devices have raised concerns about potential impacts on eyesight and vision health. Prolonged screen time can contribute to eye strain, dryness, and discomfort, which might lead to temporary vision issues.
image source: reddit.com
With so many of us squinting at screen after screen these days, and most of us being guilty of not giving our eyes a rest, could it be that eyesight is more naturally bad on humans than it is at the moment? Even with that second set of eyelids, it could still be the case.

49. The 'plica semilunaris' situation

The plica semilunaris is a small fold of tissue in the inner corner of the human eye. While it might not be as prominent in humans as in some other species, it's considered a vestigial structure—a remnant from evolutionary ancestors—that once served a more pronounced purpose in animals.
image source: reddit.com
We know what you're thinking: what the heck is that? The plica semilunaris is a sort of eyelid membrane that helps to keep the eye moist, and to help clean it. It's usually found on reptiles and birds in a more obvious way, but humans have it, too. But maybe not in the future!

50. The pyramidalis muscle

The pyramidalis muscle, located in the lower abdomen, is indeed an interesting anatomical feature. It's a slender, triangular muscle that runs vertically from the pubic bone to the linea alba—a fibrous band in the midline of the abdomen. This muscle varies in size and is absent in some individuals.
image source: reddit.com
This muscle, found in the lower abdomen, is shaped like - you guessed it - a pyramid! This triangle muscle is actually not present in some people, and the people who do have it don't really need it for, well, anything. So this could be another useless body part that's gradually faded out in the future.